The M+G+R Foundation

Documents Regarding the Opus Dei Sect


NOTE: You may find the perspective of the indexed documents to be unusual, disturbing, or even unexpected. Even if you do not believe in anything remotely like what those documents present, treat the presented viewpoints as an alternative hypothesis. Then ask yourself: "Does using the presented insight providea better understanding of present events and power players?"

"The point of prophecy is not to offer crystal ball predictions of the future; it is to help discern the full meaning of present events, and to enable those with understanding to 'speak the truth in power'." - Anon.

On the level of Opus Dei's penetration in the world

•  Who Is Who in Opus Dei On a Worldwide Scale
This is a list of prominent Opus Dei members. It is intended to include people whose membership in Opus Dei is documented in published sources, and therefore a matter of public record.
•  Cardinals, Bishops and Priests who are members, supporters or sympathizers of Opus Dei
The purpose of this document is to illustrate the level of penetration and control that the Opus Dei Prelature has in the Roman Catholic Church, thus, the world at large.
•  Some Universities, Institutions and Centers Openly Associated to Opus Dei On a Wordwide Scale
The purpose of this document is to illustrate the level of penetration and control that Opus Dei has in the academic world and in social institutions, thus, in the world at large.

The Power of Opus Dei...

•  The Immense Power of the Opus Dei - How It Will End
•  Opus Dei In Action in Chile's - A journalistic report
The traditional influence of the Society of Jesus on the papacy was replaced by that of Opus Dei
•  Ecclesiastical Masonry (Secret Societies within the Church), Who may they be?
How will it be possible to identify with certainty an organization that operates in secret? By the traces it leaves behind.
•  Ecclesiastical Masonry (Secret Societies within the Church) - Index of Sections
An index comprising more than 20 important articles
•  John Paul II's Vatican spokesman, Joaquín Navarro-Valls, a member of Opus Dei, reveals himself
A psychiatrist member of Opus Dei, in a position of influence and control over John Paul II
•  Opus Dei's Penetration of the U.S. Government
U.S. Supreme Court Justices and their religious affiliation
•  Opus Dei and the CIA: A Possible Link
William E. Colby, a Catholic and former CIA director, was a key CIA operative in Rome
•  Former U.S. President George Bush and Opus Dei
A visit to Spain that sparked controversy

... and its inevitable End

•  A formal appeal to Joaquín Navarro Valls, Spokesman, The Vatican
Outlining the several "Plans to Save the World" by different groups, including the Opus Dei
•  A formal appeal to the world wide Opus Dei Leadership to abandon their doomed plans to "Save the World"
•  The "Saviors" of the World Are Having "Family Problems"
•  The complete establishment of a New World Order will never come to completion... matter how hard the planners of such a socio-religious structure try
•  The Prelature of Opus Dei - In Conclusion
Beyond this document, there is nothing more we can do to alert the faithful to its dangers
•  Opus Dei's power may be on its way out
They now suffer the experience of being used like someone who uses a rag to mop the floor

On the False Theology of Opus Dei

•  A theological treatise which exposes a great doctrinal Fallacy of the Opus Dei and Others
•  Opus Dei and its love of Money
What about “Pay to Caesar what is Caesar's, and what is God's, to God”?
•  The Opus Dei network - The influence of its ministers, judges, bankers... in the country of its founder (in Spanish)
A report from the Spanish magazine “Tiempo”
•  Religious Asceticism and its abuse - The appearance on which Opus Dei is founded.
The abuse of Religious Asceticism and the serious consequences it entails
•  The false humility of the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Marquis of Peralta
“His passion for luxury and wealth was matched only by his greed to accumulate titles, honors and dignities”

