The M+G+R Foundation

Religious Life Without Integrity

About its Author

Dr. Barry M Coldrey

Barry M Coldrey was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and completed his tertiary education at the University of Melbourne in the early 1960s.

Since then he has taught in secondary schools in some states of Australia, and Teachers Colleges and university in Papua New Guinea and Pakistan.

He completed his Ph D in 1984, published as 'Faith and Fatherland': 'The Contribution of the Christian Brothers to the development of Irish nationalism, 1801-1921' by Gill and Macmillan in 1988.

Dr Coldrey has written some twenty books and a number of referred articles, many of them in recent years around the child migration abuses in children's homes issues which have featured in a media a good deal over the last ten years.

Barry M Coldrey
7/67 Collins Street
Thornbury Vic 3071Australia

As of 25 April 2000

Dr. Coldrey's Publishing Programme

1979  Australian Federal Politics for the Senior Student, Hargreen/Edward Arnold, Fourth Edition, 1985.

1981  Legal Studies for the Higher School Certificate Student, Privately printed, (Out-of-print).

1982  Australian Federal Politics and Foreign Policy, Hargreen, Edward Arnold/ Hodder & Stoughton.

1985  Australian Foreign Policy for the Senior Student, Collins Dove, Melbourne.1985 Bruce Dawe's Poetry (Coles Notes). T.C.Lothian, Publishers, Port Melbourne.

1987  Critical Issues in Peace Studies. Edward Arnold/Hodder & Stoughton (Australia)

1988  Faith and Fatherland: the Contribution of the Christian Brothers to the Development of Irish Nationalism, 1838 - 1921. (Gill and Macmillan), London and New York.

1989  Essential English Summary, Privately printed, Melbourne. (In 1992, this text was published by Hawker Brownlow Education, Cheltenham, Victoria).

1990  Issues in Australian Politics: Elections. Hawker Brownlow Education, Cheltenham, Victoria.

1990  Issues in Australian Politics: Pressure Groups. Hawker Brownlow Education, Cheltenham, Victoria.

1990  'The Social Classes attending the Christian Brothers school in the nineteenth century', British Journal of Education Studies, Vol. XXIX, N 1. February 1991.

1990  'Education for Revolution: the Christian Brothers and Radical Irish Nationalism, 1838 - 1921', Proceedings of the Third Irish-Australian Historical Conference, ANU Canberra, 1990.

1991  Effective Legal Studies (Notes Summary). Hawker Brownlow Education, Cheltenham, Victoria.

1991  The Western Australian Boys Homes and the Child Migration Scheme, Tamanaraik, Melbourne.

1992  St. Joseph's Farm and Trade School, Bindoon: History Sources, Tamanaraik Press, Melbourne.

1992  Francis Paul Keaney and Child Care in Western Australia, 1918 - 1954. Tamanaraik Press, Melbourne.

1992  Maltese Child Migration to Australia, 1938 - 1966, Tamanaraik Press, Melbourne.

1992  Child Migration, the Australian Government and the Catholic Church, 1926 - 1966, Tamanaraik Press, Melbourne.

1992  'A most unenviable reputation: the Christian Brothers and school discipline over two centuries', History of Education, (UK) Vol. 21, N 3. 1992 - also published in Oideas, Eurack, N 38, 1992, Government Publications Office, Dublin, Eire.

1993  Lord Somers Camp and Power House: the early years, 1929 - 1939. Tamanaraik Press, Melbourne.

1993  Essential Legal Studies for the Senior Student, Hawker Brownlow Education, Cheltenham, Victoria.

1993  'Child Migration and the Catholic Church: a Historical Perspective', The Australasian Catholic Record, Vol. LXX. N 1 January 1993.

1993  The Scheme: the Christian Brothers and Child Care in Western Australia, Argyle-Pacific, Perth, Western Australia.

1995  Child Migration to Catholic Institutions in Australia: Objectives, Policies, Realities: 1926 - 1966, Tamanaraik Press, Melbourne.

1995  Child Migration: Consent of British Parents and Guardians to the Children's Emigration: The Legal Dimension, Tamanaraik Press, Melbourne.

1996  'A most unenviable reputation': the Christian Brothers and school discipline over two centuries' in O'Sullivan, P. (ed.) The Irish World Wide: Vol.3 Religion and Identity, Leicester University Press, 1996.

1996  'A thriving and ugly trade': The first phase of child migration: 1617 - 1757', in History of Education Society Bulletin. N 58, Autumn 1996.

1996  'A Charity which has outlived its usefulness': the last phase of Catholic child migration, 1947 - 1956', History of Education, Vol. 25. No 4. December 1996.

1996  'The sexual abuse of children - as a public issue', Studies (Dublin), Vol. 58. N 3 Autumn 1996.

1997  'Child Migrants from Postwar Britain', History (Royal Australian Historical Society). N 53. September 1997.

1999  '...a place to which idle vagrants maybe sent.' The first phase of child migration to the Americas, 1618 - 1778', Child and Society, Oxford University Journals, Vol. 13. N 1, February 1999.

1999  'Good British Stock': Child and Youth Migration to Australia, 1901 - 1983. Guide N 11, National Archives of Australia

2000  'Caring and Corruption': Church Orphanages and Industrial Schools, Studies (Irish Quarterly Review), Vol 89 No 353, Spring, 2000, pp. 5 - 18.

© 2000 Barry M Caldrey

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Tamanaraik Press
7/67 Collins Street
Thornbury Vic 3071

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