About the Warning and the Miracle announced in Garabandal
In Conclusion
The Response from Heaven
to the attempt to gain manipulative control worldwide
through Prophesied Supernatural Events
In Conclusion
The Response from Heaven
to the attempt to gain manipulative control worldwide
through Prophesied Supernatural Events
Originally published in August 2010
Reissued in February 2023
In August 2010, the following article was included as a second part (actually, a conclusion) within our document “The attempt to harness Prophesied Supernatural Events to gain Manipulative Control Worldwide” (1). Now we are making it available as a stand-alone document for easy of searching and reference.
What was unveiled through this article, which is as a conclusion to the first (“The attempt to harness...” ), reflects the response from Heaven since the Church Hierarchy remained in their never ending “state of prudence” fourteen years later. In a nutshell: The Warning, Miracle and Sign announced through Garabandal will not come to pass.
Please be advised that: The Warning (2), Miracle (3) and Sign conditionally announced at the time of the Garabandal phenomena (4) at San Sebastián de Garabandal, Spain, between 1961 and 1965 will not come to pass. The world is heading, without further ado, directly into the Chastisement, which was also conditionally announced in Garabandal and Akita (5), and which miguel de Portugal has independently confirmed several times since 1992.
Originally we did not intend to explain the theology regarding this notification any further, however, on September 30th, 2010, God allowed us to explain the reasoning behind this matter (6).
We encourage each and every one of you to act upon this information as it were the proverbial “Gospel Truth” – you have nothing to lose by heeding this advise, but much to lose if it is ignored.
This announcement should in no way —directly or indirectly— cast a doubt on the events of Garabandal which, without a doubt, were real and from Heaven. However, we all must remember that the Garabandal phenomena was not concluded when Mary revealed those dates, which were obviously conditional, and depended on how those who were entrusted with the Evangelization of His children acted (1).
The possibility of such events and their dates were revealed before Mary delivered Her concluding message in Garabandal. Such a sad message that She delivered it through the intervention of Michael the Archangel.
The Last Message (7) of Garabandal delivered on June 18th, 1965, follows:
As my message of October 18 has not be complied with and has not been made known to the
world, I am advising you that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is
flowing over.
Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist.
You should turn the wrath of God away from yourselves by your efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, your mother, through the intercession (intervention) of St. Michael the Archangel , ask you to amend your lives.
You are now receiving the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation. Pray to Us with sincerity and We will grant your requests. You should make more sacrifices. Think about the passion of Jesus.
Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist.
You should turn the wrath of God away from yourselves by your efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, your mother, through the intercession (intervention) of St. Michael the Archangel , ask you to amend your lives.
You are now receiving the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation. Pray to Us with sincerity and We will grant your requests. You should make more sacrifices. Think about the passion of Jesus.
Since Her...
“...message of October 18 has not be complied with and has not been made known to the world,
I am advising you that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is flowing
over [...] If you ask His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, your
mother, through the intercession (intervention) of St. Michael the Archangel , ask you to
amend your lives”
...it should be obvious that the conditional benefits God would have granted to humanity via the Warning, Miracle and Sign would be canceled unless we “...ask His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, your mother, through the intercession (intervention) of St. Michael the Archangel , ask you to amend your lives” since “Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is flowing over.”
This conditional status was confirmed by Her through Akita (5) eight years later on October 13, 1973:
“My dear daughter, listen well to what I have to say to you.
As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead.”
As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead.”
Obviously, the world is far worse now that it was in 1973. Therefore, since men did not repent and better themselves, the Father will indeed allow a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before.
Do not fall in the trap of false visionaries (8) which continue to lie to the faithful about what will happen —or not happen— for reasons only known to their manipulators since they, themselves, are incapable of comprehending those plans.
We suggest that the guidelines on “What to do?” that we published long ago (9) be taken out from the “Hope (it doesn’t happen) Chest” and followed, now.
With the above said – miguel de Portugal now makes St. Paul’s words his own:
I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of any of you. For I have not hesitated
to proclaim to you the whole will of God. Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which
the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. [Acts
(7) From the book “Garabandal - The Village Speaks” by Ramón Pérez, Third
Edition 1998 - ISBN 0-9604310-2-0 translated from the French version published on 1977 and
confirmed from the expanded Spanish version published on 1991 - ISBN 84-604-0778-0. The M+G+R
Foundation considers this book as the most comprehensive and reliable account of the events
associated with the apparitions of the Holy Virgin Mary at San Sebastián de Garabandal, thus it
is highly recommended.
Main Related Documents
1. The attempt to harness Prophesied
Supernatural Events to gain Manipulative Control Worldwide
2. About the Warning and Miracle announced in Garabandal - In Conclusion (this document)
3. Why will the world not have the benefit of the Warning and the Miracle?
2. About the Warning and Miracle announced in Garabandal - In Conclusion (this document)
3. Why will the world not have the benefit of the Warning and the Miracle?
Other Related Documents
The Warning conditionally announced in Garabandal - Interviews with
The Miracle conditionally announced in Garabandal - Interviews with Visionaries
The Chastisement announced through the Apparitions at Garabandal
The Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in San Sebastián de Garabandal, Spain, 1961-1965 - An Index
The Miracle conditionally announced in Garabandal - Interviews with Visionaries
The Chastisement announced through the Apparitions at Garabandal
The Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in San Sebastián de Garabandal, Spain, 1961-1965 - An Index
En Español: El Intento de Manipular Los Acontecimientos Sobrenaturales Profetizados
Originally published on August 19, 2010 as a note in related documents • Published as a stand-alone document on March 3, 2023
© Copyright 2010 - 2025 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you
may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as
to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No
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