"Damage Control" from Heaven
For the Institutional Distortion of the Fatima Events and Messages
As we have stated many times: satan must serve God because God is the Creator and IS above all. As we have also stated: God will not abandon His children - His Elect - to the enemy at this most crucial time since the Creation of man.
This time, Divine "Damage Control" manifests itself through old publications that found their way into our hands.
First, we must review the latest distortion of the Fatima events by the Administration of the Roman Catholic Church. The fact that they are engaging in this deception shows that our charge against the Vatican (1) (2) (3) has reached the appropriate ears in the Vatican.
First, we must review the latest Institutional distortion of the Fatima events - a distortion wherein we can see that our identifying the Roman Catholic Church Administration as the de facto accessory to the greatest holocaust (2) (3) in the history of humanity, has reached the appropriate Vatican ears.
Then, we will proceed to list the earliest publications about Fatima which will confirm that the ignorance claimed by Rome to justify their inaction is just another institutional lie.
The last part of this "trilogy" will be the publication of what matter-of-fact observers in the mid-1960s considered to be the full Third Secret of Fatima - before the spin masters decided to cast a heavy smoke screen over the Fatima events. (4) [See Note added to this section on June 9, 2008]
Once again we must defer any Glory for these findings to God since we could not have even tried to research for this information. (One cannot seek what one does not know exists.)
The latest Distortion
We came across a new Fatima Documentary, "Misterios de Fatima" (Fatima Mysteries). It was prepared before the end of the Pontificate of John Paul II , and has a copyright date of 2006.
Highlights of the documentary:
(a) Parts of an original video taken during C. Evaristo's interview with Sister Lucia were shown.
In this video, she states that the Consecration of 1984 was done correctly and explains why.
(b) C. Evaristo attempted to prove, by means of video clips and flash-backs, that it was because of the Portuguese dictator Salazar that the Fatima message was spread worldwide. [There was no mention of the Blue Army (5) or of John Haffert - the true instruments used by God to spread Fatima throughout the world.]
(c) C. Evaristo appears to place the full blame for Rome not obeying the Heavenly instructions on Bishop D. Jose Alves Correia da Silva. For those who are not familiar with D. Jose - he was dubbed the "Bishop of Fatima", served as such from 1920 through 1958 and is buried in the Basilica of Fatima because of his commitment to Fatima and his recognition of its significance.
(d) The lie published as the 3rd Part of the Secret was magnified even further. (6)
(b) C. Evaristo attempted to prove, by means of video clips and flash-backs, that it was because of the Portuguese dictator Salazar that the Fatima message was spread worldwide. [There was no mention of the Blue Army (5) or of John Haffert - the true instruments used by God to spread Fatima throughout the world.]
(c) C. Evaristo appears to place the full blame for Rome not obeying the Heavenly instructions on Bishop D. Jose Alves Correia da Silva. For those who are not familiar with D. Jose - he was dubbed the "Bishop of Fatima", served as such from 1920 through 1958 and is buried in the Basilica of Fatima because of his commitment to Fatima and his recognition of its significance.
(d) The lie published as the 3rd Part of the Secret was magnified even further. (6)
Even a mildly informed viewer would walk away from watching the documentary believing that:
(a) World War II was the fault of Bishop D. Jose and not of the Roman Church Administrators.
(b) The brutal Portuguese dictator Salazar was the man who saw to it that the Fatima Message became of global interest.
(c) The Consecration of 1984 was done properly.
(d) The fall of communism and the "conversion" of Russia were the logical consequence of said consecration.
(e) Regardless of what has been taking place in the world - where wars multiply daily and the most heinous crimes are committed as a matter of fact - we must be living the Period of Peace Mary announced.
(f) The shooting of John Paul II in 1981 was the confirmation of the 3rd Part of the Secret of Fatima.
(b) The brutal Portuguese dictator Salazar was the man who saw to it that the Fatima Message became of global interest.
(c) The Consecration of 1984 was done properly.
(d) The fall of communism and the "conversion" of Russia were the logical consequence of said consecration.
(e) Regardless of what has been taking place in the world - where wars multiply daily and the most heinous crimes are committed as a matter of fact - we must be living the Period of Peace Mary announced.
(f) The shooting of John Paul II in 1981 was the confirmation of the 3rd Part of the Secret of Fatima.
The narrating "experts" in the documentary were not identified as they spoke. We knew who they were because "we certainly know their faces" as well as their leanings.
