The Fruits of the Opus Dei in SPAIN
(Opus Dei "Flag-Ship" Country)
Their Official Justification
Originally published on February 5, 2006
(Opus Dei "Flag-Ship" Country)
Their Official Justification
Originally published on February 5, 2006
The purpose of this document is to report on the "Grades" earned by the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei in its Flag-Ship country - SPAIN.
We have a God-given grading method:
Either make the tree good and its fruit good: or make the tree evil, and its fruit evil. For by
the fruit the tree is known. [Matthew 12:33]
For every tree is known by its fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns; nor from a
bramble bush do they gather the grape. [Luke 6:44]
We have God-given assurance of the success of any truly God oriented work:
And Jesus looking on them, saith: With men it is impossible; but not with God: for all things
are possible with God. [Mark 10:27]
We have a God-given and truly fire tested prove that said assurance works under the worst of circumstances:
The Trajectory of Don Jon Bosco. (1)
BACKGROUNDThe "Fundación Santa María" prepared a report "Jóvenes Españoles 2005" (Spanish Youth 2005) directed by Pedro González, Professor of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. This report was based on a survey of 4,000 Spaniards ranging in age from 15 and 24 years. (2)
Although we - from personal experience - "lived and witnessed" these results - that tragedy - now there are concrete numbers to quantify the disaster it. As if this confirmation were not enough, God granted us the Grace of having - in the form of a personal letter of the highest profiled prelate in Spain, Cardinal Rouco Varela - the justification used by the Church Hierarchy for such abysmal failure: "It is not a failed Evangelization; it is man's lack of response to said Evangelization". Never mind the fact that Don John Bosco proved such lame excuse completely wrong. Denial is the name of their game.
The survey of 4,000 Spaniards ranging in age from 15 and 24 years indicates that...
49 % consider themselves Catholics (down from 77 % in 1994)
46 % consider themselves agnostics, atheist or indifferent to religion (up from 22 % in 1994)
80 % do not trust the Church at all
79 % think that the Church is too wealthy
82 % consider the Church too antiquated in sexual matters
50 % believe that the Church helps the poor and the marginalized by society
36 % consider that the Church served them for something (little or much - but at least "for something")
46 % consider themselves agnostics, atheist or indifferent to religion (up from 22 % in 1994)
80 % do not trust the Church at all
79 % think that the Church is too wealthy
82 % consider the Church too antiquated in sexual matters
50 % believe that the Church helps the poor and the marginalized by society
36 % consider that the Church served them for something (little or much - but at least "for something")
Regarding Unions
43 % prefer a "Church Wedding"
22 % prefer a civil marriage
16 % prefer union without any formalities
67.7 % believe that organized immigration should be allowed
0 % would mind living next door to a person with AIDS ( 25 % would not in 1990)
22 % prefer a civil marriage
16 % prefer union without any formalities
67.7 % believe that organized immigration should be allowed
0 % would mind living next door to a person with AIDS ( 25 % would not in 1990)
The above grade report is from the country that gave birth to the cult (3) which claims that they will save the Church and the World. If it were not so tragic, it would be simply amusing.
Of course, they could claim that " prophet is accepted in his own country." [Luke 4:24]
Well, their second "beach head", Portugal, is not faring any better and Latin America is becoming less and less Catholic every day. Of course, "His Eminence" Rouco Varela would probably claim that it is Hugo Chavez' fault or, paraphrasing Flip Wilson's Geraldine's favorite line:, "The devil made them do it."
(1) The Trajectory of Don John Bosco (Founder of the
(2) Original
Source (retrieved Feb 2006)
Published on February 5, 2006

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