Civil name of miguel de Portugal


Adressed To: Fr. Albert G. Roux



Number of Pages Transmitted: 1

TIME: ca. 1800 HRS (Lisbon)

PLEASE NOTE: Miguel de Portugal NO LONGER endorses the Marian Movement of Priests. The purpose of publishing this letter is to illustrate the good relationship that he had with many MMP Directors worldwide until D. Gobbi attempted to destroy it.
Message To Addressee: Peace be with you, Fr. Albert! Thank you for your letter of June 6th which just reached my hands.

The information that you have received through me in Spanish, in most cases, should have been sent to you in English. Your office receives the Spanish version because you are listed as a Spanish Center too.

You may not understand at this point why both issues are sent to your Center, however, in the U.S.A., at a later date, you might find it convenient having both at hand.

When I realized that this was to become an on-going "project" I started numbering the issues; thus, for English or Spanish or Portuguese, they bear the same "Communique No."

The issues (in English) have been nine. The dates follow:

1993: June 13 and December 18.

1994: January 12, February 9 & 20, April 9, 20 & 26 and June 1.

If you have some missing (and you may), let me know if you desire to receive them and I will gladly forward them to you.

May I suggest for your Center a very effective technique used by some Bishops regarding the correspondence that should be acknowledged? A simple folding religious-greeting type of card with a brief handwritten note. Is most effective, inexpensive and fast. Even the Don Serafim, Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, who will not use a secretary, and the President of the Portuguese Episcopal Commission can keep up with the acknowledgements they should.

Could you possibly send to me the latest English version of the book? I have given away my personal copies and am using the Portuguese edition with the English updates!

Originally signed by: Civil name of miguel de Portugal
About m de P

Letter/Fax released to the general faithful for the first time on September 2000

Copyright 2000 - 2001 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved.

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