While the above is still fresh in the reader's mind and as a preamble to the next section, we will reproduce the parts of the Secret that have been published for many years.
"You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go; to save them, God wishes to
establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart, if what I say to you is done, many
souls will be saved and will have peace; the war (referring to WW I) is going to end; but
if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will start (referring to WW II) during the
Pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is
the great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes,
by means of war, hunger, and of persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father.
"To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart,
and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded Russia
will be converted and will have peace; if not, she (Russia) will spread her errors
throughout the world, promoting wars and persecutions of the Church, the good will
be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be
annihilated: finally my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate
Russia to me, which will be converted, and peace will be granted to the world for some
time. In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved, etc."(here commences the
undisclosed portion of the original secret ). (7)
SECOND - The earliest publications about Fatima
Through the Grace of God we stumbled upon the earliest publication we have seen about Fatima (translating from Portuguese): "Our Lady of Fátima - Apparitions, Cult and Miracles" by Luis G. A. da Fonseca, S.J. - Porto, 1947.
Among the original treasures found in this book we find a listing of all prior Fatima publications, documents that led up to this particular book. With this information alone, it is very easy to see how well known the Fatima phenomena was in Rome and how completely ridiculous is the notion that the Fatima Bishop, Don José, had blocked crucial information from reaching the powers in the Vatican.
Interestingly enough, the book opens with a letter of recommendation from Bishop D. José Correia da Silva himself, written on November 21, 1945.
We will now proceed to list the publications which eventually coalesced into this book by Fonesca.
1. A booklet written in Italian. 72 pages, 15x9 cm, edited in 1931 by the "Propaganda Mariana" de
Casale Monferrato, Itália [No. 6 of the series "Mary's Glory" (Le Glorie di Maria)] This booklet
contained a compilation of articles written about the Fatima Apparitions previously published in
"Maria in Famiglia" (Asti)
Note: The booklet was published in Italian; eight years before World War II commenced; and it reflected that articles earlier than 1931 had been published in Italian too.
2. Said first edition of 6,000 copies was sold out within weeks; therefore a second edition -
almost identical to the first one - of 5,500 copies was published in 1932. This 2nd Edition was
translated into Portuguese (Brazil 1933), into English (Bombay 1933), into Spanish (Bilbao 1934)
and Polish, and again into Portuguese (Porto 1934). The world was still FIVE years from World War
Where were the Vatican "Shepherds"? We know where God was. The question is: Where were the ones who had the responsibility to carry out the direct orders from God?
3. In 1933, the 3rd Italian edition saw the light. It was greatly enhanced, containing much information which had been unpublished until then, that came as part of two lengthy documents written by Sister Lucia in obedience to the request of Bishop Don José.
Where were the Vatican "Shepherds"? We know where God was. The question is: Where were the ones who had the responsibility to carry out the direct orders from God?
3. In 1933, the 3rd Italian edition saw the light. It was greatly enhanced, containing much information which had been unpublished until then, that came as part of two lengthy documents written by Sister Lucia in obedience to the request of Bishop Don José.
(a) The first document was Lucia's "Contribution of personal memories for the biography of
(b) The second document was Lucia's "History of Fátima - just as it was."
(b) The second document was Lucia's "History of Fátima - just as it was."
4. This edition was touched up and published in Brazil in 1940, in French in 1942 ["Fátima,
merveille inouie" - prepared by Conego C. Barthas, Toulouse 1942 - three editions]. These editions
appeared one and three years respectively after the beginning of the war the "Shepherds" could
have avoided if they had not blatantly ignored the requests from Heaven.
5. The fourth edition, commemorating the 25th Anniversary [1942] of the Apparitions and the Episcopal Jubilee of Pius XII, was published by the Vatican Publishing arm [Tipografia Vaticana]. Five thousand copies were printed.
6. The fifth edition numbering 10,000 copies saw the light on October of the same year - 1942.
To review what was taking place in the world in this period visit our document correlating
liturgical dates with World War II events. (8)
5. The fourth edition, commemorating the 25th Anniversary [1942] of the Apparitions and the Episcopal Jubilee of Pius XII, was published by the Vatican Publishing arm [Tipografia Vaticana]. Five thousand copies were printed.
6. The fifth edition numbering 10,000 copies saw the light on October of the same year - 1942.
7. On January 1943 the 6th edition with 15,000 copies was published by the "Pia Società di S. Paolo". In this edition a mention was made of the consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary made by Pius XII on October 31, 1942, which was duly repeated on December 8th.
