The M+G+R Foundation

The Vatican Spokesman Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls

According to Himself

Joaquín Navarro-Valls, psychiatrist, the official spokesman for The Vatican


Following are key excerpts of an interview with Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls, Spokesman to H.H. John Paul II, conducted by John Tagliabue and published by the New York Times on June 29, 2002. The original article appeared at

The M+G+R Foundation has added commentaries where appropriate. In other cases we chose to leave the underlying message for the discernment of each reader. Those who have eyes to see, will see; others, even if we explained Dr. Navarro-Valls statements extensively, will not.

Annotated Excerpts of Interview

June 29, 2002
A Doctor-Spokesman Attends to Papal Image
By John Tagliabue

Nineteen years into his career as papal spokesman, Dr. Navarro-Valls, now 65, still has occasional headaches with the centuries-old papal bureaucracy, the Roman Curia.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: No one has had that much continuous and intimate influence in the Papacy since time immemorial. Sign of the times?

“The Roman Curia is, historically, a very old organization”, he said. “We are talking in terms of centuries. Its formal organization goes back to Sixtus V.” Sixtus was a 16th-century pontiff known as the “iron pope”, for creating the curial machinery essentially to crush the influence of cardinals and bishops.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: An example of Papal obstructionism. The Holy Spirit is indeed the infallible guide of the Church... the question is: Is anyone paying attention to such infallible guidance?

Dr. Navarro-Valls took up his work after a career as a physician and psychiatrist. Early on he saw religion, medicine and psychiatry as linked: religion would answer the questions that psychiatry could not. “I was fascinated at the time”, he said of himself as a young man, “by those big questions, about life and death, and what makes man happy.”

In his dealings with the press, Dr. Navarro-Valls acknowledges that he finds uses for his psychiatric training. But he struggles with the question of whether to follow the suggestion that the church should “use the media.”

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: At least he is honest about his ability to manipulate the media using his professional psychiatric training.

A medical doctor and professor of psychiatry at the universities of Barcelona and Granada in his native Spain,... He worked as a journalist until 1983, and just as he had decided to return to medicine, he received an invitation to lunch at the Vatican.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: An invitation to lunch from the Vatican... just like that... or is it that he had the perfect qualifications needed by the Opus Dei Masters to manipulate the Papacy?

It seems that Pope John Paul, then five years into his papacy, had heard praise of him from a number of people – some belonging to the secretive Catholic men’s society Opus Dei, which the doctor had joined in his early 20’s. Several months later, the pope invited Dr. Navarro-Valls to overhaul the Vatican press service.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: As we were saying above...

“My hobby became my profession”, he said, laughing. “And medicine became my hobby”.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: We fail to see the humor, and he will too at the end.

Dr. Navarro-Valls waved a copy of an unclassified cable relating to that conference – a message to the State Department from President Bill Clinton’s ambassador to the Holy See, Raymond L. Flynn. It described the irritation of some delegates over perceived Vatican obstructionism and manipulation, but added that the “skill and tenacity” of the Vatican’s diplomats “and the public affairs virtuosity of its chief spokesman —the Spaniard Joaquín Navarro-Valls, a close confidant of the pope— took many by surprise.”

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Pride – satan’s vehicle to the heart of men.

“I began from the question that arises in psychiatry of how the media in general, including advertising, influence human attitudes, both for better and for worse”, he said. In 1970, his first book, “Manipulation in Advertising”, appeared; three others have followed, on the media, education and the family.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: His first book: Manipulation in Advertising. How appropriate...

Talking of those years, he described a “pilgrimage” to the London house where Freud had lived.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Pilgrimage to Sigmund Freud’s house... the father of the sexual revolution and the amoral society in which we live today. How appropriate too...

He is still very much involved with Opus Dei, in which he now holds a senior rank that entails a commitment to celibacy.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Hell would freeze over before he would be allowed to quit Opus Dei even if he wanted to.

Early on, the pope, whom he sees daily, assured him of access to the Vatican bureaucracy. “He opened doors”, Dr. Navarro-Valls said. “Without his approach to the media, without the mentality of the pope, change would have been impossible.”

Getting information from the Vatican can still be laborious (though Dr. Navarro-Valls bridles at comparisons to Kremlin secretiveness).

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Bridles because it is true. Secretive and deceitful.

He is highly regarded by the Vatican press corps, whose members appreciate what he has achieved given the peculiarities imposed by Vatican constraints.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: The Stockholm syndrome... therefore, he plays them like a fiddle.

To this day, for example, the pope does not hold news conferences or grant interviews.

The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Which means, brothers and sisters, that it is only Dr. Joaquín Navarro Valls who speaks on behalf of H.H. John Paul II. Are you beginning to understand what has really been going on for years?

EPILOGUE – Original

As we have demonstrated in a number of articles (1), His Holiness John Paul II was not a free man. His “keeper” was an Opus Dei psychiatrist whose first book was entitled Manipulation in Advertising, and that was what he did with the Papacy for nineteen years.

Yes, H.H. John Paul II was indeed Mary’s Pope and because Her Maternal guidance and protection he did much in spite of his keepers.

Why did God allowed this to happen? We refer the reader to “The Trajectory of H.H. John Paul II” (2) – in there you should find the answer.

EPILOGUE – Added on May 2, 2005

On an extensive interview granted by Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls to his former employer the Spanish Daily ABC and published by said daily on Sunday, April 17th, 2005, pp 10-12 there are two statements which we find of interest enough to include them in this document.

When Dr. Navarro-Valls is asked: How was your journalistic inclination born?

Dr. Navarro-Valls answered: Although it may seem incredible, it was as a natural consequence of my psychiatric profession. I asked myself: “How do today’s media —press, radio, television, advertising— shape habits and emotional states of anxiety?”

When Dr. Navarro-Valls is asked: You have maintained very close contact with John Paul II. What single personality trait of his do you believe defined his personality/character?

Dr. Navarro-Valls answered: His sense of humor... I have been fortunate to be next to him day after day, in his apartment as well as traveling with him – including during his vacations. Many of the photographs that are in circulation where he can be seen in the country, in the latter part of his life, were taken by me.

It does not seem necessary for us to comment upon those remarks. May those who have Eyes will See (3) what they must.

(1) For example: A Papacy and a Church in Crisis
(2) On Defense of Pope John Paul II - His tragic trajectory
(3) Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

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En Español:  Joaquín Navarro-Valls, psiquiatra, el portavoz oficial del Vaticano - Extractos Comentados

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