The M+G+R Foundation

Press Realease

The Authorship of John Paul II's Book "Crossing the Threshold of Hope"

On July 22, 1995 The M+G+R Foundation issued the following statement to the World Press

Subject : John Paul II's Book "Crossing the Threshold of Hope", Who Was Really The Author?

May the Peace of God be with you!

A few days ago we received the realization that the referenced book was not authored by Pope John Paul II. This was a comprehensive realization. More so than the one experienced on November 1994 which led to the publication, on December 18, 1994, of a document pointing out a gross error that could not be possibly ascribed to His Holiness John Paul II.

The December 18, 1994 document (1), a copy of which was released to the World Press, was also issued to responsible clergy and hierarchy in over 40 nations.

After this most recent realization, as it is customary, the means to confirm it on concrete terms were given so that it would be obvious to the world. For your reference, a second document composed of (2), (3) & (4) was developed containing the supplemental documentation.

Summarizing from hard facts and figures: Pope John Paul II, could not have possibly written the book. A man that: (1) Had to cancel the proposed 4 hour taping for a television interview because on September alone his agenda consisted of 36 computer printed pages; (2) Has serious health problems (including a broken right clavicle and shaking hands) could not possibly write by hand, as it is dramatically claimed, approximately 267 pages containing a total of approximately 53,500 words.

The full details confirming our realization may be found in the already referred to and attached documents dated December 18, 1994 (1) and July 20, 1995, (2), (3) & (4) respectively.

If you are attentive when you review the Chronology (4) of events leading to the publication of the referenced book, you will be able to see far more that it appears on the surface.

(1) December 18, 1994 document.
(2) A second document dated July 20, 1995.
(3) Mechanical test on the text of Varcare la soglia della speranza
(4) Chronology leading to the publication of Varcare la soglia della speranza

SECTION 03 Cover Page

Originally issued only for Worldwide Ecclesiastical Distribution on July 20, 1995. Nazaré, Portugal

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