Warning Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
About Rampant Sexual Abuse in the Roman Catholic Church
Four Letters
About Rampant Sexual Abuse in the Roman Catholic Church
Four Letters
Released to the general public on January 15, 2016
Note added on August 31, 2024
At the end of this document you will now find a "Related Documents" section, covering documents from 2000 to 2010, and beyond, that illustrate how seriously, or not, they were (or are, still today) concerned about the devastating situation despite having been amply warned.
Also, take note that miguel de Portugal was moved by Heaven to address Cardinal Ratzinger without knowing then the position that the Cardinal was going to occupy (or was already occupying) at the End of These Times, a position we have referred to extensively throughout our documents (those who have eyes, let them see).
At the end of this document you will now find a "Related Documents" section, covering documents from 2000 to 2010, and beyond, that illustrate how seriously, or not, they were (or are, still today) concerned about the devastating situation despite having been amply warned.
Also, take note that miguel de Portugal was moved by Heaven to address Cardinal Ratzinger without knowing then the position that the Cardinal was going to occupy (or was already occupying) at the End of These Times, a position we have referred to extensively throughout our documents (those who have eyes, let them see).
The purpose of this publication is to share with our readership our communications with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger about the rampant sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic Church.
The letters have not been edited in any way except for the addresses since they are no longer valid.
Letter No. 1
The Michael + Gabriel + Raphael Foundation
Houston, TX XXXXX
Week of July 20, 1997
The Roman Curia by Mediation of:
Peace be with you, Cardinal Ratzinger!
When I left Salamanca, Spain, the population of the whole Province was undergoing the trauma of another pedophilia scandal. This time involving an Agustino Recoleto, who taught in their school.
There were well-publicized public demonstrations in the city of Salamanca against child sexual abuse.
I arrive in Houston, Texas, and stumble upon an even greater and more scandalous case of child sexual abuse and cover-up involving the Roman Catholic Church in the City of Dallas, Texas. (1)
Cardinal Ratzinger, In the Name of God I admonish the Roman Curia through you: This has to stop at any cost.
The Church can dispense of half of its clergy and hierarchy if that is what is going to take to stop this massive destruction of souls and the little Faith that is left; precisely, the souls and the Faith that the Roman Catholic Church was entrusted with by Jesus Christ Himself.
You and the Roman Curia are, once again, encouraged to carefully meditate on the wisdom of Gamaliel as exemplified in the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter V, verses 34-39.
At His Service, thus at yours, I remain simply...
miguel de Portugal
+ by the Grace of God
Copy to the Episcopal Conference of the United States.
Houston, TX XXXXX
Week of July 20, 1997
The Roman Curia by Mediation of:
H.E. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect
Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith
Piazza del Santo Uffizio, 11
00193 Rome
Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith
Piazza del Santo Uffizio, 11
00193 Rome
Peace be with you, Cardinal Ratzinger!
When I left Salamanca, Spain, the population of the whole Province was undergoing the trauma of another pedophilia scandal. This time involving an Agustino Recoleto, who taught in their school.
There were well-publicized public demonstrations in the city of Salamanca against child sexual abuse.
I arrive in Houston, Texas, and stumble upon an even greater and more scandalous case of child sexual abuse and cover-up involving the Roman Catholic Church in the City of Dallas, Texas. (1)
Cardinal Ratzinger, In the Name of God I admonish the Roman Curia through you: This has to stop at any cost.
The Church can dispense of half of its clergy and hierarchy if that is what is going to take to stop this massive destruction of souls and the little Faith that is left; precisely, the souls and the Faith that the Roman Catholic Church was entrusted with by Jesus Christ Himself.
You and the Roman Curia are, once again, encouraged to carefully meditate on the wisdom of Gamaliel as exemplified in the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter V, verses 34-39.
At His Service, thus at yours, I remain simply...
miguel de Portugal
+ by the Grace of God
(1) Houston Chronicle (Sunday July 20, 1997 issue) report
Copy to the Episcopal Conference of the United States.
Letter No. 2
To: H.E. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
From: miguel de Portugal
Date: Tuesday, August 05, 1997
Subject: Sexual Misconduct of Clergy
May the Peace of God and the Consolations of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be yours always!
The enclosed documentation:
Is self explanatory.
I know that we can count with the swift action of The Vatican to quickly resolve this matter .
As we both know and understand, the material components of any Faith is not worth keeping in place if satan is the (temporary) winner. He who would not serve, will serve; and serve, he will!
At the Service of God, thus, at yours, I remain simple...
