The Public Forum of The M+G+R Foundation
The purpose of this Public Forum is to publicly respond to and/or comment upon correspondence that we may receive from time to time and which is of Universal interest in these very unsettling times.
We reserve the right to choose what questions to address and how to transcribe the question and/or
statement from the correspondence received. The identity of the correspondent will be kept
confidential except in the case of abusive correspondence which will then be referred to the
appropriate responsible entities.
Letters/Questions - Addressed on February 2007
"Colonies are going down. The bees aren't dead in the box or aren't out front," says Jerry Bromenshenk, a bee researcher at the University of Montana. "They've just disappeared. Just vanished."
Part of the mystery is that colonies can go from active and healthy to dead and gone within days. For beekeepers, that's a loss that stings.
They "just disappeared," says beekeeper Louise Rossberg. "There's nothing there. There's no bees on the ground anywhere. There's just a completely empty hive."
In just a few weeks, Rossberg has seen hundreds of her hives go empty. "I don't know what to do," she says. "And I'm not alone."
Bee / Bee Hive
The bee is symbolic of tireless activity. It represents a good work ethic and being
diligent at it’s task. Because the worker bees are “virgins” it is symbolic of
virginity/chastity. Because the bee appears to die in the winter and re-appear in the
summer, it can symbolize rebirth. The bee’s hard work is connected to the
beehive, which symbolizes order. The bee represents the Christian and the
beehive then symbolizes the church. Legend also suggests that bees never sleep,
thus it is a symbol of vigilance. (**)
Brethren, when people ask: What time is it? We must respond: It's about that time!
(*) Full article on missing bees:
(**) Quote source:
A. That is an excellent suggestion and it is very rewarding. There are also other organizations which - if known to be truly of God - one can assist financially with the certainty that every penny will be well used.
For example - Renewed Hope, spearheaded by Ralph and and Roberta Pippitt is one example. miguel de Portugal knew them very well long before he was anointed as such. When miguel left the world they were still part of it and he will never forget the last visit he had with them. The next news he had of Ralph and Roberta was their Zimbabwe project. If miguel now were in the position he was after his conversion and his final response to God, ever single cent donated would go to them.
But as WO suggests - look around for "your Zimbabwe" may be just around your street corner.
(*) Referred to mailing follows:
Quote from News Report (1)
The burial site of Jesus has been found and suggests he had a wife and son, according to highly sensitive claims in a documentary by "Titanic" director James Cameron and Israel-born Simcha Jacobovici.
The claims inject controversy into the issue of resurrection central to Christianity and, if accurate, could reignite questions about Jesus' earthy family life popularized in the book "The Da Vinci Code."
Cameron and Jacobovici, an award-winning documentary director, said their research suggested Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a son, Judah.
Israeli archaeologist and professor Amos Kloner, who documented the tomb as the Jewish burial cave of a well-off family more than 10 years ago, is adamant there is no evidence to support claims that it was the burial site of Jesus.
"I'm a scholar. I do scholarly work which has nothing to do with documentary film-making. There's no way to take a religious story and to turn it into something scientific," he told AFP in a telephone interview.
"I still insist that it is a regular burial chamber from the 1st century BC," Kloner said, adding that the names were a coincidence.
"Who says that 'Maria' is Magdalena and 'Judah' is the son of Jesus? It cannot be proved. These
are very popular and common names from the 1st century BC," said the academic at Israel's Bar Ilan
In the Portuguese daily 24 horas there is a 3/4 page article on this issue, slanted,
of course to favor that the tomb was really that of Jesus and family. That would be expected in a
lay daily in the much touted Catholic nation. What is not expected are the two alleged quotes from
a high profile member of the clergy:
(1) Rev. Armindo Vaz of the Discalced Carmelite order and a "profound" student of the Bible
states: "That's nothing new." and "Two years ago there was an identical situation and,
as it is expected, the Church position was prudent."
(2) He believes that the story may be " excellent TV documentary" and generate
"some surprise and sensationalism in certain sectors". Nonetheless, for "the tradition
of the Great Church, the discovery of Jesus' tomb does not represent nothing new."
Assuming that he was quoted correctly - and we have no reason to doubt it from what we know "from
the field" and NOT from post cards and tourist brochures, our first question is:
Wash is order the Discalced Carmelites or the DISGRACED Carmelites?