Of course, what Heaven asked on June 13, 1929, was.... (9)
"The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father, in union with all the Bishops of the
world, to make the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this
means. There are so many souls whom the Justice of God condemns for sins committed against me,
that I have come to ask reparation: sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray."
[Original Text, in English and Portuguese, is Item C linked through Note (9) in
Attachment II]
'Later' The Virgin Mary complained to Lucia regarding the consecration:
"They did not wish to heed my request. Like the King of France, they will repent and do it, but it
will be late. Russia will have already spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars, and
persecutions of the Church; the Holy Father will have much to suffer." [Original Text, in
English and Portuguese, is Item D linked through Note (9) in Attachment II]
....and the requests continued to be ignored due to "prudence" - also known as cowardice and lack of faith.
8. The book's 7th Edition followed - 35,000 copies, February 1943 - Rome; 8th Edition followed -
25,000 copies, March 1943 - Rome; 9th Edition followed - 30,000 copies, April 1943; 10th Edition
followed - 30,000 copies, 1944 - Rome
9. At the same time several other translations were published: German (Switzerland 1943 - two editions); Spanish 1944, Dutch, Danish, Croatian, and Slovenian. Additional translations - including Chinese - were in preparation.
10. The present edition of the book which is dated 1946 and 1947 is essentially the 10th edition, with a few additions to reflect the historical events which occurred since 1944. Of course, the Portuguese editions of any of these books are the most accurate since whatever Sister Lucia and Bishop D. Jose wrote was in Portuguese.
9. At the same time several other translations were published: German (Switzerland 1943 - two editions); Spanish 1944, Dutch, Danish, Croatian, and Slovenian. Additional translations - including Chinese - were in preparation.
10. The present edition of the book which is dated 1946 and 1947 is essentially the 10th edition, with a few additions to reflect the historical events which occurred since 1944. Of course, the Portuguese editions of any of these books are the most accurate since whatever Sister Lucia and Bishop D. Jose wrote was in Portuguese.
What this means is:
(a) Contrary to the allegations in the recent Fatima video, Bishop Don Jose of Fatima did NOT
block the Vatican or the rest of the Church from receiving crucial information on the messages
from Heaven.
(b) The message of Fatima was disseminated within Europe well before the start of World War II (as
shown by the multiple printings of early editions of this book, from 1931 through 1934) - but the
Vatican failed to act on what they knew.
It is interesting to note that one of the very early translations was made into Polish in the year 1934, yet Karol Wojtyla - the future John Paul II - knew nothing of the details of Fatima until in 1981 when Heaven applied the Eternal Dogma of "Pain is the megaphone that God uses for the deaf to hear." (10) .... and hear he did.
THIRD - The true text of the third part of the Secret of Fátima?
From the stored files of miguel de Portugal he pulled a booklet published in 1966 - 1967, in Spanish, titled "Las Negaciones de Garabandal" ("The Garabandal Denials") [Editorial CIRCULO, Zaragoza, Spain]. It was written by Mr. Francisco Sánchez-Ventura y Pascual, a well connected Spanish attorney, who had become a witness-historian of the Garabandal events.
The book was in response to an inquiry, by a not-named "prestigious theologian from Paris", sent to Mr. Sanchez-Ventura y Pascual challenging his earlier pro-Garabandal publication "The apparitions are not a myth". Therefore, as only a lawyer (or a scientist) would do - Mr. Sanchez-Ventura y Pascual presented a methodical and impregnable case for the veracity of Garabandal without contradicting the ecclesiastical authorities and their opinions, to which he fully submitted himself.
Mr. Sanchez-Ventura y Pascual seems to have been very well connected with the Church in Spain and was a devout practitioner of the Faith [the fact that the Opus Dei (11) had not ensnared him exemplifies the purity of his faith and coherence of his logic.]
When miguel pulled the book out of his files he noted that he obtained it on April 22, 1992, during a visit to Garabandal. He also noted that he had also read it - or at least part of it - because the notations he made in it.
As the author methodically builds up his case, he proceeds to compare past and current events with what Mary had said in Garabandal. In the middle of just another paragraph, as if he was going to bring up something that he was not singling out as that special or unique - and certainly not a secret - he writes in Spanish: "That is the fulfillment of that part of the secret of Fátima which reads.... ." [Circling that statement, miguel had made a marginal note in ink which read: "I have never seen this written down. Ck into it."]
