The Position of The M+G+R Foundation
Regarding the Marian Movement of Priests
Setting the Record Straight
Document Originally Published in September 2000
It seems that the previously published documents and letters had an effect on the MMP interpretation of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and its timing. Their new version posted in the MMP-USA Site on September 13, 2000 read as follows:
The triumph is not to be confounded with the transformation of the heavens and the earth, nor
should it be confused with the return of Jesus. Her triumph is the fulfillment of her mission, the
acknowledgment by the Church of all her titles, her privileges, and her rightful place in the
mystery of Redemption, and finally in the crushing of the ancient serpent’s head with her heel
(the army of her little ones prepared by her). At that moment, Our Lady’s mission is
successfully completed and her triumph finally achieved, thus preparing the way for the return of
Jesus to establish his kingdom on earth. May it be soon!
We will try to keep our readership informed as the definition of the Triumph of The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ changes to fit the particular need of the Marian Movement of Priests at the moment.
Although we have written and published much about The Marian Movement of Priests (0) it appears that we have left room for doubts and confusion as to where The M+G+R Foundation stand on this issue. This is understandable considering the waves of disinformation coming from precisely those who should be leading the sheep back home.
Through this document we will attempt to make our position as clear as possible.
For the convenience of the reader, we will use the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) format.
Q. Do you believe that the locutions which D. Gobbi claim are from the Blessed Mother are really from Her?
We have never seen inconsistencies between what Our Lady has revealed and/or prophesied at La
Salette, Rue de Bac (Miraculous Medal Apparitions), Lourdes, Fatima, Rosa Mystica, Garabandal,
Akita, Kibeho and early Medjugorje and: (a) the Holy Scriptures; (b) the real conditions of the
world; and (c) the real condition of Roman Catholic Church and Christianity at large.
We have not seen inconsistencies or failure of manifestation between the multitude of information that Heaven has granted miguel de Portugal in various ways and: (a) the Holy Scriptures; (b) the real conditions of the world; and (c) the real condition of Roman Catholic Church and Christianity at large.
However, beyond December 31, 1993,(1) we have seen a significant number of discrepancies, failed fulfillment and contradictions in the alleged locutions to D. Gobbi, as well as in D. Gobbi's own statements.
Are all locutions really from Her? Mary does not make mistakes nor contradicts Herself nor announces an event that does not occur unless it was clearly a conditional event.
In addition, Mary, the Queen of Heaven, does not empower any single human being to fully act on Her behalf as D. Gobbi claims She did in Her last alleged locution of December 31, 1997. (2)
No. We do not believe that all of them are from the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God; and there is a very real possibility of a total fraud.
We have not seen inconsistencies or failure of manifestation between the multitude of information that Heaven has granted miguel de Portugal in various ways and: (a) the Holy Scriptures; (b) the real conditions of the world; and (c) the real condition of Roman Catholic Church and Christianity at large.
However, beyond December 31, 1993,(1) we have seen a significant number of discrepancies, failed fulfillment and contradictions in the alleged locutions to D. Gobbi, as well as in D. Gobbi's own statements.
Are all locutions really from Her? Mary does not make mistakes nor contradicts Herself nor announces an event that does not occur unless it was clearly a conditional event.
In addition, Mary, the Queen of Heaven, does not empower any single human being to fully act on Her behalf as D. Gobbi claims She did in Her last alleged locution of December 31, 1997. (2)
No. We do not believe that all of them are from the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God; and there is a very real possibility of a total fraud.
Q. Do you then say that D. Gobbi is lying?
Not necessarily. We say that some or all of the alleged locutions are not from the Blessed
Mother. We do not say that D. Gobbi invented them. If you wish to pursue this matter further
please review reference. (3)
Q. Are not the fruits of the Marian Movement of Priests good?
Let us ask ourselves: What is the MMP promoting?
(a) Establish groups (cenacles) of prayer
(b) Pray the Rosary
(c) Perform acts of reparation; especially Eucharistic reparation and reparation to Her Immaculate Heart.
(d) Return to the Sacraments
(e) Consecration to Her Immaculate Heart
(f) Obedience to the legitimate Magisterium of the Church (4)
(g) Frequent meditation of the Messages from the MMP Book
(b) Pray the Rosary
(c) Perform acts of reparation; especially Eucharistic reparation and reparation to Her Immaculate Heart.
(d) Return to the Sacraments
(e) Consecration to Her Immaculate Heart
(f) Obedience to the legitimate Magisterium of the Church (4)
(g) Frequent meditation of the Messages from the MMP Book
So what is new about those requests? Through the multitude of legitimate Marian Apparitions She has requested, practically insisted on, all of that with the exception that She prompts Her children to meditate on the Holy Scriptures often (and not on D. Gobbi's rendition of the alleged locutions).