To: H.E. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
From: miguel de Portugal
Date: Tuesday, August 05, 1997
Subject: Sexual Misconduct of Clergy
May the Peace of God and the Consolations of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be yours always!
The enclosed documentation:
1. Letter to The National (U.S.A.) Conference of Catholic Bishops; and
2. A selection of excerpts from letters issued in the past years regarding the problem at hand.
Is self explanatory.
I know that we can count with the swift action of The Vatican to quickly resolve this matter .
As we both know and understand, the material components of any Faith is not worth keeping in place if satan is the (temporary) winner. He who would not serve, will serve; and serve, he will!
At the Service of God, thus, at yours, I remain simple...
Letter No. 3
miguel de Portugal
Apartado No. YYYYY
Houston, TX XXXXX
YYYYY Salamanca
2 September 1997
H.E. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect
Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith
Piazza del Santo Uffizio, 11
00193 Rome
Subject : Sexual Misconduct of the Clergy
Reference: Past communications dated Week of 20 July 97 and 5 August 97
Peace be with you, Cardinal Ratzinger!
Knowing that the appropriate individuals at The Vatican are working feverishly to heal this gangrene-type disease within The Roman Catholic Church, the following, and very recent, documents are being forwarded to you for further action.
2. Article: The Dallas Morning News : 31 AUG 97 : Documents show bishops transferred known abuser
My dear sir, God is witness that my heart is full of compassion for those poor creatures who have been afflicted by such a devastating sexual dysfunction, however, they must not be allowed to keep on destroying the image of Christ in the souls of our children.
Just as my heart is full of compassion for those dysfunctional creatures, it is full of contempt for those members of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy who become Accessories of the Crime by outright bribing the few victims who dare to complain, and lying to everyone else so that the spiritual carnage may continue.
Does anyone really think that the Papal Youth Circuses orchestrated by Joaquín Navarro-Valls and his associates are going to counteract before the Eyes of God the monstrosity committed against our children and that has been allowed by the Hierarchy for so long? No, sir, it will not.
If what is necessary for the Roman Catholic Hierarchy to swiftly act and stop offering its young to Baal are large financial judgments against it and negative publicity, then, so be it. The opportunity could not be more desirable for MIRAMAX / The Disney Company, and others, to counteract the ever increasing attacks against them by the so-called Christians who accuse them of giving a distorted view of our clergy, and Christians in general.
Cardinal Ratzinger, the behavior that the Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church continues to exhibit, regarding the sexual misconduct of its clergy, is Institutional Suicide.
The anger felt by Friedrich Nietzsche (1) because he thought that God was a fabrication of the clerics to manipulate the masses, pales in comparison to the just anger that is generated by witnessing the mockery of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ by precisely those who claim to serve Him.
I pray to that loving God, Who continues to be so grievously offended, that everyone within and without the walls of The Vatican can read the handwriting on the wall without Daniel’s assistance. [Daniel 5:1-31]
At the service of God, thus at yours, I remain simply...
+ by the Grace of God
Apartado No. YYYYY
Houston, TX XXXXX
YYYYY Salamanca
2 September 1997
H.E. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect
Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith
Piazza del Santo Uffizio, 11
00193 Rome
Subject : Sexual Misconduct of the Clergy
Reference: Past communications dated Week of 20 July 97 and 5 August 97
Peace be with you, Cardinal Ratzinger!
Knowing that the appropriate individuals at The Vatican are working feverishly to heal this gangrene-type disease within The Roman Catholic Church, the following, and very recent, documents are being forwarded to you for further action.
1. News Report: Houston Chronicle : 29 AUG 97 : St. Thomas High School principal charged
with lewdness
2. Article: The Dallas Morning News : 31 AUG 97 : Documents show bishops transferred known abuser
My dear sir, God is witness that my heart is full of compassion for those poor creatures who have been afflicted by such a devastating sexual dysfunction, however, they must not be allowed to keep on destroying the image of Christ in the souls of our children.
Just as my heart is full of compassion for those dysfunctional creatures, it is full of contempt for those members of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy who become Accessories of the Crime by outright bribing the few victims who dare to complain, and lying to everyone else so that the spiritual carnage may continue.
Does anyone really think that the Papal Youth Circuses orchestrated by Joaquín Navarro-Valls and his associates are going to counteract before the Eyes of God the monstrosity committed against our children and that has been allowed by the Hierarchy for so long? No, sir, it will not.
If what is necessary for the Roman Catholic Hierarchy to swiftly act and stop offering its young to Baal are large financial judgments against it and negative publicity, then, so be it. The opportunity could not be more desirable for MIRAMAX / The Disney Company, and others, to counteract the ever increasing attacks against them by the so-called Christians who accuse them of giving a distorted view of our clergy, and Christians in general.