Now, we will proceed to translate from Spanish what, to this gentleman, was a matter-of-fact part of the Secret of Fatima.
"Humanity has sinned and trampled upon the Grace granted upon it. Order reigns nowhere. satan has
reached the highest positions and determines how things are to evolve. He will succeed in
introducing himself in the highest echelons of the Church. He will succeed in seducing the spirit
of the great wise men who will invent weapons with which half of humanity can be destroyed in just
a few minutes. He will have powerful nations within his empire and will move them to mass produce
those weapons.
If humanity does not take the steps necessary to stop it, I will be forced to let go of My Son's Arm. Then, God will punish mankind in a much more severe manner than He did with the Great Flood. The great and powerful will succumb just as the weak and small.
But for the Church there will be a time of great trials. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals and Bishops will oppose Bishops. Fire and smoke will fall from Heaven and the waters of the oceans will be vaporized. Millions of men will die from hour to hour and those who remain alive will envy those who have died"...
If humanity does not take the steps necessary to stop it, I will be forced to let go of My Son's Arm. Then, God will punish mankind in a much more severe manner than He did with the Great Flood. The great and powerful will succumb just as the weak and small.
But for the Church there will be a time of great trials. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals and Bishops will oppose Bishops. Fire and smoke will fall from Heaven and the waters of the oceans will be vaporized. Millions of men will die from hour to hour and those who remain alive will envy those who have died"...
Immediately after transcribing what was obviously part of the third part Secret of Fatima, Mr. Sanchez-Ventura y Pascual - in a matter of fact manner - prophecies thus: "It really seems that humanity is feeling the need to get rid of the established order to, then, after the catastrophe, establish a new order." Remember - this booklet was written in 1965-1966!
The author then proceeded to other matters just as if what he had written about was "common knowledge" amongst the inner circle of the practicing Faithful. Keep in mind that he was writing a defense manifesto of Garabandal directed to a renowned theologian, thus, it would be very unlikely for a man of the stature of Mr. Sanchez-Ventura y Pascual to use information which was not well grounded.
What is even more striking is that the text published by Mr. Sachez-Ventura y Pascual in 1965-1966 as part of the secret of Fatima is almost identical to the message delivered in Akita (12) on October 13, 1973. To wit:
"As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible
punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will
never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity,
the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find
themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will
be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the
Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests.
"The work of the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will see
cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate Me will be
scorned and opposed by their confreres.... churches and altars sacked, the Church will be full of
those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave
the service of the Lord."
Note Added on June 9, 2008
A collaborator of The M+G+R Foundation found Mr. Sanchez-Ventura's source for the secret of Fatima he quotes from. According to Mr. Sanchez-Ventura's other book - "El Interrogante de Garabandal" (13) (14) - the alleged secret was published on October 15, 1963 in the Neu-Europa of Stuttgart (Germany) in an article penned by Luis Enrich. This was, in turned, published in various Spanish and Portuguese publications around that time.
Once we reviewed the alleged message in full and the conditions surrounding it we must acknowledge that:
However, they have been woven in a manner that - even though many of the "threads" are true, the resulting "fabric" is an invention. We will not even venture a guess as to the reason for such invention other that it being part of the on going disinformation campaign (15) that has trailed the Fatima events almost since 1917.
If time allows it we will try to separate the wheat-from-the-chaff on this rendition of the Third Part of the Secret, however, through Akita and Garabandal one has an even better picture of what described in the real Third Part of the Secret.
A collaborator of The M+G+R Foundation found Mr. Sanchez-Ventura's source for the secret of Fatima he quotes from. According to Mr. Sanchez-Ventura's other book - "El Interrogante de Garabandal" (13) (14) - the alleged secret was published on October 15, 1963 in the Neu-Europa of Stuttgart (Germany) in an article penned by Luis Enrich. This was, in turned, published in various Spanish and Portuguese publications around that time.
Once we reviewed the alleged message in full and the conditions surrounding it we must acknowledge that:
(a) Key elements of the message are indeed correct;
(b) Those correct key elements may have come from the unpublished part of the secret
(c) Said key parts are coherent with the Garabandal messages as well as the much later (1973) Akita messages (12) plus what we know "on direct"
(b) Those correct key elements may have come from the unpublished part of the secret
(c) Said key parts are coherent with the Garabandal messages as well as the much later (1973) Akita messages (12) plus what we know "on direct"
However, they have been woven in a manner that - even though many of the "threads" are true, the resulting "fabric" is an invention. We will not even venture a guess as to the reason for such invention other that it being part of the on going disinformation campaign (15) that has trailed the Fatima events almost since 1917.