With our second question being:
How can the Faithful continue to put up with the antics of the Roman Catholic Church
Administration? Pray for their conversion, indeed, but also stop every single financial assistance
to it. You will see how quickly they "convert" - they are quite responsive to the promptings of
their god - mammon.
Remember - we are not talking about the Faith, our position is
clear about the Pristine Catholic Faith - we are talking about the clerical parasites about
whom Jesus spoke thus....
But woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you
shut the kingdom of heaven against men, for you yourselves do not enter in; and those that are
going in, you suffer not to enter. [Matthew 23: 13]
Which was because...
If God were your Father, you would indeed love me. For from God
I proceeded, and came; for I came not of myself, but he sent me:
43 Why do you not know
my speech? Because you cannot hear my word.
You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer
from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a
lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father
45 But if I say the
truth, you believe me not. [John 8: 42-45]
And that is why we label most of them Spiritual Bastards - not the sons of the One
they claim to be their Father.
miguel de
+ by the Grace of God
(1) Full News Report
Let us continue to "pray for the conversion of poor sinners" as Our Lady has requested at Fatima.
In His Mercy, Hannsen has much time to work out his salvation.
Praise be to Jesus.
(*) YDM is referring to a mailing that went to our Select List and read as follows:
The DaVinci Code could be dismissed as a Fantasy Thriller, "Breach" will not be that easy to dismiss with Hansen behind bars as charged and his boss and co-Opus Dei member, former FBI Director, Louis Freeh on the loose.
You may want to review which probably is the foundation of the movie script.
Didn't He say:
m de P
Bible Codes are supposedly hidden messages throughout the Bible in a form that can be used to cross reference various texts to unlock messages and information.
It convinced me that this was another band wagon that people could climb aboard, while other made money supplying them with software to meet their ‘needs’.
However, an undeniable fact is that the gentleman that first ‘cracked’ or became aware of this phenomenon accurately read the name of and exact date of the death (assassination) of a prominent Middle Eastern political figure uncovered in ‘Bible Codes’, in advance of the event. This was well documented. This is what drew my interest in it.
Since then, all and sundry have attempted to crack codes and read something into the most obscure possibilities that this presents. Some of the ‘codes’ that are cracked are downright ridiculous and probably inaccurate. It seems that anything can be found in these ‘codes’ using this method.
It DOES seem however, that there are some significant coincidences with information extrapolated by this method and actual world events. Names are also able to be found.
My thinking on all this has evolved to a point that I believe that it is quite possible that there are real hidden messages in the Bible in addition to the main text as we read it. My belief is driven by my limited knowledge on the creation of the Bible.
My understanding is that the Old Testament and New Testament are of Divine origin and that God instructed that they be written EXACTLY as he instructed without one variation. (please remember that my knowledge of the Bible is VERY limited, and I may be incorrect – please correct me where appropriate).
This being the case, it confirms that the complexity of the Bible, the complexity of the structure of the Bible and the consistency of texts could NEVER have been created by man – that the true Divine origin of the Biblical texts is unquestionable. (of course most people with Christian beliefs would think this anyway, but my background is different ....) For me, it also raises the possibility that the name of every human being that has ever lived and ever will live is recorded in some way, somewhere in the Bible, and possibly their spiritual destiny or fate.
I also believe that the Bible Codes could of course, be used by people pushing their own agendas, good or bad.
I am interested on your thoughts on this
A. miguel de Portugal attests to the
fact that there is far more in the Holy Scriptures than appears on the straight reading of every
line. Shortly after - "shortly" being defined as just a few hours - from miguel's "Yes" to God's
request of (paraphrasing) "...leave all behind and follow Me and serve Me.", the same Holy
Scriptures he had become quite familiar with in the prior six years, opened up in a most amazing
The best way it can be explained is: One is looking at the surface of a crystalline coral reef
rich body of salt water. One sees the surface and maybe some tropical fish swimming just a few
inches to a foot below the surface, and, all of a sudden, one is able to focus on and see all the
horizontal planes of the body of water that lie below the surface, all the way to the bottom. That
is what miguel felt when the Holy Scriptures were opened to him by God.
There is much, much hidden information in the Holy Scriptures and we can quote the Bible
supporting such statement:
We have extensively addressed the reality and coherence of the Biblical texts in our documents Biblical Literalism Part I and Part II. We encourage the serious Faithful to review again both documents since they will answer many of CH's questions and confirm some of his statements.
