The M+G+R Foundation

The attempt to harness Prophesied Supernatural Events

To gain Manipulative Control Worldwide

How the known dates were going to be used to manipulate the faithful

Originally written in 1996
Updated in August 2010
Reissued in February 2023

Important NOTE added on February 3, 2023  (1)

This document was initially issued as a letter on the Feast of Corpus Christi on June 6, 1996 to all U.S. Bishops and Cardinals as well as to key English-Speaking Bishops and Cardinals worldwide via regular postal service and not electronically.

As the Church Hierarchy remained in their never ending "state of prudence" fourteen years later, the response from Heaven was made clear in August 2010: The Warning, Miracle and Sign announced through Garabandal will not come to pass. You will better understand the reason for this by reading this document and, then, the two other related documents listed below.

As miguel de Portugal stated through this document...

God will not allow the use of the conditional information, originally granted to us by our Heavenly Mother, to harm the innocent and the truly faithful.

So it has been. First, it seemed that God was delaying the fulfillment of the Warning, the Miracle and the Sign. Then, in August 2010, it was confirmed that those events had been cancelled by God. (2)


As a backdrop to fully understand the purpose and the implications of this document, imagine the following scenario:

If a political, religious or business group wished to gain control of the masses in Portugal in 1917 (assuming, for the purpose of this illustration, the same impact the media now has on the populace of then), they would have prepared and manipulated the public (3) before the great Miracle of the Sun of October 13th occurred so that, overwhelmed in amazement, the masses would have done anything that such group/organization would have asked of them.

As you may probably know, the Warning and the Miracle announced through Garabandal in the early sixties were to be far more impressive and comprehensive than the referred to Miracle of the Sun. Imagine what politically and business oriented religious groups could achieve by so utilizing the knowledge regarding their dates.

This is what this document is all about.


The following information may read like a Fantasy, however, sometimes the Holy Scriptures read like a Fantasy, yet, it is not. By means of this document, prior documents, and with the Illumination of the Holy Spirit, the reader will be assisted to live the reality of These Times, until all which was written of Our Lord Jesus Christ is fulfilled in Time.

Through the events of San Sebastián de Garabandal (1961-1965) and those of early Medjugorje (1981 ~ 1983) (4) the world was notified that there was going to be:

(a) A major Warning;
(b) A major Miracle; and
(c) A major Sign left on earth as a reminder from God.

Without debating the validity of such Supernatural Manifestations, try to view them as a "Virtual Reality" within the framework of the information we published in Secrets From the Sacred Scriptures Unfold as We Understand Their Relationship With Heavenly Messages (5) and The Deception of One Universal Religion (6). Then, as you review the following information, the assumed "Virtual Reality" will begin to transform itself into "Actual Reality".


It is well documented that certain visionaries of Garabandal were given dates relating to some of these supernatural events and other key events. More concretely:

(a) The exact date and time of the Great Miracle;
(b) The year of the Warning;
(c) The fact that the Warning and the Great Miracle will take place within a twelve month period;
(d) The third Pope elected after the death of H.H. John XXIII would be the last Pope. (7)

Some of the Garabandal visionaries were also informed that the Great Miracle was to coincide with a great and joyful event in the Roman Catholic Church. An event which is described by one of the visionaries as very infrequent in the Roman Catholic Church. (8)

It is also a well documented fact that the date of the Miracle was revealed to Cardinal Ottaviani and to His Holiness Paul VI by Conchita González. These gentlemen were also in possession of what was then considered the full third part of the Secret of Fatima. (9)

It is certainly within the realm of reality and logic that the group who has gained essential control of The Vatican, and has woven itself within the fabric of the Church worldwide, also knows that information, such as the year originally given for the Warning.

Thus, those individuals/groups, who have already been properly identified through the above references, know at least:

(a) The originally prophesied date for the manifestation of the Miracle.
(b) The originally year of the Warning [precedes the Miracle by no more than of 12 months].
(c) That a great and joyful event of the Catholic Church will coincide with the Miracle.
(d) That H.H. John Paul II was indeed the last Pope.

With the possession of such information, said group could easily orchestrate their activities to be able to ride in the coattails of the Supernatural events and thus, gain absolute control of the Roman Catholic Church and, through the Roman Catholic Church, the world.

The one flaw in their overall logic is overlooking that God is indeed God; that God is the Master of Creation; and that he, who would not serve, the very one who will dare to attempt to take the place of God on Earth, satan, has to serve God.

Therefore, know that God will not allow the use of the conditional information, originally granted to us by our Heavenly Mother, to harm the innocent and the truly faithful. (10)

Although it has been our responsibility, as an instrument of God, to expose one scheme after another, it is also our responsibility to exhort one and all to pray for our enemies and our persecutors. (11) It is our duty and the Will of God.

