Rome hast Lost the Faith
Will soon become The Seat of The Anti
This is what we announced on March 19, 2002...
...and of course it did on 2005 upon the election of Joseph A. Ratzinger as "Pope"
Note: Jorge Bergoglio, a.k.a. Francis, moved the individuals mentioned in
this document out of the exalted position Ratzinger had given them. This was a logical move
considering that Francis' Public Relations man
a confirmed Opus Dei man. Nonetheless, with Francis at the helm of the Roman Catholic Church
the title of this document has been once more confirmed.
As most of those who are willing to look at reality eye-to-eye and not deny it, the scandal of having appointed the tainted Cardinal Law to the be the titular Cardinal of St. Mary Major in Rome - the most important Basilica of The Immaculate One [1] - should be more than enough to confirm that what may appear as a fog in Rome from time to time is the smoke of satan seeping out of the Vatican and polluting Rome as well as the rest of the world.
Before reviewing the pressure Law had to endure before he finally caved in, giving up his "humble abode" just to assume the the command of the Flagship Basilica of the Immaculate One, it may be wise to review who [2] seem to be Law's "godparents".
In a very pro Opus Dei book, written by John Allen to counter the alleged harm caused by The Da Vinci Code, [3] we read [4]:
"Another cardinal with historic ties to Opus Dei is the former archbishop of Boston, Cardinal
Bernard Law, currently archpriest of Saint Mary Major in Rome.
Law met Opus Dei while a student at Harvard in the 1950s, when an early group of members came to the campus from Spain. Law, born in Mexico, spoke Spanish fluently and befriended them. When he left Harvard in 1953, he asked a friend, William Stetson, to keep an eye on the Spaniards. Statson went on to become a priest of Opus Dei, living at Villa Tevere in Rome, then serving as vicar in Chicago. Today he runs the Catholic Information Center in Washington DC.
Stetson and Law have remained friends, and when Law was designated by the Vatican to handle cases of Episcopalian clergy who wish to be received into the Catholic Church, Stetson served as his aide.
In 1985, when Law was made a cardinal, he invited the prelate of Opus Dei, Alvaro del Portillo, to his honorary dinner in Rome. According to Stetson, Portillo later said that he'd never been treated as generously by another cardinal. Law's reputation, however, was badly damaged by his resignation from Boston amid a sex abuse scandal, facing accusations that he had ignored evidence that several of his clergy were abusing children."
Law met Opus Dei while a student at Harvard in the 1950s, when an early group of members came to the campus from Spain. Law, born in Mexico, spoke Spanish fluently and befriended them. When he left Harvard in 1953, he asked a friend, William Stetson, to keep an eye on the Spaniards. Statson went on to become a priest of Opus Dei, living at Villa Tevere in Rome, then serving as vicar in Chicago. Today he runs the Catholic Information Center in Washington DC.
Stetson and Law have remained friends, and when Law was designated by the Vatican to handle cases of Episcopalian clergy who wish to be received into the Catholic Church, Stetson served as his aide.
In 1985, when Law was made a cardinal, he invited the prelate of Opus Dei, Alvaro del Portillo, to his honorary dinner in Rome. According to Stetson, Portillo later said that he'd never been treated as generously by another cardinal. Law's reputation, however, was badly damaged by his resignation from Boston amid a sex abuse scandal, facing accusations that he had ignored evidence that several of his clergy were abusing children."
As we have said many times, even satan must serve God... and, through the Grace of God, here we have a touted as independent, but pro Opus Dei, book giving the world the details how come Law never fell off from the Vatican's Grace and why he was so generously rewarded in his exile of shame. Of course, "the frosting" in such perverse cake was the appointing of San Francisco's Archbishop Levada as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - that is - the Guardian of the Doctrine of the Catholic Faith. [5]
DETAILS of Cardinal Law's Shame
Monday March 18 10:49 PM ET
Cardinal Law Faces Calls to Resign
BOSTON (AP) - With the Boston Archdiocese engulfed in a sex scandal, Cardinal Bernard Law is resisting growing demands for his resignation, reflecting what some experts say is his sense of duty as well as the church's desire to preserve its hierarchy.