If time allows it we will try to separate the wheat-from-the-chaff on this rendition of the Third Part of the Secret, however, through Akita and Garabandal one has an even better picture of what described in the real Third Part of the Secret.
The lies continue to be confirmed as lies and the truths continue to be confirmed as truths and, again, we rejoice in Glorifying God Who wants to make sure that His children continue to have a guiding light to illuminate their way through these most treacherous times.
What can we do to remain on the right track - under the Wing of the Almighty?
Simply focus our critical eye upon ourselves and on our shortcomings so that we may correct what needs correcting, improve what needs improving and seek from God what we need and yet not have. We may start by asking ourselves:
+ What is each one of us doing to put in practice and share the
gift Heaven gave to the world in Fátima?
+ How many rosaries do we pray well every day?
+ Do we pray the ViaCrucis frequently?
+ Do we frequently partake of The Sacrament of Reconciliation ? Only Mary was Immaculate, the rest of us are sinners and need frequent reconciliation with God.
+ Do we make it a practice to offer reparation to the Eucharistic Presence of Our Lord, so abandoned in all Tabernacles of the earth?
+ How about reparation to the Immaculate Heart of His Mother?
+ Do we think that we are really special and better than this or that individual? We will only be really special when we do not feel that way!
+ Are we praying enough to spiritually assist the priests and members of the Hierarchy? If they fall, do not blame God. It is our responsibility!
+ How about praying for the murderers, rapists, child abusers, abortionists? Are we praying enough for them as Our Lord Jesus Christ clearly instructed us to do?
+ How many rosaries do we pray well every day?
+ Do we pray the ViaCrucis frequently?
+ Do we frequently partake of The Sacrament of Reconciliation ? Only Mary was Immaculate, the rest of us are sinners and need frequent reconciliation with God.
+ Do we make it a practice to offer reparation to the Eucharistic Presence of Our Lord, so abandoned in all Tabernacles of the earth?
+ How about reparation to the Immaculate Heart of His Mother?
+ Do we think that we are really special and better than this or that individual? We will only be really special when we do not feel that way!
+ Are we praying enough to spiritually assist the priests and members of the Hierarchy? If they fall, do not blame God. It is our responsibility!
+ How about praying for the murderers, rapists, child abusers, abortionists? Are we praying enough for them as Our Lord Jesus Christ clearly instructed us to do?
The choice is ours: Either we make sure that we have an ample supply of oil for our lamp or we do not. The consequences of either choice could not be clearer in the Holy Scriptures according to Matthew 25:1-12. The world should consider itself amply warned! (16)
(1) That the Roman Catholic Church Administration has been the de facto accessory to the greatest holocaust (2) (3) in the history of humanity, and that this war could have been prevented if Rome had obeyed the clear instructions from Heaven.
(2) The Vatican ignores a direct Heavenly command
(3) A reality that would be easily confirmed at the Hague tribunals if there were enough time left to prosecute them.
(4) The conspiracy to discredit Fatima
(5) About the Blue Army of Fatima
(6) The false third part of the Secret of Fatima
(7) A closer look at the text of the Fatima Secret
(8) World War II dates and Liturgical dates - a correlation
(9) Details of the requests from Heaven
(10) The megaphone that God uses
(11) About Opus Dei
(12) The messages through Akita, Japan
(13) Pages nos. 200-201 [In Spanish]
(14) Pages nos. 202-203 [In Spanish]
(15) The Fatima disinformation campaign
(16) The world has been amply warned
Related Documents
The Altered Secret of Fátima
An Index of Key Documents On Fátima and the Apparitions
"We Have Been Warned by the Virgin Mary. Are We Going to Listen?"
Mysteries Of God That Allow Us To Better Understand Heavenly Messages
The Apocalyptic Secrets From the Sacred Scriptures Unfold... As We Understand Their Relationship With Heavenly Messages.
An Index of Key Documents On Fátima and the Apparitions
"We Have Been Warned by the Virgin Mary. Are We Going to Listen?"
Mysteries Of God That Allow Us To Better Understand Heavenly Messages
The Apocalyptic Secrets From the Sacred Scriptures Unfold... As We Understand Their Relationship With Heavenly Messages.
Issued on December 24th, 2007 - Christmas Eve - European Union

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