Therefore, The Marian Movement of Priests have done nothing else besides gathering all faithful children of Mary under one mystical mantle, which is good. However, this is done under the watchful eye on D. Gobbi and in accordance to his instructions as the faithful is spoon fed a very specific line of messages. This is the same man who according to Her alleged final locution(2) claims to have been invested as follows:
"From now on, I (the Virgin Mary) will manifest myself through the word, the person and the
actions of this, my little son (Gobbi), whom I have chosen to be your guide and whom I am now
leading to the painful summit of his mission." Final locution allegedly given to Rev. Gobbi on
December 31, 1997 [2] by the Virgin Mary - Paragraph 'm'
Not even the Supreme Pontiffs of the Holy Roman Catholic Church pretend to posses such sweeping power and authority unless the legitimate faculty of Papal Infallibility is specifically invoked.
Therefore, what is the behavior that the MMP is promoting which has not been actively promoted before by Our Heavenly Mother and true mystics of the Church? The supremacy of D. Gobbi's words, instructions and leadership over Mary's children.
That IS NOT good fruit.
Q. If we are not to follow D. Gobbi, who are we to follow? What are we supposed to do?
You are supposed to follow Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, and follow the instructions of
His Most Holy Mother which She has been repeating since early 19th Century:
(*) Pray the Rosary
(*) Perform acts of reparation; especially Eucharistic reparation and reparation to Her Immaculate Heart.
(*) Return to the Sacraments
(*) Consecrate yourself to Her Immaculate Heart
(*) Be obedient to the legitimate Magisterium of the Church (4)
(*) Frequently meditate on the Living Waters - the Word of God as presented in the Holy Scriptures.
(*) Perform acts of reparation; especially Eucharistic reparation and reparation to Her Immaculate Heart.
(*) Return to the Sacraments
(*) Consecrate yourself to Her Immaculate Heart
(*) Be obedient to the legitimate Magisterium of the Church (4)
(*) Frequently meditate on the Living Waters - the Word of God as presented in the Holy Scriptures.
Q. What if The M+G+R Foundation has erred in its assessment of the Marian Movement of Priests?
The only thing that The M+G+R Foundation has told you not to do
is not to place blind faith in a man, any man!
Instead, The M+G+R Foundation exhorts you to place your complete trust in Our Lord Jesus Christ; to allow the Holy Spirit of God to reside within you and guide you and to obey the requests that Mary, The Mother of God, The Queen of Heaven and The Mother of the Church has been making throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. (5)
Instead, The M+G+R Foundation exhorts you to place your complete trust in Our Lord Jesus Christ; to allow the Holy Spirit of God to reside within you and guide you and to obey the requests that Mary, The Mother of God, The Queen of Heaven and The Mother of the Church has been making throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. (5)
Q. How could we possibly go wrong if we follow the advice of The Marian Movement of Priests?
What could go wrong if you blindly follow The Marian Movement of Priests and allow a
man to speak in place of the Mother of God?
Remember that what the Mother of God says is what the Triune God Wills Her to say, therefore, is then D. Gobbi speaking for the Most Holy Trinity too?
miguel de Portugal rebukes such blasphemy in the Name of God! Who is like unto God?
Remember that what the Mother of God says is what the Triune God Wills Her to say, therefore, is then D. Gobbi speaking for the Most Holy Trinity too?
miguel de Portugal rebukes such blasphemy in the Name of God! Who is like unto God?
Q. What could possibly be the hidden agenda of The Marian Movement of Priests?
Let us be realistic. If man harnesses (6) known scheduled Supernatural events as
the Warning and the Miracle, man could manipulate the entire world - believers and non believers
For example, the widespread credibility of Fatima amongst the Portuguese, believers and non believers alike, was the result of Lucia's prior announcement that a major Miracle for the 13th of October. When the major Miracle took place, a miracle of gigantic, albeit local, proportions, even non believers believed! How could those little children manipulate nearly 70,000 witnesses to have a vision and completely dry the ground in the area as well the clothing worn by the witnesses which were soaking wet from hours of rain?
Now, if an individual with an agenda of his own became aware of the dates of major Supernatural events, he could arrange everything else in his plans in such a manner that the whole world will land at his or his master's feet once the events had been made manifest.
For example, the widespread credibility of Fatima amongst the Portuguese, believers and non believers alike, was the result of Lucia's prior announcement that a major Miracle for the 13th of October. When the major Miracle took place, a miracle of gigantic, albeit local, proportions, even non believers believed! How could those little children manipulate nearly 70,000 witnesses to have a vision and completely dry the ground in the area as well the clothing worn by the witnesses which were soaking wet from hours of rain?
Now, if an individual with an agenda of his own became aware of the dates of major Supernatural events, he could arrange everything else in his plans in such a manner that the whole world will land at his or his master's feet once the events had been made manifest.
Q. Could you be more specific about the Harnessing of Scheduled Supernatural Events?
We are told that one Garabandal Visionary knows the exact date of the Miracle. Another knows
the year of the Warning. It is also known that between the Warning and the Miracle there will be
an interval of less than 12 months.