More related documents

•  Opus Dei and Escriva according to Maria del Carmen Tapia - former high ranking Opus Dei official
Former Superior of the Women's Branch of Opus Dei who wrote the well-known book “Behind the Threshold - A Life in Opus Dei”
•  Guidance on how to prevent the infiltration of legitimate religious organizations by sectarian religious groups
“Opus Dei is attempting to infiltrate and take control of other major Catholic organizations with the goal of turning them into membership recruitment fronts”
•  The REAL Code of the Da Vinci Code
The positive publicity benefit of Dan Brown's book for Opus Dei's agenda
•  On Mind Control and Psychological Manipulation
Is this a major part of Opus Dei's plans?
•  Terrorism Is Not the Real Problem... The Real Problem is Religious Fanaticism
Document on the true roots of Terrorism
•  Dominous Iesus: An attempt to intimidate those who do not "toe the Vatican's Opus Dei line"
The good news is that there is Salvation outside the Catholic Church!
•  The Trajectory of H.H. John Paul II
His trajectory from being “Cardinal Wojtyla” to being “His Holiness John Paul II”
•  Connection between Opus Dei Members and Extreme Right Groups and Other Undesirable Groups Worldwide
•  The United States, betrayed by the spy Robert P. Hanssen, member of Opus Dei
The spy with the most dire consequences for the security of the U.S. and the world
•  The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei, Sect or Cult? - The dictionary gives us the answer
The answer, in the hands of impartial sources
•  The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei and The Popes
•  Cardinal Law Faces Calls to Resign
Here we have a touted as independent, but pro Opus Dei, book giving the world the details how come Law never fell off from the Vatican's Grace and why he was so generously rewarded in his exile of shame.
•  Diary Of A Spy
INSIGHT Magazine sheds light on what may have motivated Robert P. Hanssen to commit some of the worst acts of treason in the history of the United States.
•  The Da Vinci Code Movie Review
The movie indeed is a good Public Relations effort for the benefit of Opus Dei because what is presented about them appears to be so far off from any imaginable reality that it will be easily discounted by the general public.
•  The Fruits of the Opus Dei in Spain
The purpose of this document is to report on the "Grades" earned by the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei in its Flag-Ship country - SPAIN.
•  The Opus Dei Game Plan
The "plan" set forth in the quoted and commented upon article seems to lay out the fundamental reasoning for the post New World Order era as we have described in our document The New World/International Order and at Step No. 9 of the Sequence of Events Leading to the End of These Times.
•  The Perversions of ex-FBI Agent and Opus Dei Member - Robert Philip Hanssen
...and the price to the security of the United States of America (and we worry about Muslim fanatics...)
•  The Vatican vs. Russia
Why would Russia allow an Opus Dei controlled Church to make inroads and proselytize the young and the intellectuals in their already Christian rooted society?
•  The Response of the Opus Dei to the Priestly Sex Abuse Scandal
•  Worldwide Opus Dei Affiliated Foundations - An International Index by Opus Dei Awareness Network
(a link to outside our domain)
•  Ex-members of Opus Dei Reveal Group's Behind-the-Scenes Practices
"A must" Book Review on the latest Exposé of the reality of the Opus Dei
•  Opus Dei by D. Ricardo de la Cierva Hoces
(A viewpoint from an objective and respected Spanish Historian and Professor)
Part One - delaCiervaTransl.html
Part Two - delaCiervaIndex.html
•  The edifying position of The M+G+R Foundation regarding the Roman Catholic Church
•  Beyond the Threshold A Life in Opus Dei
A viewpoint from a former, but key, female member of Opus Dei
•  Who really authored "Crossing the Threshold of Hope"? It certainly was not H.H. John Paul II
•  In Defense of H.H. John Paul II
•  Joaquín Navarro Valls according to Joaquín Navarro Valls
Open Letter to Joaquín Navarro Valls - Spokesman, The Vatican
•  Religious and Political Alleged Conspiracies
This page contains links to 26 articles with information about Opus Dei, the far right, and the far left
•  The Papacy and the Church in Crisis
•  The Achievement of One Universal Government, and Its End
•  The Seven Capital Vices of the Ecclesiastical Movements
•  In Defense of President Bush and Prime Minister Blair
This article mentions a possible Opus Dei tie to the Parmalat scandal in Italy, which may be bigger in dollar value lost than Enron
•  The Self Appointed Saviors of the Faith Speak of a Golden Era
•  Opus Dei Endorses Harry Potter
"Is great", says Catholic group; but then again, they also think that Jose Marí­a Escrivá is a saint
•  Rome Has Lost The Faith and Will Soon Become the Seat of the False Christ
•  We are at The End of the Line - What part of this can't you understand?
•  The Second Coming Our Lord Jesus Christ - But When?
•  No to Anarchy! - Anarchy is not a solution!
•  An Index of important and reliable Testimonials about the Opus Dei  (In Spanish)

Updated on October 23, 2024

En Español:  Índice de documentos sobre la Secta del Opus Dei

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