The M+G+R Foundation

Relationships Between Comets and Earthquakes

Quotes from News Report (1)
[our highlights]

Back in 27 Oct 2009, the following news report was published:

An asteroid that exploded in the Earth's atmosphere with the energy of three Hiroshima bombs this month has reignited fears about our planet's defences against space impacts.

On 8 October, the rock crashed into the atmosphere above South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The blast was heard by monitoring stations 10,000 miles away, according to a report by scientists at the University of Western Ontario. The asteroid was around 20 meters across and hit the Earth'satmosphere at 45,000 mph

Scientists are concerned that it was not spotted by any telescopes, and that had it been larger it could have caused a disaster.

The asteroid, estimated to have been around 10 metres (30ft) across, hit the atmosphere at an estimated 45,000 mph. The sudden deceleration caused it to heat up rapidly and explode with the force of 50,000 tons of TNT.

Luckily, due to the height of the explosion – estimated at between 15 and 20 km (nine to 12 miles) above sea level – no damage was caused on the ground.

However, if the object had been slightly larger – 20 to 30 metres (60 to 30 ft) across – it could easily have caused extensive damage and loss of life, say researchers.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments

We find quite interesting the fact that we had not heard/seen/viewed anything about this event nineteen days after it had occurred. Through the courtesy of a collaborator in the Philippines we finally became aware of it.

We tried to find out what was the earthquake and tsunami situation on October 8, 2009, but could not find any news available. However, since we receive and file official government notices on all earthquake and tsunami events, we looked at the October 8 entries and found out that it was on that day that we received the most notifications from that part of the world.

What choices one has when faced with this astronomical Russian roulette situation? Place one's trust in our know-it-all scientists or trust in Almighty God?

miguel de Portugal, a scientist, made that decision 24 years before the above described event: In God we trust and all others must pay in cash - as the saying goes.

Why? As a scientist miguel is painfully aware of the incredible limitations of the scientists' knowledge and the great capacity to smoke-screen such limitation with many words and very few facts. As a gofer for God, miguel is absolutely sure of the limitless power and wisdom of God and His unlimited love for His children.

If God wants miguel to be vaporized by an asteroid or comet - so be it. God certainly knows what is best for miguel. If He doesn't want it to happen, not even a direct hit will hurt miguel and we have the Miracle at Hiroshima to confirm it.

There was a home eight blocks (about 1 kilometer) from where the A-Bomb went off in Hiroshima Japan. This home had a church attached to it which was completely destroyed, but the home survived, and so did the eight German Jesuit missionaries who prayed the rosary in that house faithfully every day. These men were missionaries to the Japanese people, they were non-military, but because Germany and Japan were allies during WWII they were permitted to live and minister within Japan during the war.

Not only did they all survive with (at most) relatively minor injuries, but they all lived well past that awful day with no radiation sickness, no loss of hearing, or any other visible long term defects or maladies. Naturally, they were interviewed numerous times (Fr. Schiffer, a survivor, said over 200 times) by scientists and health care people about their remarkable experience and they say "we believe that we survived because we were living the message of Fatima.

It really is that simple!

So, what will your choice be?

(1) Original News Source
(2) The full story

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