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Ecclesiastical Masonry / Section 6

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The U.S.A. Based Promise Keepers and Opus Dei

The Spanish journal El País published an article (1`) on Friday, October 10, 1997, titled "Aznar y los Guardianes de la Promesa" ["Aznar (Spain's Prime Minister) and the Promise Keepers"] A Partial translation follows:

"Aznar will accompany D. Manuel (a key leader in Spain's la Coruña) to the colisseum of A Coruña. An enormous crowd is expected. People have been mobilized throughout the Province. It will probably be the most impressive event of the campaign of the Partido Popular..."

"It is guaranteed that the act at the coliseum will be colossal and it is because the event has been organized by the Promise Keepers."

Aznar and his Partido Popular, considered puppets of the Opus Dei by many in Spain, now seem to be using the Promise Keepers to organize political mega events.

The reader is referred to the historical and political treatise (2) by D. Ricardo de la Cierva to fully understand the relationship between the Opus Dei and Spain's Partido Popular.

(1) El Pais, October 10, 1997
(2) What is the Opus Dei?

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