The M+G+R Foundation

The Attempt to Establish a New World Order

The Final Details

INTRODUCTION  (Added on January 26, 2019)

We have just published a new document...

Regarding the One/New World/International Order and The One/Universal Religion, there is nothing else we can do to further alert the world about them

The purpose of this newly released document is to provide the religious and lay world with the concrete outline of those plans. An outline which dates back to March 20th, 1969.

No longer the decay of the world can be blamed on random events or ‘naturally occurring progress’. It is the conspiracy that we have been denouncing on-line for over twenty-five years and many chose not to believe.

We encourage each and everyone of you to read it as well as the key link wherein you will find every abominable confirmation of the plans.

However, know that the full establishment of a New World Order (NWO henceforth) and One World Religion (OWR henceforth) will never come to pass, even though the architects of such political-religious structures continue their futile efforts in achieving them.


The original document (1) was published in the Spring of 1993. It has been updated to reflect the effect of humanity’s responses to actions taken by God in an effort to minimize the Elect’s suffering while Divine Justice is dispensed and Prophecy is fulfilled.

As we announced years ago, God shortened the lengthy period of tribulations by delaying until 2008 the events that were to commence in 1998. Gorbachev, without realizing it, pointed it out back in 2001 (2). miguel de Portugal had known of the delay since May 1997; however, at that time he was not aware of the length of the period granted.

Humanity has utilized this period of Divine Grace to pervert itself further, instead of turning back to God. The acceleration of the perversion has been such that unless God shortened the time [Matthew 24:22] even the Elect (3) would be lost.

In the meantime, God is symbolically fulfilling (4) many of the Prophesied events announced in our original Sequence of Events (5), originally published in 1992. A typical one seems to have been the September 11, 2001, events, which could have taken the place of the literal fulfillment of Step No. 2 of the Sequence of Events.

In August 19, 2010, at the prompting from God, we published another announcement (6) which had, at its core, the following information:

Please be advised that: The Warning, Miracle and Sign announced at the time of the Garabandal phenomena (7) at San Sebastián de Garabandal, Spain, between 1961 and 1965 may not come to pass in the manner in which they were announced then.

There is a very real possibility that the world is heading, without further ado,
directly into the Chastisement (8), which was announced in Garabandal and Akita (9), and which we have independently confirmed several times since 1992.

Over the years we have issued NOTES (10) in an attempt to help our readership to understand all that was taking place in the world – specifically, the continuing changes on the “chess board” of the world as God acted – then man reacted – then God acted again – then man reacted again – then... etc.

Remember that we have referred to this situation in the past as a three-dimensional chess game plus one additional dimension – time.


Given the fact that the world is heading directly into the Chastisement (8), many of the prophecies announced in the Sequence of Events (4) are being fulfilled in a symbolic manner except as noted in said document (4).

Regarding the literal fulfillment of Step No. 10, which will be for a very, very brief period...

Step No. 10 [The period of the False Christ starts at this point]

The great tribulation [Luke 21:8; 12-19; Matthew 24:22-26; Mark 13:15-22; Revelations 13:8-10, 19:11-19; 2Thessalonians 2:3-4, 8-12]

When it appears that, once again, all is lost for the disciples of the true Christ, then...

...the world will pass through Steps No. 11 through 17, which will not be symbolic.

Step No. 11 [This Step heralds the end of the False Christ.]

The darkening of the Sun, the Moon, etc. will now take place. The Heavens will be in an upheaval. [Luke 21:11, 25-26; Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24-25; Joel 3:15]

Step No. 12

The Sign of Jesus, The Nazarene, the Son of Man, will appear in the sky. [Matthew 24:30]

Step No. 13

All the tribes (not speaking of Jewish tribes, but of all nations of the earth) will lament not having paid attention before. [Joel 3:16, Matthew 24:30, 23:39, John 19:37, Revelations 1:7]

Step No. 14

Jesus will come in Glory with His angels to gather the Elect. [Joel 3:16; Luke 17:30-36; 21:27; Matthew 23:39; 24:30-31; Mark 13:26-27]

Please remember for your own sake: The angels told the group of disciples watching Jesus ascend that He would return in the same way (the same manner). Make no mistake, the true Christ will return by descending from Heaven amidst unimaginable glory. Unfortunately, technological advances have make possible to falsify such scenario before the true one takes place. Therefore, unless one has the Holy Spirit of God in his/her heart serving as a Divine GPS, the fatal mistake will be made.

Step No. 15

Time for the Seventh Trumpet. [Revelations 11:15-19]

Step No. 16

The conclusion of the Chastisement (8) and final purification. [Revelations 11:19, 20:1-3, 21:8; Ezekiel 36:22, 32]

Step No. 17

The return of the Elect to the New Creation. Thus, the fulfillment of the New Covenant as prophesied by Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. [Jeremiah 31:33-34; Ezekiel 36:26-31; Daniel 9:24, 12:12; Joel 3:17-18; Revelations 21:1-7, 9-27]

...and this will not be symbolic.

(1) Original Document
(2) Gorbachev denounces delay of One World Order
(3) The Selection of the Elect
(4) The Updated Sequence
(5) Original Sequence of Events
(6) An Announcement
(7) Garabandal
(8) This may be one way that it could be manifested
(9) Akita
(10) NOTES

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En Español:  El Intento de Establecer de Un Nuevo Orden Mundial - Los detalles finales

Em Português:  A Tentativa de Estabelecer uma Nova Ordem Mundial - Os Detalhes Finais

The original document was initially issued only for Worldwide Ecclesiastical Distribution on the Spring of 1993 from Fátima, Portugal • Simplified and posted on-line on the Fall of 2000 • Updated on May 19, 2013 - Feast of Pentecost • Clarified further on May 4, 2014, on October 28, 2018 and on April 13th, 2019

The Seal of St. Michael the Archangel © Copyright 2000 - 2025 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.

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