Is the Opus Dei on Its Way Out?
It certainly seems that way!
From miguel de Portugal
It seems that those we identified as the Illuminati Group in a much earlier document (1) have dismissed the Opus Dei as a key player in their plan.
As we explained to Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls directly (2) , and later through a document and its links (3), the Opus Dei was just a cog in the wheels set in motion by what we identified as the Illuminati Group. (1)
Allow us to briefly illustrate, without going into unnecessary details, what is going on, a situation which explains to me why God had us publish our document (4) concluding our exposé of the activities of the Opus Dei. Although the document (4) was published earlier this month the ‘order from Heaven’ to publish it came last Fall but we had not had the opportunity to compose and publish it.
Now, to the news highlights...
Msgr. Thomas Bohlin, US Vicar of Opus Dei, announced on January 7th that the Opus Dei had paid
a settlement following accusations of misconduct against Fr. C. John McCloskey made in 2002.
McCloskey was the subject of a complaint by a married woman to whom he had been giving spiritual
counsel. As a result of the complaint, Opus Dei paid a reported settlement of $977,000 to the
woman in 2005. (5)
McCloskey was the star of the Washington, D.C., Opus Dei political machinery and a very high profiled Opus Dei priest throughout the United States.
It is highly unusual that the highest ranking Opus Dei man in the U.S. was the one used to make the information public now – information that had been hidden for 16 years. It was as if Bohlin had received a visit from those mythical Men in Black, who deliver the messages from the Illuminati Group explaining to newcomers, or those out of line, how things really are.
Bohlin’s public confession was followed by an even most unusual event...
The scandalous news hit the media in the U.S. reaching far and wide – Catholic media and blogs and Mainstream media carried the story day after day. Even those media outlets who are proven Opus Dei supporters jumped in the exposé bandwagon. It was as if they were following orders from someone much higher and powerful than their Opus Dei controller.
If you knew, as we do, how the Opus Dei tentacles control the media, you would then realize that there was something really strange taking place. It seems as if the Illuminati Group was making an issue of destroying the “Holier than thou” image that the Opus Dei has cultivated since Escrivá established it.
But just before all of the above happened, something even stranger was happening to the Opus Dei, and its public pristine image, in its country of birth – Spain.
A professor at a very high profile Opus Dei school in Spain —the Gaztelueta School— was found guilty of sexually abusing a 12-13 year old student whom he supervised in the school (6) and sentenced to 11 years in jail.
From personal experience this had to be one of the most high profiled scandalous trial in Spain in the recent decades. The media —always silent about any criticism of the Opus Dei— had a proverbial field day reporting what was transpiring in the court room, many times in obscenely graphic details. Again it was as if they were following orders from someone much higher and powerful than their Opus Dei controller.
I know how the Opus Dei controls the print media in Spain – including the books that are printed and are sold in Spain, and by whom... and to see the coverage the Gaztelueta School scandal got in Spain is unbelievable based on past track record.
But, as if that level of exposure was not enough, now the scandalous events in the Opus Dei Gaztelueta School will be featured in a new series that Netflix premieres on January 25. It has three episodes and deals with abuses in the Spanish Church.
Reporting from ground zero (that is, from Spain) witnessing that happening is as incredible to us as if Mr. Trump announced that he was going to take a vow of poverty and chastity, and then did it! No, we are not joking nor being sarcastic; that is how incredible these events are.
If we closely analyze the McCloskey and the Gaztelueta cases there is one single common denominator/objective: Demolish the Opus Dei, its credibility and reputation. No, not just stain it – demolish it!
But why?
Could it be that the Illuminati Group did not like the Opus Dei plans to present Josemaría Escrivá as the manifestation of the Second Coming of Christ —the False Christ— as we announced (7) on July 13th, 2018?
It IS obvious that the Illuminati Group wants to make sure that the Opus Dei is completely disabled just as Mr. Silvio Berlusconi (Italian politician and practically owner of the Italian Media) was and Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn (high level French politician and former managing director of the International Monetary Fund) also was – just to mention two recent similar cases involving high profiled and influential individuals.
Because Divine Mercy demanded it we warned the Opus Dei ‘boys’ (2)(3) that they were ‘playing way out of their league’ well in advance . They are now finding out what we meant as they experience being publicly used to mop the proverbial floors.
Perhaps now even the Opus Dei ‘boys’ will pay more attention to what miguel de Portugal has to say before God depresses the ‘Reset button’ and they are gone forever. (8)
One thing we can be sure of: We have been informing the world about the Illuminati Group (1) for years, so, in this case too, our hands are well washed!
That is another reason why we have so many “friends” in high places!
(8) The immense power of the Opus Dei and how it will
Related Documents
En Español: El Opus Dei está acabado
Published on January 15th, 2019
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