The M+G+R Foundation

Marian Feast Days


Jewish, Christian and Muslim (*)

Religious Days of Note

For Calendar Year 2009


1st Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God

3rd Most Holy Name of Jesus

6th Epiphany of The Lord

7th Ashura (recalls an event circa 680-OCT-20 CE in Iraq when an army of the Umayyad regime martyred a group of 70 individuals who refused to submit to the Caliph. One of the martyrs was Imam Husain, the youngest grandson of Prophet Muhammad.) (*)

23rd [Mary's Wedding] (**)

25th Conversion of St. Paul

31st St. John Bosco

(*) All Muslim religious Holy Days are dependent on Lunar cycles thus are different every year. For more details on Special Muslim Days find the link at end of this Document.
(**) [ ] Denotes Feast Days which do not appear in the most current Vatican Roman Missal


2nd Presentation of The Lord (Candlemas)

11th Our Lady of Lourdes

20th [Our Lady of Tears]

22nd Chair of Peter

24th Discovery of the Head of John the Baptizer (Celebrated by the Orthodox Church)

25th Ash Wednesday


9th Mawlid al-Nabi Mawlid al-Nabi (A Muslim celebration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam in 570 CE. Sunni Muslims observed it on the 12th of the lunar month of Rabi'-ul-Awwal in the Islamic calendar. Shi'a Muslims celebrate it five days later.)

10th Feast of Purim (Defeat of plot to destroy the Jews of Persia)

19th Feast of St. Joseph - Husband of Mary

25th Annunciation to Mary by Gabriel the Archangel


3rd Feast of the Seven Sorrows of Mary (Friday before Palm Sunday)

5th Palm Sunday

9th Last Supper and Begin Pesach [Night of Passover]

10th Holy Friday

11th Holy Saturday

12th Easter Sunday

16th End of Pesach

19th Mercy Sunday

26th Mary, Mother of Good Counsel


1st St. Joseph, Worker

8th [Mary, Mediatrix of all Graces]

13th [Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament + First Apparition of Our Lady at Fatima]

21st Ascension of Our Lord plus [Mary, Mother of Light ]

23rd Mary, Queen of the Apostles (Saturday during the Octave following Ascension Day)

24th [Mary, Help of Christians + Mary of the Path]

29th First day of Shavout - (Feast of Weeks)

31st Feast of Pentecost and Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (used to be on July 2nd) + [Mary, Queen of all Saints + Our Lady of the Most Holy Mountain + Mary, Mother of Wonderful Love]


7th Trinity Sunday

9th [Mary, Mother of Grace]

11th Feast of Corpus Christi [Celebrated in certain areas on the 14th and not on the 11th]

13th St. Anthony of Lisbon (Padua)

19th Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Friday after the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost)

20th Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary [Saturday after Sacred Heart of Jesus]

24th Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist

27th [Mary of Perpetual Help]

29th Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul

30th First Martyrs of the Roman Church


3rd St. Thomas - Apostle

4th St. Elizabeth (Queen) of Portugal plus U.S. Celebration of Independence Day

5th [Feast of the Seven Joys of Mary]

9th Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá (patroness of Colombia) plus [Mary, Miraculous Mother]

11th St. Benedict - Patron of Europe

13th [Mary, Mystical Rose (Rosa Mystica)] plus Revelation of the Secret of Fátima

16th Our Lady of Mount Carmel + Scapular Feast Day

17th [Feast of Mary's Humility]

22nd St. Mary Magdalene

25th Mary, Mother of Mercy (Saturday before 4th Sunday of July)

26th Saints Anne and Joachim - Grandparents of Jesus

28th Mary, Queen of Peace


2nd [Mary of the Angels]

5th Feast of Our Lady of Snows - Dedication of St. Mary Major Basilica - Rome

6th Transfiguration of Our Lord (and Anniversary of the Nuclear Devastation in Hiroshima, Japan)

13th [Mary, Refuge of Sinners]

15th Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

22nd The Queenship of Mary and Ramadan (The holiest period in the Islamic year. This was the month in which the Qura'n was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is a time at which almost all Muslims over the age of 12 are expected to fast from sunup to sundown.)

29th Martyrdom of John the Baptist and Mary, Health of the Sick (Saturday before last Sunday in August)

30th Mary, Comfort of the Afflicted (Sunday after August 28th - Feast of St. Augustine)


3rd [Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd]

8th The Birthday of Our Lady

11th Our Lady of Coromoto (patroness of Venezuela)

12th [The Holy Name of Mary]

14th The Triumph of the Cross (A date of even greater eschatological importance in the future.)

15th Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

19th Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year 5770)

21st Id al-Fitr (The day after the end of Ramadan. A time of rejoicing. Houses are decorated; Muslims buy gifts for relatives.)

23rd Conception of John the Baptist (Celebrated by the Orthodox Church)

24th Our Lady of Ransom

27th [Mary, Protector of Orphans]

28th Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement)

29th Archangels Michael, Gabriel & Raphael


1st Feast of the Veil of Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos (Celebrated by the Orthodox Church) 2nd Guardian Angels and First Friday of the Month

3rd First Day of Sokkot - (Feast of Tabernacles) and First Saturday of the Month

5th Traditional Catholic Church Day of Thanksgiving

7th Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

9th Traditional Catholic Church Day of Penance (Friday following Traditional Day of Thanksgiving)

10th Shemini Atzeret - (Jewish Eighth Day of Solemn Assembly)

11th [Feast of the Motherhood of Mary] and Simchat Torah - (Jewish Rejoicing of the Law)

12th Our Lady of the Pilar (Saragossa)

13th Miracle at Fátima

15th St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila)

16th [Feast of Mary's Purity]

20th [Mary, Wonderful Mother]

25th [Mary, Mother of the Dying] (4th Sunday in October)

28th Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles


1st All Saints Day 2nd All Souls Day

6th First Friday of the Month
7th [Our Lady of All Graces] (1st Saturday after All Saints Day) and First Saturday of the Month

8th [Feast of Mary, Our Shelter]

9th Dedication of Basilica of St. John of Lateran

14th [Mary, Mother of Divine Providence] (Saturday before 3rd Sunday in November)

18th Consecration of the two Basilicas honoring St. Peter and St. Paul

21st Mary's Presentation

22nd Christ the King

26th Thanksgiving Day in the U.S

27th [Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Paris)]

28th Id al-Adha - Feast of Sacrifice or Day of Sacrifice. (It recalls the day when Abraham intended to follow the instructions of God, and sacrifice his son Ishmael.)

29th First Sunday of Advent


8th Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady

4th First Friday of the Month 5th First Saturday of the Month

10th [Our Lady of Loretto]

12th Our Lady of Guadalupe (Patroness of the Americas) and First Day of Chanukah - (Beginning of Festival of Lights)

18th [Mary's Expectation] and Al-Hijra/Muharram is the Muslim New Year 1431 (The beginning of the first lunar month.)

19th Feast of Chanukah - (End of Festival of Lights)

25th Christmas Day

26th St. Stephen - First Martyr

27th Feast of the Holy Family and St. John, Apostle and Evangelist and Ashura

28th Feast of the Holy Innocents

31st Last Day of the Year 2008 plus Silvester I, Pope (1st Pope after the deliverance of Catholic Church to Emperor Constantine)

More details on Jewish Religious Dates
More details on Muslim Religious Dates

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