Equivalent information is also allegedly know by some of the Visionaries of Medjugorje.
Let us presume that such dates are in the hands of those who, from within the Vatican, have an agenda which is not that of God. With those dates in hand, a lost soul in a position of power could weave a series of events around those dates and utilize those major supernatural worldwide events as a Divine Confirmation of what they say and do. A perfect net could be set that way to entrap essentially most of humanity.
Take as an example: Allegedly the last Message from Our Lady to D. Gobbi was on December 31, 1997. She then "went away". Let someone claim, that she went away for 1,260 days or three and a half years [Revelations 12: 6, 14]. Then...
If She "went away", She will surely return 1,260 days later. Lo and behold! That would be June 13, 2001. What is the significance of June 13, 2001?
Equivalent information is also allegedly know by some of the Visionaries of Medjugorje.
Let us presume that such dates are in the hands of those who, from within the Vatican, have an agenda which is not that of God. With those dates in hand, a lost soul in a position of power could weave a series of events around those dates and utilize those major supernatural worldwide events as a Divine Confirmation of what they say and do. A perfect net could be set that way to entrap essentially most of humanity.
Take as an example: Allegedly the last Message from Our Lady to D. Gobbi was on December 31, 1997. She then "went away". Let someone claim, that she went away for 1,260 days or three and a half years [Revelations 12: 6, 14]. Then...
If She "went away", She will surely return 1,260 days later. Lo and behold! That would be June 13, 2001. What is the significance of June 13, 2001?
(a) Feast of Corpus Christi
(b) Anniversary of the revelation of the Secret of Fatima (7)
(c) Memorial of St. Anthony of Padua - Remember of the legend of the mule kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament. [In Portugal it is a very special Feast Day - St. Anthony of Lisbon since he was born in Lisbon]
(b) Anniversary of the revelation of the Secret of Fatima (7)
(c) Memorial of St. Anthony of Padua - Remember of the legend of the mule kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament. [In Portugal it is a very special Feast Day - St. Anthony of Lisbon since he was born in Lisbon]
Thus, as you may see, much could be done with date manipulation since we keep hearing about the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Choose June 13, 2001, as Her "return" from the desert, reinforce that with widely believed false locutions and it could be made into a Great Event to suit the agenda of the enemies of God.
Note: In reality God would not allow this "harnessing" to happen. You may read about this matter in great detail in a document written in 1996 and updated on August 25, 2001. Through said document miguel de Portugal informed those who "had ears to hear" that God would not allow such abuse of power. This was two years before the first MMP prophecy failure of 1998. God confirmed such delay to m de P sometime early in 1997, at which time m de P temporarily relocated from Europe back to the U.S.
Q. What would happen if, as the result of failed prophecies and forecasts, The Marian Movement of Priests is discredited?
If the end of the year 2000 comes and goes and there is no clear fulfillment of the Triumph of
the Immaculate Heart of Mary AND the Second Coming of Our Lord, as defined and clearly stated
(8) by The Marian Movement of Priests, then the most widely respected Marian Movement
will lose the confidence of millions of members of the Hierarchy, clergy and the faithful.
By association the faith on Marian Messages will suffer. A blow to the confidence Mary's children have placed in Her words, thus reinforcing the serious blow which resulted from the alleged revelation of the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima.
With the salutary faith in Marian Messages essentially dead, the doors are open for satan to plow through the world undisturbed by any further warnings from our beloved Heavenly Mother. Thus the fulfillment of Revelations 12:15 - The serpent, however, spewed a torrent of water out of his mouth after the woman to sweep her away with the currents.
By association the faith on Marian Messages will suffer. A blow to the confidence Mary's children have placed in Her words, thus reinforcing the serious blow which resulted from the alleged revelation of the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima.
With the salutary faith in Marian Messages essentially dead, the doors are open for satan to plow through the world undisturbed by any further warnings from our beloved Heavenly Mother. Thus the fulfillment of Revelations 12:15 - The serpent, however, spewed a torrent of water out of his mouth after the woman to sweep her away with the currents.
We sincerely hope that the above has answered every possible question about the position of The M+G+R Foundation in regards to The Marian Movement of Priests. This document, combined with all the past communications of miguel de Portugal with The MMP embody all that we can say about this matter at this time.
To better understand why would God allow all of this the reader must carefully review the teachings found in the 1 Kings, Chapter 22, verses 15 - 23. (9)
For an Exposé of the behind-the-scenes manipulation of the alleged locutions through the MMP read the original correspondence which appears to have caused the Marian Movement of Priests to change their prophecies and reinterpret the alleged locutions.
The final blow to the Faith will come when the enemies of God, profiting from the Fatima disinformation campaign, convince the faithful that the Fatima events were not true as believed.
(1) Communication No. 20 to MMP Directors Worldwide
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Originally issued September 23, 2000. Texas, U.S.A. [Feast of the Conception of John the Baptist] • New Links added and reformatted on April 11, 2008. European Union

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