Terrorists Attacks
Divine Mercy or Divine Justice?
Although the dust does not seem to ever settle from the terrorist attacks, we must take a look from the Divine perspective and try to understand the horrific events being unleashed upon humanity as represented in New York, Washington, D.C., Madrid, Russia, Indonesia, etc.
Are we witnessing the dispensation of Divine Justice or the exercise of Divine Mercy?
Actually, we are witnessing Tough Love - the offspring resulting when Mercy embraces Justice and embark in nuptial bliss.
That is the purpose of this document; to get to know that offspring: Tough Love
Professional Theologians and others who live off the Gospel would write five hundred pages on this subject. They feel that they have to justify their keep by volume and not content.
Our only justification is from and to God, therefore we can afford to be very brief and to the point.
Point One: Nothing can possibly occur in the Universe without the consent of God. Up to,
and including, the Crucifixion of His Son.
Point Two: God's interest in His children transcends Time; that is, life in this physical world. He views His children's life within: Time and Eternity. His actions are primarily designed to prepare us for our life in Eternity.
Point 3: Pain is the Megaphone that God uses to assist the deaf to listen and pay attention to Him. His love for us demands that the Volume of the Megaphone be slowly raised as high as it is necessary to get and hold our attention.
Point 4: The faithful at large have been led to believe that all is really well. That with the fall of the Soviet Empire the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart began and that soon the World will enter into a blissful period of Peace and Joy without getting one hair out of place.
Point 5: A few amongst the Faithful quickly grind through a twenty minutes daily Mass, spit out a non-meditated Rosary in 15 minutes and plunge into a purely hedonistic life confident that: "I am going to Heaven with my shoes on! After all", the reasoning continues, "I even go to 30 minutes of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament once a month (!!!) That should get me a First Class seat to Heaven."
Point Two: God's interest in His children transcends Time; that is, life in this physical world. He views His children's life within: Time and Eternity. His actions are primarily designed to prepare us for our life in Eternity.
Point 3: Pain is the Megaphone that God uses to assist the deaf to listen and pay attention to Him. His love for us demands that the Volume of the Megaphone be slowly raised as high as it is necessary to get and hold our attention.
Point 4: The faithful at large have been led to believe that all is really well. That with the fall of the Soviet Empire the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart began and that soon the World will enter into a blissful period of Peace and Joy without getting one hair out of place.
Point 5: A few amongst the Faithful quickly grind through a twenty minutes daily Mass, spit out a non-meditated Rosary in 15 minutes and plunge into a purely hedonistic life confident that: "I am going to Heaven with my shoes on! After all", the reasoning continues, "I even go to 30 minutes of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament once a month (!!!) That should get me a First Class seat to Heaven."
Anyone who is somewhat in touch with reality will recognize that the world is indeed going to Hell in a hand basket, at an ever increasing pace - Socially, politically, economically and in matters of Faith. Unfortunately, most live on Denial with the notion that indeed if we "Ignore it, it will go away!" or "God is Merciful - He'll make it right at the end."
Indeed He will make it right "at the end". The question is where that "end" is. Is it in Time or is it in Eternity?
Rest absolutely assured that if your soul is destined to go to Heaven, it will end up there; come "hell or high water" (or both)!
In there lies the meaning of: Pain is the Megaphone that God uses to assist the deaf to listen and pay attention to Him and the reason why He allows horrific events to impact in our lives.
We should view those horrific events as one more turn on the volume knob of the aforementioned "Megaphone". The magnitude of the next volume increase rests in our hands by how we react to the previous increase.
It IS that simple! Do not take our word for it. Four thousand years of recorded Holy Scriptures attest to such attention-getting method., it is the Hallmark of God's love for His children.
The truly major volume increase will be delivered through Step No. 1. Although such event has been programmed and will take place, its severity still lies in our hands. How painful will God have to make it to catch our attention?
He allowed, NOT caused, but allowed the recent terrorist attacks because we are still able to communicate. The Internet, telephones and television still function and are available to the majority of the world citizens. You may still read in The M+G+R Foundation Domain much of the information which you will need to safely navigate from Step No. 1 through Step No. 17 of the End of These Times.
There is always time to backtrack and correct one's behavior until God allows the unleashing of the just retribution for our unGodly behavior. When that takes place, it will be too late for most.
The choice is yours: Face Reality and act upon it with prayer and acts of reparation or Deny Reality and suffer the unthinkable.
That opportunity is being given to the world again, in the Name of God, and through the Grace of our Heavenly Mother, Mary Most Holy, in We Have Been Warned by the Virgin Mary - Are we going to listen now?
When cities, not buildings, but cities are reduced to rubble, it will be too late for many. We thank God that many thousands of faithful, who are thirsting for the truth about the End of These Times, are able to reach us and are downloading documents from this Domain at the rate of 50,000 to 100,000 per month.
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Issued on September 20, 2001. European Union
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