The M+G+R Foundation

Letter to Fr. A. Roux

The final alleged locution to D. Gobi dated Dec. 31, 1997 and related matters

miguel de Portugal

U.S.A. - Portugal
February 25, 1998
Ash Wednesday

Rev. Albert G. Roux
National Director [U.S.A.]
The Marian Movement of Priests

P.O. Box 8
St. Francis, ME 04774-0008

(a) The final (for the public) locution allegedly given to Rev. Gobbi by the Virgin Mary.
(b) Your response to Mr. Larry W.'s inquiry (1).

Peace be with you, Reverend Roux!

I want to publicly comment and pronounce myself on the referenced items.

The final locution allegedly given to Rev. Gobbi on December 31, 1997 (2) by the Virgin Mary.

On paragraph 'm' we read:

"From now on, I (the Virgin Mary) will manifest myself through the word, the person and the actions of this, my little son (Gobbi), whom I have chosen to be your guide and whom I am now leading to the painful summit of his mission."

For the majority of those who are familiar with the Marian Movement of Priests and/or other Marian movements, such statement will be interpreted as: Whatever Gobbi says, is the Virgin Mary who is saying it; Whatever action Gobbi takes, is the Virgin Mary who is taking it; and The very person of Gobbi is the manifestation of the person of the Virgin Mary.

Reverend Roux, that claim surpasses even the most ambitious claim of universal Papal Infallibility (3), which, when appropriately invoked, is an incontestable, albeit not exclusive, reality.

Such claim and its validity is hereby denounced and rejected in the Name of God.

Your response to Mr. Larry W.'s inquiry. (1)

On said response your e-mail reads: "Our Lady predicted in 1988 that within the next ten years all that she had predicted during the past 200 years would come to pass. She also said that 1998 would be the peak of these events of purification for humanity and the world and that by the year 2000 Jesus will have returned in glory to establish the fullness of his kingdom here on earth."

This NOTE was inserted here on September 25, 2000

The document you are reading was published by The M+G+R Foundation on February 25, 1998. It seems to have had an effect on the MMP interpretation of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and its timing. Their new version posted in the MMP-USA Site on September 13, 2000 (4) reads as follows:

The triumph is not to be confounded with the transformation of the heavens and the earth, nor should it be confused with the return of Jesus. Her triumph is the fulfillment of her mission, the acknowledgment by the Church of all her titles, her privileges, and her rightful place in the mystery of Redemption, and finally in the crushing of the ancient serpent’s head with her heel (the army of her little ones prepared by her). At that moment, Our Lady’s mission is successfully completed and her triumph finally achieved, thus preparing the way for the return of Jesus to establish his kingdom on earth. May it be soon!

We will try to keep our readership informed as the definition of the Triumph of The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ changes to fit the particular need of the Marian Movement of Priests at the moment.

Your e-mail reads further: "The Holy Father is preparing the Church for the great Jubilee of 2000 for a purpose. Is he preparing the Church for the 2nd coming of Jesus? It seems so, but he does not say more than he has to."

The "Important Reflections"(2) as well as in the referenced e-mail fail to mention and integrate the fact that every Biblical prophecy regarding the Second Coming of Christ must be fulfilled as it was the case in His First Coming. One key prophecy is the manifestation of the man of iniquity - the False Christ - in the guise of a Pastor of the Church.

Another prophecy is the cataclysmic events which will change -renew- the face of the entire planet, events which will render any physical refurbishing and preparation of The Vatican and Rome pointless. Just as pointless as the office of the Papacy will be once Jesus Christ has returned in glory.


What we are really facing in this orchestrated Parousia is: "The serpent, however, spewed a torrent of water out of his mouth after the woman to sweep her away with the current..." [Rev. 12:15-17]

Precisely the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the gift of John Paul II to the Catholic world, warns us about what is being perpetrated in his name:

[675] Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers... The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.

[676] The Antichrist's deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgment. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism, especially the "intrinsically perverse" political form of a secular messianism.

[677] The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. The kingdom will be fulfilled, then, not by a historic triumph of the Church through a progressive ascendancy, but only by God's victory over the final unleashing of evil, which will cause his Bride to come down from Heaven...

NOTE Added on September 3, 2001: For an Exposé of the behind-the-scenes manipulation of the alleged locutions through the MMP read the original correspondence (5) which appears to have caused the Marian Movement of Priests to change their prophecies and reinterpret the alleged locutions.

May all who have eyes, see, and those who have ears, hear, for in here lies the final warning about the ultimate satanic snare.

I have spoken in His Most Holy Name.


(1) Respecting Mr. Larry W.'s privacy his identity is not being revealed to all others who may receive copy of this communication.

(2) Message No. 604 [31 DEC 97] and "Important Reflections" published by Rev. Roux's office in new Web Site of The Marian Movement of Priests []

(3) The Claim of Papel Infallibility - Who is like unto God? (Added in 2022; this reference was not part of the original letter)

(4) (No longer available in 2022 but still archived in The Time Machine, snapshot 21-Apr-2001)

(5) The Marian Movement of Priests - In Conclusion - The predictions through the MMP for the year 2000

Return to Main Document: The Marian Movement of Priests - Predictions For The Year 1998 - An Update

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