Cardinal Ratzinger, the behavior that the Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church continues to exhibit, regarding the sexual misconduct of its clergy, is Institutional Suicide.
The anger felt by Friedrich Nietzsche (1) because he thought that God was a fabrication of the clerics to manipulate the masses, pales in comparison to the just anger that is generated by witnessing the mockery of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ by precisely those who claim to serve Him.
I pray to that loving God, Who continues to be so grievously offended, that everyone within and without the walls of The Vatican can read the handwriting on the wall without Daniel’s assistance. [Daniel 5:1-31]
At the service of God, thus at yours, I remain simply...
+ by the Grace of God
(1) "Así Habló Zarathustra", 1883-1891
miguel de Portugal
P. O Box XXXXX Apartado No. YYYYY
Houston, TX XXXXX YYYYY Salamanca
27 September 1997
H.E. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect
Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith
Piazza del Santo Uffizio, 11
00193 Rome
Subject : The Goodness and Mercy of God
Reference : Past communication dated September 2, 1997
God is Merciful, Cardinal Ratzinger!
In the referenced communication you and the other temporal rulers of the Roman Catholic Church were admonished as such:
“The anger felt by Friedrich Nietzsche because he thought that God was a fabrication of the
clerics to manipulate the masses, pales in comparison to the just anger that is generated by
witnessing the mockery of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ by precisely those who claim to serve
I pray to that loving God, Who continues to be so grievously offended, that everyone within and without the walls of The Vatican can read the handwriting on the wall without Daniel’s assistance. [Daniel 5:1-31]”
I pray to that loving God, Who continues to be so grievously offended, that everyone within and without the walls of The Vatican can read the handwriting on the wall without Daniel’s assistance. [Daniel 5:1-31]”
“Without Daniel’s assistance” does not mean “without Heavenly assistance”. This time (N1) Heaven chose Saint Francis to help everyone within and without the walls of The Vatican to understand the handwriting on the wall.
Three times Francis heard: “Francis, go and repair my house, which you see is falling down.”
I pray that you are wise enough to understand the message and prudent enough to act upon it.
At the service of God, thus at yours, I remain simply...
+ by the Grace of God
That is how much they really cared. Do notice that the above letters were just for the year 1997. Our correspondence about this matter to Church authorities and the Press was quite extensive since before the scandal exploded in the U.S.
(N1) (Note added by Ricardo de Valencia, 1/Sep/2024) See:
What went wrong with Roman Catholic Church? - The Warning through Francis of Assisi
Related Documents
Selected Warning Letters to the Hierarchy of the Roman and Orthodox
2002 – To the Roman Curia - You Were Amply Warned
2002 – Vatican statement defining pedophilia as "sin against customs"
2010 – Under Cardinal Ratzinger direction – Vatican watering down the strict ruling on reporting sexual abuse
2010 – Very low Benedict XVI’s ratings for addressing the sex abuse scandal
2010 – F. Ray Mounton comments on Cardinals Levada and Ratzinger regarding the cover-up of child abuse
2010 – Age of consent in Vatican State: 12 years old
2011 – After the Sex Abuse Scandal, It is Business As Usual
2013 – Pope Francis was often quiet on Argentine sex abuse cases as archbishop
2015 – Relocated Sexually Abusive Priests
2006 – Cantalamessa Preaches Penance - We refute it and outline the penance that God demands
2000 – Religious Life Without Integrity - The Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church
Other documents about Sexual Abuse and Roman Catholic Accountability – Listed in our Alphabetical Index
2002 – To the Roman Curia - You Were Amply Warned
2002 – Vatican statement defining pedophilia as "sin against customs"
2010 – Under Cardinal Ratzinger direction – Vatican watering down the strict ruling on reporting sexual abuse
2010 – Very low Benedict XVI’s ratings for addressing the sex abuse scandal
2010 – F. Ray Mounton comments on Cardinals Levada and Ratzinger regarding the cover-up of child abuse
2010 – Age of consent in Vatican State: 12 years old
2011 – After the Sex Abuse Scandal, It is Business As Usual
2013 – Pope Francis was often quiet on Argentine sex abuse cases as archbishop
2015 – Relocated Sexually Abusive Priests
2006 – Cantalamessa Preaches Penance - We refute it and outline the penance that God demands
2000 – Religious Life Without Integrity - The Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church
Other documents about Sexual Abuse and Roman Catholic Accountability – Listed in our Alphabetical Index
En Español: Ratzinger estaba informado sobre los Abusos Sexuales
Published on January 15, 2016

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