The M+G+R Foundation

The M+G+R Foundation

The Creation Theory and the Evolution Theory are interdependent - Part I
Neither can subsist without the other

Originally published on June 11, 2005


The purposes of this brief document are primarily two: (a) Confirm, utilizing the scientific proof offered by the supporters of the Theory of Evolution, the basic tenets of the Theory of Creation; and (b) Show the consequences of when man persists in his denial of God - he keeps making the same mistakes without learning anything from previous errors regardless of how painful the consequences were.


If you ask a room full of individuals what came first, the chicken or the egg, the answers will pour in as a torrent as everyone gives his/her opinion as the "correct" answer. Most likely, few stopped to think about the issue before speaking. And most, without a doubt, spoke without any real knowledge about the subject at hand.

The same is true with both the Creation and Evolution theorists. Should they be asked which theory is correct, they will respond with the same passion - before even looking at the very flawed facts they wield as proofs.


Let us look at the scientific facts utilized by the Big Bang proponents, using language accessible to all:

(A) In the beginning there was not even "nothing" since only the concept of "space" gives meaning to the concept of "nothingness". We do not know what was before the Big Bang; it does not even make sense where it started because when it took place, not only matter and energy were created, but also space and time were created - thus "where" did not exist before.

(B) Then, in an instant, the universe was formed - infinitely small, dense and hot. We do not know what occurred during the first instants after the Big Bang because the four forces which today determine the behavior of matter - gravity, electromagnetism and nuclear forces, which count as two: strong and weak - were united in one single unit, the details of which we have not been able to decipher. A second later, when the Universe had the size of a melon, the Laws of Physics, probably just as we know them now.

(C) All remained dark until 300,000 years or so later ("later" not "ago"), when the matter had been dispersed enough in space created to suddenly release light in a flash which illuminated the entire Universe.

Let us look at the Biblical facts utilized by the Creationist proponents using accessible language:

(A) Biblically speaking, before the beginning there was nothing... Creation had not commenced.

(B) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

(C) And God said: Let there be light: and there was light.

[(A) - (C) from Genesis 1:1-3]

With their Scientific basis - Evolutionists proceed to "create" living things from chemical elements that came from nowhere (as scientifically proven). This is a problem that man cannot begin to even fathom - "nowhere" is a term defined by a Created environment, an environment which did not exist before creation. Thus, this "nowhere" cannot even be grasped by the very feeble human mind.

With their Biblical basis - Creationists proceed to "create" living things from the literal interpretation of Genesis. The problem is that their version starts falling apart at the seams before even getting to Chapter Three of the Book of Genesis. We read in Genesis two different stories about the Creation of man: (a) the simultaneous creation of Adam and Eve [Genesis 1: 26-28], and (b) the Adam first and Eve from Adam's rib [Genesis 2: 7-24]. [Note, we are not questioning that if God, for example, said "There it be light," light came into being. We are just highlighting two different Biblical versions of a single reality which cannot be sustained by literalism.]

Now, this difference could possibly be smoothed over by a fast talking fundamentalist preacher. The real problem comes when we read:

"And the Lord said unto him (Cain), Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch." [Genesis 4: 15-17]

By whom is Cain afraid of being killed? According to our literal population census there are only three individuals in the world so far: Adam, Eve and Cain. As if this situation were not enough, we must ask: Where did Cain get that wife? etc.

By this time the Creationists and Evolutionists are most likely engaged in a bitter debate ignoring the very fact that Evolutionists have scientifically proven that the core of the Creationist Theory is really true:

There is really a Creator Who created and contains the Universe that we know. There is a Creator Who has the power to, in a moment too small to measure by man, launch the Creation of an enormously complex, harmonious and self-correcting system that we call the Universe and which is our home.

Now, what one wants to call that Creator is up to the individual, the language spoken and the individual cultural traditions.


We do not mean that we should not take some parts of the Holy Scriptures literally; some of it must be taken exactly as written. Some of the Holy Scriptures is written in an allegorical fashion to express to the man of that time something that he could not possibly comprehend otherwise.

Imagine someone reading in the Holy Scriptures the following passage one hundred years ago:

"In the beginning there was nothing, not even 'space' (which would give meaning to the concept of 'nothingness'). We do not know what was before the Big Bang; it does not even make sense where it started because it was when it took place, not only matter and energy were created, but also space and time were created."

Followed by:

"We do not what occurred during the first instants after the Big Bang because the four forces which today determine the behavior of matter - gravity, electromagnetism and nuclear forces, strong and weak - were united in one single unit"

However, even the earliest man could understand "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shalt not commit adultery". Furthermore, after Jesus resurrected the decomposing corpse of His friend Lazarus, people could then comprehend the concept of His own resurrection by the same power He invoked upon Lazarus - the Power of God, The Father.

We have expanded the discussion about of Biblical Literalism in a two part document (1).


There is a Site (2) which claims to have a considerable amount of valid scientific information regarding the true age of our planet Earth. In a nutshell, the data they present indicate that our planet is not as old as it is believed to be; a few thousands of years as opposed to millions of years.

We cannot even entertain such conclusion as you will see in Part 2 of this document and in the seventh document of this series, yet to be published, and to which we have chosen to give the title of: The Greatest Story Ever Told: The Creation - From Its Beginning to Its End

(1) Biblical Literalism: Part - 1 and Part -2
(2) Polonium Halos: Evidence for Earth's Instant Creation!

All Documents of This Series

The Time Line of the Creation Story

Biblical Literalism - Part I

Biblical Literalism - Part II

Creation vs Evolution - Part I

Creation vs Evolution - Part II

The Book of Enoch

The Selection of the Elect

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