Law has acknowledged moving now-defrocked priest John Geoghan from parish to parish despite years of evidence Geoghan was a threat to children. Geoghan has been accused of molesting more than 130 children over 30 years.
The latest call for Law to resign came in Monday's Wall Street Journal, where former Education Secretary William J. Bennett, author of "The Book of Virtues,'' echoed a demand made previously by fellow Catholic conservative William F. Buckley and by the Boston Herald.
"Priests - including Cardinal Law - who have been involved in these cover-ups must be removed from positions of authority,'' Bennett wrote.
Geoghan is serving a nine-to-10-year prison sentence for fondling a boy in a swimming pool. Because of the scandal, Law has apologized and turned over to prosecutors the names of more than 80 current and former priests suspected of child abuse over the past 50 years.
But Law, 70, has shown no intention of stepping down as leader of the fourth-largest U.S. archdiocese, with 2 million Catholics. He has been archbishop since 1984, and up until this crisis, was regarded as perhaps the most powerful American prelate in the Roman Catholic Church.
"Archbishop is not a corporate executive,'' Law said at a Mass last month. "He's not a politician. It's a role of pastor. It's a role of teacher. It's a role of a father. When there are problems in the family, you don't walk away. You work them out together with God's help.''
Those who have followed Law's career say they are not surprised. Boston College historian Thomas Wangler recalled how Law risked his life working for civil rights in Mississippi during the 1960s, traveling in car trunks for protection from segregationists.
"He's a tough, hardened engager of events and issues, the kind that comes only from having your life threatened for what you believe,'' Wangler said.
But perhaps more important, theologians and church historians said, is the church's belief that being part of the hierarchy is a lifetime commitment to an institution.
For a bishop to resign is an "immensely damaging mark against the church,'' said University of Notre Dame historian R. Scott Appleby. "These people, cardinals, archbishops, are the very pinnacle of the hierarchy in the church, so it suggests a flaw in the church itself rather a few bad apples in the bunch.''
"I believe he feels that it is his duty to remain,'' said Eugene Kennedy, a Loyola University of Chicago professor and author of "The Unhealed Wound: The Church and Human Sexuality.'' "I believe he feels committed by becoming a cardinal to maintaining the integrity of the institution. To give up his position, from his point of view, would do more damage to the institution than it would help it.''
Some have suggested that once the headlines go away Law may step aside, or perhaps be moved to a position in Rome.
Those calling for his resignation have argued that only someone new can solve the problem, and that Law's failure to appreciate the scope of the problem is serious enough to warrant his resignation.
Buckley wrote in National Review last month: "The critical concern should have been to get children out of harm's way. He didn't do that. ... One can feel with great sorrow and understanding the derangement of the arsonist, but one does not send him back into the forest.''
Many Catholics agree. A Boston Herald poll conducted last month found that 61 percent of Catholics in the archdiocese said Law should resign.
Still, even some of the alleged victims do not think resignation is the answer.
Ralph DelVecchio, who claims Geoghan molested him, recently said Law should resign. Now, he is not so sure.
"He's certainly responsible for those decisions he made back then, where he put Geoghan back in when he got the reports,'' DelVecchio, 45, said last week. "But I really do think the guy is sincere. When I watched him on TV, I thought he was really sincere when he apologized.''
Raymond Flynn, former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican and one-time mayor of Boston, said he speaks to Law often and encourages him to stay, reminding him of "all the good that he has done.'' Flynn said that Law still enjoys the support of Rome.
"This is not a political organization where majority rule wins,'' Flynn said. "The pope believes in you, he has respect and confidence in you, that's what you need.''
Copyright © 2002 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
[2] Sects within the Roman Catholic Church - Their Agenda
[4] John L. Allen Jr., Opus Dei: An Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the
Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church,
Doubleday, 2005, pp. 251-252.
Doubleday, 2005, pp. 251-252.
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