The Miracle
Interviews with The Seers
Originally published in a 1990 Special Edition by
The Workers of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Interviews with The Seers
Originally published in a 1990 Special Edition by
The Workers of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Important NOTE Added on August 19, 2010
Please be advised that: The Warning, Miracle and Sign conditionally announced at the time of the Garabandal phenomena (1) at San Sebastián de Garabandal, Spain, between 1961 and 1965 will not come to pass.
The world is heading, without further ado, directly into the Chastisement, which was also conditionally announced in Garabandal and Akita (2), and which we have independently confirmed several times since 1992.
Originally we did not intend to explain the theology regarding this notification any further, however, on September 30th, 2010, God allowed us to explain the reasoning behind this matter (3).
We encourage each and every one of you to act upon this information as it were the proverbial "Gospel Truth" - you have nothing to lose by heeding this advise, but much to lose if it is ignored.
This announcement should in no way - directly or indirectly - cast a doubt on the events of Garabandal which, without a doubt, were real and from Heaven. However, we all must remember that the Garabandal phenomena was not concluded when Mary revealed those dates, which were obviously conditional, and depended on how those who were entrusted with the Evangelization of His children acted (4).
We suggest that the guidelines on "What to do?" that we published long ago (5) be taken out from the "Hope (it doesn't happen) Chest" and followed, now.
With the above said - miguel de Portugal now makes St. Paul's words his own:
Please be advised that: The Warning, Miracle and Sign conditionally announced at the time of the Garabandal phenomena (1) at San Sebastián de Garabandal, Spain, between 1961 and 1965 will not come to pass.
The world is heading, without further ado, directly into the Chastisement, which was also conditionally announced in Garabandal and Akita (2), and which we have independently confirmed several times since 1992.
Originally we did not intend to explain the theology regarding this notification any further, however, on September 30th, 2010, God allowed us to explain the reasoning behind this matter (3).
We encourage each and every one of you to act upon this information as it were the proverbial "Gospel Truth" - you have nothing to lose by heeding this advise, but much to lose if it is ignored.
This announcement should in no way - directly or indirectly - cast a doubt on the events of Garabandal which, without a doubt, were real and from Heaven. However, we all must remember that the Garabandal phenomena was not concluded when Mary revealed those dates, which were obviously conditional, and depended on how those who were entrusted with the Evangelization of His children acted (4).
We suggest that the guidelines on "What to do?" that we published long ago (5) be taken out from the "Hope (it doesn't happen) Chest" and followed, now.
With the above said - miguel de Portugal now makes St. Paul's words his own:
I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of any of you. For I have not hesitated
to proclaim to you the whole will of God. Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which
the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. [Acts 20:26-28]
(1) Garabandal
(2) Akita
(3) On September 30th, 2010, God has allowed us to
explain the reasoning behind this
Since the apparitions of Garabandal ended in 1965, visionaries Conchita, Mari Loli and Jacinta have, from time to time, granted interviews in which they have revealed what they remember and are able to say about the coming worldwide Warning and great Miracle. In each of these interviews, although the same questions are frequently asked about the two events, it often happens that new or supportive information, or a different perspective comes to light. With this in mind, and in an attempt to get the most complete picture on the basis of what is known about the Warning and Miracle, we have consolidated all the interviews to which we have access, avoiding, of course, unnecessary repetition. What follows is the result of the research conducted by the Garabandal staff with the segments from the various interviews given in chronological order.
February, 1977 (D)(*)
February, 1977 (D)(*)
(*) All references may be found at the end of this document.
Jacinta was never told about the Miracle by the Blessed Virgin. She said that whenever she questioned Our Lady about the Miracle, The Virgin simply replied, "Everyone will believe."
Mari Loli
February, l977 (D)
February, l977 (D)
Q. Were you told about the Miracle in an apparition, and if so, by whom?
A. The most Holy Virgin told me.
Q. What do you know about the Miracle?
A. All I know is that it will take place within a year after the Warning.
Q. Will you and your family go to Garabandal for the Miracle?
A. If it is God's will.
1973 (C)
1973 (C)
Q. What is going to happen on that day (of the Miracle)?
A. I will tell you all that I can just as the Virgin told it to me. She told me that God was going to perform a great Miracle and that there would be no doubt about the fact that it was a miracle. It will come directly from God with no human intervention. A day will come-and she told me the day, the month and the year so I know the exact date.
Q. When is that day?
A. It is coming soon but I can't reveal it until eight days before the date.
Q. What exactly is going to happen on that day?
A. I am not permitted to say exactly what is going to happen. What I can reveal is that the Virgin said that everyone who would be there (in Garabandal) on that day would see it. The sick who are there will be cured no matter what their disease or religion. However, they have to be there.
Q. On the day of the Miracle, did you say that those present would be converted?
A. The virgin said that everyone present would believe. They would see that this was coming directly from God. All sinners present would be converted. She also said that you would be able to take pictures and televise it. Also, from that moment on there would be a permanent sign at the pines that everyone will be able to see and touch but not feel. I can't explain it.
Q. On the day of the Miracle there will be an extraordinary sign not made by human hands?
A. Yes. And this sign will remain until the end of time.
Q. Did you say that this sign could be televised and photographed but not felt by touching?
A. It will be like smoke. You can touch it but not feel it.
Q. With respect to the sick people. The virgin mentioned one particular person, a blind man called Joe Lomangino, what did she say about him?
