Why Did the Christian Evangelization Fail?
The Mother of All Churches - The Arch Basilica of St. John of Lateran
Provides the Confirmation to the Answer
Originally published on May 7th, 2005
The Mother of All Churches - The Arch Basilica of St. John of Lateran
Provides the Confirmation to the Answer
Originally published on May 7th, 2005
The Dilemma Faced by Mankind
As the world sinks into a hell-like state, many upright and honest people ask themselves:
"What went wrong with Christianity?"
As their hopes for a brighter future dims to a flicker, many fine young men and women tell themselves:
"If this is what Christianity has delivered the world into, we do not want any part of
As the suffering of the poor and oppressed multiplies under the alleged spiritual leadership of Christian "Shepherds", they ask themselves:
"Is this what Jesus Christ promised us? Are these the fabled 'Good News'?"
Therefore, each one of us must ask ourselves in earnest: "What has really happened?" so that we may be able to understand - to the extent God Wills it - what has taken place. Then, and only then, we may take whatever action is possible at this late a date.
The Suspicion
It was precisely when the Emperor of the Roman Empire, Constantine, was allegedly converted to Christianity and made it the official State Religion, that the earthly foundation of the Church began to crumble. When the Roman Church leadership concocted the false Donation of Constantine (1), whereby it was claimed that Constantine willed the Roman Empire to the Church of Rome to be ruled by the reigning Pope, the proverbial die was cast : Spiritual Evangelization ceased and Evangelization through temporal powers - mostly the sword - commenced. The sewer we call World today is the result of such perversion.
By the time of Francis of Assisi (1181 - 1226) the Christian Church was already in ruins since Jesus Christ had to verbally ask Francis "Repair My Church". We truly believe this dramatic event; it was not a ploy concocted by Rome;. the Christ like Spirit of poverty and humility had already left the Church Administration centuries ago, thus, no "poverty" nor "humility" remedies would be forthcoming coming from Rome.
But What About The Faith?
If the foundation of the Church was already so corrupt that God had to directly intervene through Francis of Assisi to break the free fall of the Church, a corruption which was only slowed down until the new salt of the earth [Matthew 5:13] lost its power too, is the Catholic Church, as we now know it, worth anything? No; it is not, but the Faith is!
As we have stated many times: "Even satan must serve God because God is Almighty and all is subject to Him!" Therefore, God, in spite of the corruption - carnal and political - within the Church, made sure that the True Faith (2) would reach us at the End of These Times to assist His children, when they will need it the most.
Logically, and right "on schedule", the True Catholic Faith is now under the final assault from within and from outside. The attacks from outside (3), although serious, cannot compare with the devastating effect of the attacks from the inside (4), attacks which are quite insidious and most destructive.
No, we are not referring to the Vatican II Council results which many within the Church blame for everything. We are referring to what truly demolishes the earthly foundation of any faith. Issues like:
(a) The canonization of a man like Jose María Escrivá - a scandal;
(b) The exaltation and protection of Cardinals and Bishops (6)
who have been instrumental in the spread of the most destructive behavior for souls - child sex
abuse by the clergy; (7)
(c) The shameful manipulation of Marian Messages to suit the very earthly agenda of
the Church Administrators; (8)
(d) Blatantly ignoring the pleas from Heaven, through Mary, (9)
to correct the failures of Rome's "Evangelization" effort; and
(e) The mediatic falsification of the alleged extent and depth of the Faith
(10) - something that even a blind individual could see as a lie if they
were not on of denial (11).
God Confirms the Suspicion
The Basilica of Saint John Lateran, the oldest and first ranking of the four Patriarchal Basilicas of Rome, was built on land donated by Emperor Constantine during the first half of the 4th Century. This Basilica is the Mother of All Churches - even surpassing St. Peter's Basilica in importance.
There are three Divine tell-tale clues as to what happened to Christianity when it was sold by its Administrators to a temporal power - the Roman Empire, then in the hands of Constantine.
(a) The First clue is "In absentia". In a Basilica primarily dedicated to John the
Baptist, there is not a single relic of any significance associated with John in said
Basilica. The important relics of John the Baptizer - head and arm -
(12) are part of the treasury of the former Ottoman Empire and are displayed
amongst the treasures Muslims valued the most.
(b) The Second clue is easier to discern. In the Basilica dedicated to St. John, the
two important relics present are the heads of St. Peter and St. Paul. These are kept in reliquary
busts which, as Divine Providence would have it for those who have of Eyes to See
(13), find themselves enclosed in what amounts to be a gilt cage above the
main altar. Read: The heads of the Christian Church have been jailed and kept prisoner of
the new found riches - the temporal powers of the Church.
