The World is Not going to End
Originally published in 1999, and still valid!
Originally published in 1999, and still valid!
Once more Divine Providence saw to it that our dear John Paul II (1) was able to get his message of hope, our message of hope, God’s message of hope, across the iron veil of intrigue and of vested material interests of The Vatican (2).
This time it was through the Italian newspaper La Stampa (July 8, 1999, p. 12). As La Stampa was discussing the theme of a new document, perhaps a new Encyclical, His Holiness’ vacation project, they wrote and we quote: (3)
The conviction that the Pontiff wants to express is a hope: that the coming Millennium
will see a blossoming of faith; against every temptation of millenarianism, he will strongly
affirm that this is not an old world coming to an end, but a new world that is
This is the persistent and ever present theme of miguel de Portugal (4); a theme which needs to permeate the world at all levels and drown out the hopelessness generated by the promotion of the End of the World mentality.
The translation of the highlighted portion of the quotation above reads: “The conviction of the Pontiff... this is not an old world coming to an end, but a new world that begins.”
His Holiness further warns the world, through the same article, “...against the temptation of millenarianism...” – which is another very serious error (5).
It is imperative that the confirmation of this true message of hope is spread far and wide. It is the best inoculation that exists to protect the People of God against one and all conspiracies (6) designed to cause despair. We are not afraid of being branded as paranoid, as this would be a misuse of the adjective: paranoia is imagining a conspiracy that does not exist...
The faithful should draw their own conclusions after meditating upon this further clarification by us, which should be viewed with the world events from 1996 to 1999 as a backdrop (7).
For example...
They reader may think: “Fine, I hear you and I believe it.”
No. It is not that easy. What we are trying to get across is not the intellectual recognition of such information; what we are trying to assist in is that the recognition of such reality occurs in the very depths of the soul. Allow us to explain.
As we have illustrated in a certain document (8): To get from “here”, i.e., These Times, to “there”, i.e., The New Times, the world is going to go through what, to most, will feel like hell (9)(10).
No, it will not be hell, it will really be a purgatorial state. While we are living through such period it will be very hard to think that the world is not going to end unless the certain hope for the arrival of The New Times, of “a new world that is beginning”, is well anchored in your soul.
Our dear John Paul II (1) cannot spell this out, but miguel de Portugal (4) can... and has to! That is precisely the reason for our existence. Only those to whom God have given the Grace to understand and believe what miguel de Portugal write in His Name, will; others will not, even if they wanted to.
We are truly no one according to the world. We no longer have a world position; we have no recognizable name nor face (11). All that was left behind. It is precisely in this manner, my dear brothers and sisters, that God has communicated with and warned His people since the beginning of These Times.
This overall concept of belief and unbelief naturally could not be better expressed and explained than Our Lord Jesus Christ did through John 5:41-47.
(3) Original quote in Italian: La convizione che il Pontefice vuole
esprimere è una esperanza: che il prossimo Millenio vedrà un rifiorire della fede; contro ogni
tentazione millenaristica, affermerà con forza che questo non è un mondo vecchio che giunge a
esaurimento, ma un mondo nuovo che ha inizio.
(7) Now, in 2023, as we republish this document, we can say "with the world events from
1996 to 2023 as a backdrop".
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En Español: El mundo NO se va a acabar... ¡Todavía!
Reissued on September 22, 2023
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