We are all children of God and of our Heavenly Mother and we must assist most diligently those members of the Elect who have fallen in error. The intensity of our intercessions on their behalf (12) must be in geometric proportion to the severity of their deviation from the Truth.

This stance, however, should not be viewed as a passive attitude. As long as God Is, and His servant miguel de Portugal has not been called back Home, our enemies will only be allowed to inflict the damage which will fulfill the Scriptures while minimizing the suffering and misery of humanity.

Letter originally signed by: miguel de Portugal

CONCLUSION  (added to the publised letter on August 2010)

About the Warning and Miracle announced in Garabandal - In Conclusion

The Response from Heaven to the attempt to gain manipulative control worldwide through Prophesied Supernatural Events

(1) Note added on February 3, 2013 by Ricardo de Valencia; composed from parts and information miguel de Portugal wrote in this and related documents.

(2) See the second part of this document, "About the Warning and Miracle announced in Garabandal - In Conclusion". If at all, said events may have been fulfilled in a symbolic way, but it is not our intent, now or through these documents, to explain this possibility.

(3) A capability they recently demonstrated.

(4) Regarding the Secrets of Medjugorje and the Prophecies of Garabandal:

The Warning (Garabandal) - Which could be the First Secret (Medjugorje). An Astral / Psycho / Spiritual / Cataclysmic event.
The Miracle (Garabandal) - Which could be the Second Secret (Medjugorje).
The Sign (Garabandal) - Which could be the Third Secret (Medjugorje) [Will take place Immediately after the Miracle].

It is interesting to note that the two major apparitions in which Heaven advises us of an impending Chastisement, of a Miracle and of a Sign are that of San Sebastian de Garabandal and Medjugorje which are at the exact geophysical parallel coordinate.

From the measurements taken off the maps we can note that San Sebastian de Garabandal appears to be at Parallel: 43° 12.065' North Medjugorje appears to be at Parallel: 43° 13.670' North. Being the Equator the point of reference at : 0° 0.000'

The apparent discrepancy in the measurements translates to an actual difference of only 2,958 meters.

This discrepancy is negligible considering that, in the map used to establish the coordinates of Medjugorje, 2,958 meters is equivalent to a measurement error of 0.0845 cm.

(5) Secrets From the Sacred Scriptures Unfold as We Understand Their Relationship With Heavenly Messages

(6) The Deception of One Universal Religion

(7) Coherent with all other information, Biblical or by means of Apparitions or locutions:

+ Before the Second Coming of Our Lord the antiChrist/False Christ (12) will be identified;
+ Before that takes place the last legitimate Vicar of Christ - John Paul II - must no longer be occupying the Chair of St. Peter;
+ After the Second Coming of Christ a Pope, as we know it, is no longer necessary.

(8) The Virgin Mary, Co-Redemptrix

Since the role of the Virgin Mary as Co-Redemptrix should have been officially declared by the Roman Catholic Church, it would be reasonable to expect that such a great and joyful event might be the pronunciation of such Dogma. With last Pope having passed on, miguel de Portugal did and announced it through the publication The Importance of Mary on January 23, 2005

(9) The third part of the Secret of Fatima.

(10) A situation similar than that portrayed in 1Kings 22:9-28

(11) Pray for our enemies and our persecutors.

(12) Our intercessions on their behalf - Results

Main Related Documents

1. The attempt to harness Prophesied Supernatural Events to gain Manipulative Control Worldwide (this document)

2. About the Warning and Miracle announced in Garabandal - In Conclusion

3. Why will the world not have the benefit of the Warning and the Miracle?

Other Related Documents

A Papacy Crisis: A Church Crisis

Sequence of Events Leading to the End of These Times

The Warning conditionally announced in Garabandal - Interviews with Visionaries

The Miracle conditionally announced in Garabandal - Interviews with Visionaries

The Chastisement announced through the Apparitions at Garabandal

The Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in San Sebastián de Garabandal, Spain, 1961-1965 - An Index

En Español:  El Intento de Manipular Los Acontecimientos Sobrenaturales Profetizados

Originally issued via regular mail on June 6, 1996, Feast of Corpus Christi, to all U.S. Bishops and Cardinals as well as to key English-Speaking Bishops and Cardinals worldwide. From Texas, U.S.A.  •  Updated with new information as well as new links on August 19, 2010  •  Reissued on March 3, 2023. The second part that was added on August, 2010, has been separated to an independient document

The Seal of St. Michael the Archangel © Copyright 2000 - 2025 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.

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