Preventing Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
It seems to be all relative... oil reserves or to the power of the holder of the WMD's. oil reserves or to the power of the holder of the WMD's.
NOTE added on April 30, 2003
On April 20, 2003, The Washington Post published a report on how the head scientist of the former South African Apartheid government travels the world selling the product of his past research: Population Management and Control through State Sponsored Biological Terrorism.
On the following day, the Washington Post published a follow-up report on the same subject matter. The information contained in the Second Part of the article was as disturbing as that published in the First Part.
A condensed version of this article appeared in the April 21, 2003, issue of Australia's The Age.
As a tribute to all who have died in the US led invasion of Iraq and to the people who seek the truth, we have chosen to call the world attention's to the fact that:
What makes this re-publication most compelling is that the White House had to be aware of this selling campaign of biological Weapons of Mass Destruction since Washington was one of the stops of the South African "Traveling Salesman".
Brothers and Sisters, at this time we deem it most appropriate to bring up the question: "Exactly what is going on in President Bush's Administration?"
May the Holy Spirit of God guide the reader in reaching the appropriate conclusion(s).
On April 20, 2003, The Washington Post published a report on how the head scientist of the former South African Apartheid government travels the world selling the product of his past research: Population Management and Control through State Sponsored Biological Terrorism.
On the following day, the Washington Post published a follow-up report on the same subject matter. The information contained in the Second Part of the article was as disturbing as that published in the First Part.
A condensed version of this article appeared in the April 21, 2003, issue of Australia's The Age.
As a tribute to all who have died in the US led invasion of Iraq and to the people who seek the truth, we have chosen to call the world attention's to the fact that:
The threat Saddam Hussein presented to the world, as the result of his alleged possession of
biological and chemical WMD's, is of no consequence when compared with the South African
Traveling Salesman of biological WMD's.
What makes this re-publication most compelling is that the White House had to be aware of this selling campaign of biological Weapons of Mass Destruction since Washington was one of the stops of the South African "Traveling Salesman".
Brothers and Sisters, at this time we deem it most appropriate to bring up the question: "Exactly what is going on in President Bush's Administration?"
May the Holy Spirit of God guide the reader in reaching the appropriate conclusion(s).
The following article appeared in the March 17, 2003 (Page 5), of Newsweek International Edition. We tore out the page of the magazine as a reminder to retrieve it from Newsweek Files at a later time. When we attempted to do so, on April 9, 2003, the article could no longer be found anywhere in the Internet.
As a tribute to all who have died in the US led invasion of Iraq and the people who seek the truth we have chosen to retype it and publish it.
Preventing Proliferation
Periscope - Weapons
March 17, 2003 or following week
POP QUIZ: Which country has the most weapons of mass destruction and is blocking U.S. investigators from visiting key nuclear and biological sites? Iraq?
Try Russia...
After more than 10 years and $6.4 billion of U.S. aid to dismantle its stockpiles, Russia still sits on the world's most dangerous and poorly guarded arsenal of WMD, which includes 40,000 tons of chemical weapons and 600 tons of weapons-grade nuclear material.
U.S. taxpayer dollars have done little to allay fears that these weapons could fall into the wrong hands.
American officials warned Congress last week that due to a combination of official obstruction, red tape and Russian financial tricks, the United States has been unable to help protect substantial portions of Russia's nuclear warheads and fuel.
U.S. officials say they have been barred access to 73 percent of buildings that house Russia's weapons-usable material. In addition, announced Joseph Christoff, director of international affairs and trade at the General Accounting Office, "many Russian biological sites that store dangerous biological pathogens remain off-limits." The Russians have cited state-security concerns as their reason for limiting access to the sites.
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