You state that: "An undeniable fact is that the gentleman that first ‘cracked’ or became aware of this phenomenon accurately read the name of and exact date of the death (assassination) of a prominent Middle Eastern political figure uncovered in ‘Bible Codes’, in advance of the event. This was well documented. This is what drew my interest in it."
We are not surprised since we know well how "inside information" is being used to gain Prophet status or a controlling-of-the-masses status.
Nostradamus has been credited for many accurate predictions and many of those "coincidences" may have been achieved through forced translations or adjustment of historical events to suit the prediction; yet, others have not. One "other that was not" is:
"The ancient work shall be accomplished from the roof, evil lightning shall fall on a great man. Being dead, they will accuse an innocent man of the deed. The guilty one hidden in the misty copse." [According to linguists "misty copse" = "grassy knoll"]
This quatrain refers to the assassination of Kennedy.
Why do we know that this quatrain is accurate without having been manipulated? Because the assassination of Kennedy, just like the 9-11 Tragedy, were absolute requirements in the fulfillment of "The ancient work shall be accomplished " which is nothing more than the establishment of a New International World Order.
Why should individuals refrain from trying to peek into the future by decoding the Bible, Nostradamus or DaVinci, for that matter?
We have addressed that issue extensively in our document: DIVINATION AND MIRACULOUS HEALINGS ...AND, WHAT ABOUT GOD? - A Biblical Synopsis
Therefore, your: "I no longer pursue this interest" is nothing more than acting upon Divine Inspiration. May God be Praised for not abandoning His children; His children who are willing to listen and obey Him.
Nothing comes before my reverence to my Lord. I pray that He gives me the strength to fight to the very end.
A. We wish we could say something other than the situation will get worse. Your feelings are shared by millions of true Catholics. The only solution we can offer is to look around for a Church which offers a reasonably acceptable Mass. For example, in Houston, Texas, there was the Dominican's Holy Rosary Parish, where Sunday Mass at 9 AM was Novus Ordo but in Latin and the singing was provided by a group of men intoning Gregorian Chants. In that Parish the kneeling rail was kept and communion was received kneeling down at all Masses.
Another church was the Annunciation in downtown Houston. On Sunday afternoons they offered the Tridentine Mass - after the ill attended (a real embarrassment!) two hour period of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. In that same huge Metroplex there was only one Perpetual Adoration chapel and miguel drove many, many miles a week to frequent it. No complaints - at least we found one! The Faithful must just look around.
What we are illustrating to do is - first of all, search high and low because God may just have the Church you are looking for around the corner; then, you must "make do" with what is available until it becomes simply impossible to attend a Mass because it is no longer offered in an appropriate manner.
Do not think that such is a US problem exclusively. You should see what is taking place in "Holy" Portugal, not to mention "Saintly" Spain. Post cards and Tour Brochures do not tell the real story.... and neither does The Vatican, but that, by now, should be known without saying.
One is not being judgmental when one evaluates the abuses and offenses directed at our Lord. Hopefully we should know the difference between what is correct and incorrect.
This "judgmental" issue has been spun for centuries to protect the evil doers. We are not to judge a human being as evil or holy, for only God knows the reality of that soul as well as its final destination - Heaven or hell; however, God gave us a brain, Evangelization (for those who were Blessed to receive and assimilate some reasonable portion of it) and the Light of the Holy Spirit so that we can evaluate - using His Word as the "measuring stick" - actions/behaviors. Thus we MUST judge actions/behaviors and act accordingly.... with praying for the offender as the first priority.
What to do in a Mass where the Faithful is forbidden to take communion while kneeling? The communicant should genuflect just before taking the communion standing up and offer to God, as an act of reparation, having to have done so. To "make a scene" because one is not allowed to kneel is completely out of place and a sign of wishing to bring upon oneself everyone else's attention with the undercurrent message of "I am holier than you!"
We recommend a review of several related documents that we have online in the Name of God:
The Sin of Denial may be spiritually deadly
How many are really consuming the real Body of Christ? Precious few.
Let us not forget the contract we enter with God when we pray the Our Father - for He will not.
In the end, whatever is the end result, it is a good thing.
Not only that, a lot of what happens must happen in order for everything to turn out right.
