The M+G+R Foundation

Letter to the directors of Official Centers of Opus Dei Worldwide

A Papacy in Crisis

September 6, 1996

We recommend that you first read the

FULL INTRODUCTION published in 2001 and 2015

Introductory Comment posted on July 14th, 2017

As today's reader may see, these poor individuals were alerted 21 years ago as to what they were being used for. We knew that they would not act upon it, but Divine Mercy demanded that they would be given one last chance. Items (A), (B-a) and (B-b) in the "Solutions" section came to pass. What I did not know until a little later was that, because God knew that items (A), (B-a) and (B-b) were to pass, the faculties associated with the Papacy were withdrawn from Karol Wojtyla and bestowed upon someone else practically unknown to the world.

miguel de Portugal

[Acts 5:34-39]

September 6, 1996

Original letter posted by air mail addressed to:

Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls and
The Director of the Opus Dei Center in each country where they are officially represented.

May the Peace of God and the Consolation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be with you!

I reach out to you, in the Name of God, pleading that you do not support the plans carefully laid out by, and currently being executed through, the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.(1)

Recognizing that even from within the organization few are aware of its true objectives, we will strive to assist you in understanding them.

Attachment I is a document [not published in The M+G+R Foundation´s Domain] which was addressed to the Church Hierarchy and which provides an overall background of the situation. Additional details follow:

Overall Plan - Through the workings of the Prelature, whom you locally represent, the False Christ [Scripturally known as the Anti Christ] will manifest himself after the world has been prepared to receive him. (2)

Current Status - Many changes have been made in the plans because Heaven has intervened a number of times by publicly revealing the course of action being followed. However, the number of options are now very limited because the remaining time required for them to be woven into the fabric of the legitimate Heavenly Messages, is little.

The strategists of the Opus Dei have to resolve the following dilemma:

Since John Paul II is acknowledged by many as the Last Pope, a post John Paul II Pope, who would have been part of the Prelature's overall plan, became an impossibility. It would have negated, among millions and millions of orthodox Roman Catholics, the messages and reality of many established Christic and Marian apparitions.

Solution - The key concept that John Paul II is the last Pope had to be circumvented by the Opus Dei strategists. Two options were entertained.

(A) Negate/invalidate the original confirmed messages from Heaven [thus deny that John Paul II is the last Pope]; or

(B) Metamorphose Karol Wojtyla - John Paul II - into a combination of:

(a) A John Paul II who, from time to time, may not be the Karol Wojtyla originally elected; and

(b) A mind-altered Karol Wojtyla.

As you probably know, the first option was revealed worldwide at all levels thus essentially neutralizing its value for the time being.

The second option: Are you consciously willing to be a part of that? Please, be attentive to the pleas of Heaven. Come back to the truth and to the light!

The Mercy of God Is Unfathomable. It is not too late yet.

The nuclear holocaust and the brutal persecution of Christians in general, and of Catholics in particular, will be allowed by God just as He allowed (not caused) in the past many similar events in order to bring back His (deaf and blind) Elect (Israel first, then, His Church.)

The severity of these events rest in the hands of man and, now, most specifically, in the actions of The Prelature of the Holy Cross and the Opus Dei. (3)

God will allow the level of pain to increase worldwide as high as necessary. Every soul which was marked from all eternity to share Heaven with God, will do so. No human or angel has any control over that. How painful it will be to return to the Path of the True God, however, depends on the degree of deafness and blindness of each individual.

We exhort you to reconsider. You have been misled: No man can serve God and mammon (4). It is an Eternal impossibility. It does not matter how it is presented or justified. Tragically, upon such justified duality the Opus Dei foundation was laid (5).

Mystically the Sixth Trumpet has been blown. Its physical manifestation will not delay. Please come back, there is still time.

miguel de Portugal
+ by the Grace of God


We understand that all this is very difficult to accept and that many readers will refuse to believe it. This behavior is not surprising. However, its acceptance or rejection is not in the hands of miguel Portugal or The M+G+R Foundation. We limit ourselves to only expose the information to the light. The Holy Spirit of God will enlighten each reader at the appropriate time so that they may understand the truth that has been exposed in His Name.

(1) Knowledge thereof: Through Divine Revelation. Confirmation: by the activities manifested in the physical plane.
(2) As the ethnic groups of ex-Yugoslavia were conditioned for the bloody attempt to create the Greater Serbia
(3) This truth is governed by the Maxim: "Pain is the amplifier which God uses for the deaf to hear and the blind to see"
(4) You have been misled: No man can serve God and mammon
(5) The duality upon which the Opus Dei foundation was laid
(6) Who is miguel de Portugal

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In Spanish:  Carta a los directores de los Centros Oficiales del Opus Dei en todo el Mundo - 6 de Septiembre de 1996

The Seal of St. Michael the Archangel © Copyright 1996 - 2024 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.

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