Main Altar at St John Lateran where relics of St. Peter and St. Paul are kept
Main Altar at St John Lateran where relics of St. Peter and St. Paul are kept
(c) The Third clue is almost yelling an audible "Foul!" to those who have Ears to
Hear. Being this the most important Church of Christendom, it has a Throne for its head - the
Bishop of Rome and Pope. A Throne with significant tell-tale markings.
The Cathedra, or Bishop's Throne, was renovated during the latter part of the 14th Century; however its original medieval base remains intact. The Roman Pontiff makes his pronouncements from this Bishop's Throne as well as from the Papal Throne in the Basilica of St. Peter.
Papal Throne at St. John Lateran, behind the main altar
In this Throne's foundation/base four mystical animals are depicted. Three animals shown in bas relief are the ones which are traditionally used to identify evil/satan: snake, dragon and basilisk. And the fourth, a lion, is intented there to be a symbol of evil too, as inferred by its position (a fearful beast at the same level as the others). (14)
The four beasts at the base of the Papal Throne
The inscription at the base of the Throne, one step below the four depicted mystical animals, reads "Hec est Papalis Sedes et Pontificalis" - which translated means: "This is [the] Papal and Pontifical Seat".
"Hec est Papalis Sedes et Po[n]tificalis"
The Cathedra, or Bishop's Throne, was renovated during the latter part of the 14th Century; however its original medieval base remains intact. The Roman Pontiff makes his pronouncements from this Bishop's Throne as well as from the Papal Throne in the Basilica of St. Peter.
Papal Throne at St. John Lateran, behind the main altar
In this Throne's foundation/base four mystical animals are depicted. Three animals shown in bas relief are the ones which are traditionally used to identify evil/satan: snake, dragon and basilisk. And the fourth, a lion, is intented there to be a symbol of evil too, as inferred by its position (a fearful beast at the same level as the others). (14)
The four beasts at the base of the Papal Throne
The inscription at the base of the Throne, one step below the four depicted mystical animals, reads "Hec est Papalis Sedes et Pontificalis" - which translated means: "This is [the] Papal and Pontifical Seat".
"Hec est Papalis Sedes et Po[n]tificalis"
When Will Man Learn Not to Try to Fool God?
The message of the symbolic incarceration of Peter and Paul in a "Gilt Cage" is easy to spot once it's meaning is pointed out to someone, however, the Throne detail is not as easily spotted. The medieval base of the Throne is the the physical foundation/base of the Cathedra/Throne.
Therefore - God has utilized satan, once again, to silently alert His children that - in essence - His Church has been commandeered by evil:
(a) No relics of the Precursor symbolizing the announcement of His Second coming are
(b) The twin heads of Christianity - Peter and Paul - have been symbolically "locked
up" in a Gilt Cage - victims of temporal powers; and
(c) The official Cathedra of the Bishop of Rome is symbolically resting upon all
four symbols of evil
Yet, in His Infinite Goodness and Mercy, God sent His Mother to La Salette (15) to warn us about it. He has preserved the basic tenets of True Faith intact so that His true children, those who have Eyes to See and Ears to Hear, have something truly solid to anchor themselves to as He allows the razing of the perverted Administration of His Church so that it may rise in Glory! (16)
A Concluding Commentary
Brethren, place your complete trust in the corner stone - the fundamental stone - of Christianity - Its Only Rock : Jesus Christ. He will never fail you - never! While others (17) who, although acknowledged Successors of Peter, claim to personify such Rock, have collectively failed miserably.
Did not Jesus say:
"Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in Me (18) will do the
works that I do, and will do greater ones than these because I am going to the Father"
[John 14:12]
The condition of the world today attests to the failures of the falsified Rock (19) which, in time, will give way to the "False Christ" just as Mary announced in La Salette (15).
miguel de Portugal rests his case.
(2) The True Faith
(6) The exaltation and protection of Cardinals and Bishops: an
(8) The shameful manipulation of Marian Messages to
suit the very earthly agenda of the Church Administrators
(9) Blatantly ignoring the pleas from Heaven, through Mary, to
correct the failures of Rome's "Evangelization" effort
(10) The mediatic falsification of the alleged extent and
depth of the Faith
(11) The state of denial
(14) As we published originally this document on May 7, 2005, we identified the figures as:
snake, bull, dragon and basilisk. A closer examination, thanks to a new picture (on August
5, 2021), has allowed us to identify the second animal as a lion, rather than a bull. As
can be deduced from its position (a beast on the same level as the others, that is, as an equal) -
it is a symbol of evil as well. Had it been a symbol of God's power (as in "the Lion of Judah"),
its position would undoubtedly have been different (at the very least, stepping on the serpent).
[Correction and Note by R.V.]
(15) God sent His Mother to La Salette
(16) He will allow the razing of the perverted Administration of
His Church so that it may rise in Glory
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Document Originally Published on May 7, 2005 - The first visit of Benedict XVI to St. John in Lateran • Format updated on August, 2021 - Eve of the Feast of Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ
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