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Ecclesiastical Masonry / Section 7

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Former President George H. Bush and the Opus Dei Connection

The Spanish journal El País published an article (1) entitled "Bush Desata la Ira en Oviedo" ["Bush Unleashes Popular Ire in Oviedo"]

A Partial translation follows:

"...Bush... gave a conference in Campoamor Theater, Oviedo,... about the new International Order."

"George Bush... arrived in Oviedo invited by Campus International... organized in 1991 with the support of Oviedo City Hall, the University of Oviedo and the daily La Nueva España..."

"The political profile of Bush's visit was not the only cause for controversy. His speaker's fee of $100,000 USD is what triggered the protest of Izquierda Unida [a political party of the left] at Oviedo's City Hall which is controlled by the Partido Popular with an absolute majority."

"... the former American leader was greeted yesterday by the Oviedo's Mayor ... who presented Bush with several gifts. During the reception, Bush was decorated with the Gold Medal of the University of Oviedo."

The reader is referred to:

(a) The historical and political treatise (2) by D. Ricardo de la Cierva to fully understand the relationship between the Opus Dei and Spain's Partido Popular; and

(b) The excerpts of the State of the Union Address (3) delivered in 1991 by the then President Bush to understand his level of commitment to the New World Order.

(1) El Pais, April 2, 1997
(2) What is the Opus Dei?
(3) State of the Union Address, February 1991

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En Español:  El Presidente George H. Bush y el Opus Dei

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