A. She said that on the day of the great Miracle he will recover his sight. She also talked about a paralytic boy whose parents came from my town (Garabandal). This boy will also be cured. these are the only two people she mentioned.
Q. Can you tell us something about Fr. Luis Andreu?
A. Yes. This priest came frequently to the village to see if the apparitions were real or not. After a while he believed in them. Once, while we were in ecstasy at the pines, he began to shout, "Miracle, miracle, miracle." When this happened the Virgin said, "At this moment the priest is seeing me and the Miracle that will occur."
Q. Fr. Luis was actually seeing the Miracle?
A. Yes. That same day on his trip back home he said to his friends, "This is the happiest day of my life. What a great mother we have in heaven. The apparitions are true. " As he said these words he died.
Q. Didn't the Virgin say that something would occur on the day of the Miracle concerning Fr. Andreu?
A. Yes, she said that on the day of the Miracle his body would be found incorrupt.
February 7, 1974 (L)
Q. Will you take the baby * to the Miracle.
( * Conchita was expecting her first child when this interview was conducted and gave birth to little Conchita (Conchitina) the following April. )
A. I don't even know if I'm going. (Asked to expand on her answer, Conchita said): Surely I want to go, but I don't know if circumstances will permit. It is not necessary (for the occurrence of the Miracle) that I be there.
Q. You have said that the Miracle of Garabandal will coincide with a great event within the Church. Did Our Lady tell you what that event will be, and can you add anything to what you have already said about this matter?
A. Yes, I know what the event is. It is a singular event in the church that happens very rarely, and has never happened in my lifetime. It is not new or stupendous, only rare, like a definition of a dogma- something like that in that it will affect the entire church. It will happen on the same day as the Miracle, but not as a consequence of the Miracle, only coincidentally.
Q. How will you announce the Miracle?
A. I don't know exactly. Most definitely at midnight (eight days before the Miracle) I will call Joey (Lomangino), radio, television, and anyone else in the world that I feel can help to spread the world rapidly. I am not worried. I know that if the Blessed Mother wants you there, you will be there.
Q. Joey has said he will go to Garabandal immediately after the Warning. do you know how much time will pass between the Warning and the Miracle?
A. For Joey to go to Garabandal is a good idea, but I don't know how long will pass between the Warning and the Miracle.
Q. Do you think of the day of the Miracle often, and are you anxious for the Warning and the Miracle to come?
A. Sometimes I think of it as so imminent, sometimes far away. It seems so near when I think that people are not answering the Message, because after the Miracle there may come the punishment. I am anxious, yes. I wait. The blessed Mother never lies. For the words of the Blessed Mother to be complete, there must be the Warning and the Miracle. It is all one message.
Q. During the two occasions that Our Lady spoke to you about Joey, did she say anything in addition to the prophecy about his eyes?
A. Concerning Joey, the only thing I remember now is that the Blessed virgin said to me that at the moment of the Miracle Joey will have new eyes, and he will see permanently after that.
February, 1977(D)
Q. Did you 'see' the Miracle or were you told about it?
A. The Virgin told me of it and made me understand exactly what it will be
Q. Were you alone or with the other girls when Our Lady told you about the Miracle?
A. I don't remember. *
( * Ed. note: According to the notes of Fr. Valentin Marichalar, pastor of Garabandal during the time of the events, Conchita was alone when she received this communication. )
Q. What will the Miracle be like?
A. Even if I would try to explain it, I wouldn't be able to do it well. It is better that you wait and see it.
Q. Would you please restate the information covering the span of months during which we may expect the Miracle?
A. March to May.
Q. It is said by some people that the way you will announce the Miracle will be a "miracle" in itself. Can you explain this?
A. I believe that the way in which it will be said will be another miracle because it is a very great responsibility for me and I will need a miracle to say it.
Q. If I am situated far from the village in the mountains, but I am able to see the pines, will I see the Miracle clearly? If I am sick will I be cured at that distance?
A. You will be able to witness the Miracle clearly, and if God wills it you will be cured.
Q. Some people have said that in other places in the United States and Europe people could visit Marian shrines and be cured on that day. What do you know about this?
A. The Virgin didn't tell us anything about this.
Q. Will those who are firm believers in the coming Miracle but are unable to attend because of their state in life, for example, cloistered priests and religious, receive any special graces on that day?
A. I don't know, personally. It depends on these people; of their wishes, or their faith, or their sacrifice or their obedience.
Q. Did Our Lady ever say anything about the vast sea of people who plan on being in Garabandal several days beforehand? Many are concerned as to how they will manage for their food and toilet facilities. do you have any comment?
A. Leave that in God's hands. Do what you can and for the rest remember, "God performs miracles.'
(A) Our Lady Comes to Garabandal by Joseph A. Pelletier, A. A., pp. 149-150
(B) Our Lady Comes to Garabandal, pp. 149-150
(C) Garabandal, January-March 1983
(D) Needles, July-September 1977 (reprinted in Garabandal, January-March 1980)
(E) Garabandal, January-March 1984
(F) Needles, Autumn 1975
(G) The Call of Garabandal, April-June 1984
(H) Garabandal, January-March and April-June 1983
(I) Needles, winter 1976
(J) Garabandal, July-September 1982
(K) Garabandal, July-September 1983
(L) Needles, Spring 1974.
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