A. The saying quoted, common as it is, is another insult to God. The truth is that whenever God closes a door, He opens a wider one for our benefit. It is man who, in defiance to the Will of God, "kicks a window open" and ascribes such opening to God for cosmetic purposes.
Without a doubt, "...a lot of what happens must happen in order for everything to turn out right."... that is exactly what Pain is the megaphone that God uses to assist the deaf in hearing Him is all about.
Animals learn in a short time - like training a dog not to soil the carpet. It takes man a lifetime plus Purgatorial time to "get his act together". That is what Jesus came to help us with; unfortunately organized religion decided to "improve on Jesus". The fools!
The choice is always ours and the level of pain we must go through in Time is always in our hands but most are so blind that we cannot even see that!
...and I have wondered how I can live so Jesus doesn't say to me at the Last Judgment, "Depart from me."
Do you have any suggestions to your readers? Thank you for your time.
A. Jesus will never deny the members of His Family who He clearly defined for us:
Those who have done it for appearances sake are the ones that He will not recognized even if they sat in the front pew of the church for Mass seven days a week, 52 weeks a year.
We should strive with all our heart to serve God and not worry about Salvation since it will come as a natural consequence of our love for God and our sincere service to Him.
Through two degrees miguel studied very had to learn the subject matter of every course he registered for - not to get good grades but to learn; logically, good grades "just happened" as the logical consequence of studying hard to learn. It is all the same.
Q. I am shaken up by the math you outlined in
your response to JC in the Public Forum of January 27. You are
getting about 40,000 visitors per month to your site (which I assume includes repeat visitors),
yet this world has 6.5 billion people in it.
Initials Withheld
A. Perhaps you have read far more into that particular response than it contained.
First of all, although someone may now know with great accuracy the schedule for the Apocalyptic Events for the End of These Times (see the response to LP on January 29th below) no one should even consider estimating the number of names in the Book of Life - that would certainly be amongst the last things that miguel de Portugal would try to project. All we can refer to is what we find in the Holy Scriptures, for example in Revelations 9 we read:
The number of Domain traffic we quoted are single individuals - that is - if one individual visits the Domain twenty times a month, it would be counted as only one. Many visitors circulate the pages (this will only count as one document); others print the pages and pass them around (this will also only count as one document). Therefore, we have no idea how many individuals read the documents in The M+G+R Foundation Domain.
We do know that we have visitors from over 103 different countries. In addition, many years ago we received a permission request to translate a lengthy document into Tamil and publish it in printed form. How many have been translated, printed and circulated without requesting us for permission, only God knows and, really, that is His business for so are we.
There are billions who do not know Jesus as the result of the failed Evangelization effort led by the Successors of Peter plus those who have rejected God as the result of the abuses of the Administrators of organized religion. Those are not automatically hell bound. They will suffer a great deal and the "invoice" for said sufferings will be presented to those who could have assisted them in some way in seeing the Light, yet, did not.
God has made special arrangements for the salvation of those "that knew not" - even though they will have to acknowledge Jesus as their Savior. We know the highlights of said arrangements - thus we are quite sure of it.
The above information should be sufficient to automatically address the remainder questions and concerns.
We thank the writer for the opportunity to address these Universal concerns.
It is a logical impossibility that
ANYONE could predict the date of the Return of Christ. What are you thoughts on this matter?
A. Going back to the Word of God as the only fountain of recorded revealed Truth we find:
In Matthew 24 we read:
As to "... neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son..", this could raise - and has in the past - a question about the Divinity of Jesus. As we have pointed out in our documents Biblical Literalism - Part I and Biblical Literalism - Part II, we must spiritually understand what we read. When Jesus spoke thus He was in the flesh - and just like any man [except in sin] in Time, thus He would not know; thus, this lack of knowledge had nothing to do with His Divine Status.
But what about "... neither the angels in heaven..." someone may ask? The way we see this is that the angels - when working with man in the Time frame like, for example, Raphael [in the Book of Tobias] or one's Guardian Angel - may not know it for the same reason that Jesus did not nor we do.
What is really important is that we, like Noah, be spiritually sensitive to the times and prepare for it; i.e. building our Arc and inviting to it those around us by helping them see the signs and, above all, by the example we give with our lives.
Sometimes "Man thinks too much, and yet, not enough...."
Thank you for the opportunity to address this issue.
Public Forum - January 2007 - Edition Files
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