How did the Pristine Catholic Faith
reach the End of These Times
in spite of the Controlling Vatican Hierarchy?
reach the End of These Times
in spite of the Controlling Vatican Hierarchy?
The purpose of this document is to explain to the inquiring minds how it has been possible for the Pristine Catholic Faith (1) to reach us at these very critical times in spite of what has been an atrocious string of post Constantine Administrations (2) of the Roman Catholic Church.
We have often said that even satan must serve God for God is the Creator and Is above all and rules all. Of course – that is the overall reason why the Pristine Catholic Faith has reached us at these very critical times in spite of what has been an atrocious string of post Constantine Controlling Vatican Hierarchy.
Now, let us look at some of the details of how God’s awesome power is made manifest to protect the Faith.
The Key: All God needs is a human being who is willing to empty himself/herself of their self so that God can fully act through him/her unfettered.
We have already amply covered the miraculous actions of St. John Bosco (3) who, in the most anticlerical Italy of the 19th century, actually received assistance by those who were persecuting the Vatican and its hierarchy to establish in Italy what became the Salesian Order. Why? He, just as Jesus did, was not interested in meddling in politics nor clerical conspiracies – he was strictly interested in saving souls.
By giving to Caesar, what was due to Caesar (respect for the laws of the land and its rulers), and to God, what was due to God (the souls of abandoned and homeless children) Bosco succeeded. He produced solid citizens for Italy who followed these very simple instructions:
Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not serving to the eye, as
pleasing men, but in simplicity of heart, fearing God. [Col 3:22]
Instructions which were lived by Jesus, Who, according to Scripture, was never bothered by the much criticized Roman Empire while He ran into trouble with the “holy” Masters of the Temple – the equivalent of the Controlling Vatican Hierarchy. Times have not changed at all.
The example that we will use this time took place during the lifetime of St. Charles Borromeo [1538–1584].
We are back in Italy —amazingly enough— in Milan; the same area of work of Don Bosco – only 400 years before Bosco’s time.
First, let us take a look at the state of the Roman Catholic Church in Milan in the sixteenth century.
Rome – the seat of the Imperial Church – while only ca. 300 miles south of Milan – allowed the state of the Roman Catholic Church in and around Milan to become thus (4):
... in Milan and its environs, which had no resident Archbishop for eighty years, it wasn’t just
the religious communities... that needed to be reformed. ... secular priests, laity and, for that
matter, the entire populace needed to be reformed. The decline of religious practice had resulted
from slackness, ignorance and immorality. Churches were in deplorable condition with vestments and
sacred vessels covered with dust and mold. Priests in the more remote villages had mistresses and
children, and were ignorant of the proper rubrics.
A proverb among the country folk was: ‘If you want to go to hell, become a priest’. The laity received the sacraments once in ten or fifteen years if at all. They did not know the Our Father or Hail Mary or how to make the sign of the Cross properly. Churches were used as markets, for dances, banquets and theater, and in the country as threshing floors.
A proverb among the country folk was: ‘If you want to go to hell, become a priest’. The laity received the sacraments once in ten or fifteen years if at all. They did not know the Our Father or Hail Mary or how to make the sign of the Cross properly. Churches were used as markets, for dances, banquets and theater, and in the country as threshing floors.
Let us pause for a brief moment of recollection... This debauchery is taking place just 300 years after Francis of Assisi, after hearing “Francis, Francis, go and repair My house which, as you can see, is falling into ruins.” acted upon it, achieving quasi miraculous results in “repairing” the collapsing Catholic Church.
Assisi is ca. 235 miles south southeast of Milan and ca. 84 miles north northeast of Rome. We are not talking about far flung territories in Asia or the New World – we are talking about a stone’s throw from the See of the Holy (?) Roman Catholic Church.
They did not have Lenin nor the Vatican II council to blame for that seemingly endemic decadence in the Roman Church. A decadence which started when the Controlling Vatican Hierarchy chose to cast its lot with Mammon [Constantine] and not God. (5)
Now... Back to Milan and Charles Borromeo. Borromeo was made Cardinal at age 22, was Papal Secretary of State, Grand Penitentiary, Protector of Portugal, Lower Germany, the Swiss Cantons, the Orders of Franciscans, etc., etc. He received the benefices of twelve monasteries. In Rome he had great palaces (notice the plural of “palace”), hundreds of servants, stables of horses, art collections and huge incomes from their many benefices.
In case that you are wondering about Borromeo’s “good fortune”... Pope Pius IV (6), the former Cardinal Giovan Angelo de Medici, was Charles’ uncle... So far it is “business as usual in the Vatican”... but just “so far”... read on.
In spite of this well entrenched systemic corruption, Charles Borromeo heard the voice of God, just like John Bosco did (3), and, rolling up his proverbial sleeves, dove into the Council of Trent and furious debates ensued. He reformed the corrupt Church under his area of influence, constructively dispensed of most of his wealth and lived a most austere life, thus, reforming the Church by word and deed.
He even used his influence as a Cardinal to elect Michael Ghisleri as the next Pope —a critic and enemy of Charles’ uncle— Pius IV. Michael Ghisleri went on to become St. Pius V (6). Borromeo did so because Ghisleri was a Dominican of penitential life, an expert canonist and of unquestionable integrity and purity and he knew that he would carry on the reforms called by the Council of Trent. It seems that Cardinal Ghisleri’s black mark was having headed the Inquisition in Italy.
As we have illustrated – it did not matter whether John Bosco was dirt poor or that Charles Borromeo was filthy rich plus had a real influence at the Papal level – what mattered was that God chose them, called them and gave them the Grace to say “Yes” to His call.
It is because of men and women with like spirit (7) that the Pristine Catholic Faith has reached us in spite of the seemingly endless offsprings of Babylon [the Babylon of Revelations 14:8] who have resided, and still do, at the Vatican enclave.
It is then obvious that God, periodically, sent some “fresh salt” [Matthew 5:13] so that the purity and incorruptibility of the Faith would be preserved for His Elect in spite of the traditional immoral and illicit behavior of the descendants of Babylon.
As far as the past and present “Babylonians” – Jesus judged them (8) even before they came into being.
Let us continue to pray...
God Holy Spirit, Infinite Love of the Father and the Son,
through the pure hands of Mary, Your Immaculate Spouse,
I place myself upon Your chosen altar, the Divine Heart of Jesus,
as a sacrifice to You,
this day and all the days of my life,
being firmly resolved now more than ever,
to hear Your voice, and to do in all things
Your Most Holy and Adorable Will.
through the pure hands of Mary, Your Immaculate Spouse,
I place myself upon Your chosen altar, the Divine Heart of Jesus,
as a sacrifice to You,
this day and all the days of my life,
being firmly resolved now more than ever,
to hear Your voice, and to do in all things
Your Most Holy and Adorable Will.
(2) Papal Index
(4) Reformer: Saint Charles
Borromeo (visited in 2008 and, logically, it has been removed from the Internet. What we find
ten years later is
sanitized version.)
(7) Teresa de Jesus (of Avila), Gertrude, Margaret Mary Alacoque, Francis of Assisi, Pio de
Pietrelcina, Faustina Kowalska, John XXIII, just to mention a few other
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There IS Salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church
En Español: Cómo la Fe Católica ha sobrevivido a la Corrupción de la Jerarquía Eclesiástica
Published on January 6th, 2008 - The Epiphany of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
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