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False Dawn - The book - by Lee Penn

Works Cited

11. Papal encyclicals and other Vatican documents, in chronological order

Pius IX, Quanta Cura (On Current Errors), 1864 Available on-line at the EWTN web site:
Leo XIII, Diuturnum Ilud, (On Government Authority), 1881 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Leo XIII, Humanum Genus (On Freemasonry and Naturalism), 1884 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Leo XIII, Libertas Praestantissimum (On Human Liberty), 1888 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Pius X, E Supremi (Encyclical on the Restoration of All Things in Christ), 1903 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Pius X, Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Encyclical on the Doctrines of the Modernists), 1907 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique (Our Apostolic Mandate), encyclical of 1910 Available at this Catholic web site:
Pius XI, Miserentissimus Redemptor (Encyclical on Reparation to the Sacred Heart), 1928 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Pius XI, Mit Brennender Sorge, (Encyclical on the Church and the German Reich), 1937 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Pius XII, Summi Pontificatus (Encyclical on the Unity of Human Society), 1939 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Pius XII, Evangelii Praecones (Encyclical on Promotion of Catholic Missions), 1951 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Austin Flannery, O.P., General Editor, Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents, 1992 rev. ed., Costello Publishing Company, Northpoint, New York (includes Humanae Personae Dignitatem, Dignitatis Humanae, Lumen Gentium, Nostra Aetate, and Unitatis Redintegratio)
Paul VI, Ecclesiam Suam (Encyclical on the Church), 1964 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (On Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone), 1994 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
John Paul II, Tertio Millennio Adveniente: Apostolic Letter to the Bishops, Clergy, and Lay Faithful On Preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000, 1994 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, ed. Vittorio Messori, A. A. Knopf, 1995
John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae (On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life), 1995 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
John Paul II, Ut Unum Sint (Encyclical On Commitment to Ecumenism), 1995 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah, 1998 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Dominus Iesus: On the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and the Church, 2000 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte: Apostolic Letter To the Bishops, Clergy, and Lay Faithful at the Close of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, 2001 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:
Pontifical Council For Culture and Pontifical Council For Interreligious Dialogue, Jesus Christ The Bearer Of The Water Of Life: A Christian reflection on the "New Age," 2003 Available on-line at the Vatican web site:

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False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for a One-World Religion, by Lee Penn

The United Religions Initiative,
Globalism, and the Quest for
a One-World Religion
by Lee Penn

False Dawn © 2005 Lee Penn
Website © 2018 Lee Penn