About the Announced Nuking of Houston
Published on April 2, 2006
Published on April 2, 2006
The purpose of this analysis is threefold: (a) Defuse a potentially major hoax regarding the nuclear bombing of Houston, Texas; (b) Illustrate, once more, how susceptible the general public is to manipulation by the media or the internet publishers; and (c) Remind the faithful that the only "vaccine" against this type of manipulation and deception is a working and intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit of God (which does not mean joining the Charismatic Movement.)
We were alerted by one of the Faithful about a document published by a certain Ken Welch dated March 25, 2006 and titled "Russian Nuke Traced to Texas" (1). In said document, Mr. Welch "uncovers" a White House plot to detonate a nuclear device in the Houston area. Specifically in the Texas City docks.
After a quick review we decided to alert the innocent public about said "revelations". The give-away clue was that it contained essentially all components Miguel (2) has been alerting the general public about for over a decade, woven into a credible, albeit detail-incoherent tale. As we have mentioned in the past, we have seen this before, i.e., when someone sent to us the latest Marian "Message" from some "visionary" and it contained what was revealed through Miguel and we had published in our Domains about a month before Mary allegedly gave the message to said "visionary".
In addition, in the referred Site we also found the usual and seemingly ever present motive: Fund raising (3)
We have taken certain key quotes from Mr. Welch lengthy treatise and have commented upon them below.
1. KW writes: The centerpiece of the plan is a portable nuclear weapon manufactured in the former Soviet Union.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: How clever the release date: Feast of the
What makes it even more amusing, in the dark humor sense, is that Mr. Welch's Site was created (4) on November 8, 2003, two and a half years ago. Regarding the soviet portable nuclear weapon: Straight out of many accurate reports about suitcase size nukes disappearing from Russia after the Soviet Collapse, plus our report, Were the Russians Hiding a Nuke in D.C.? (5), regarding President Kennedy's acknowledgment of a nuclear device in the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
As you can see, to the "untrained eye" it all makes sense - even the mystical date for issuance of Welch's alert: The Annunciation by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary about the First Coming of Christ. Clever, isn't it?
What makes it even more amusing, in the dark humor sense, is that Mr. Welch's Site was created (4) on November 8, 2003, two and a half years ago. Regarding the soviet portable nuclear weapon: Straight out of many accurate reports about suitcase size nukes disappearing from Russia after the Soviet Collapse, plus our report, Were the Russians Hiding a Nuke in D.C.? (5), regarding President Kennedy's acknowledgment of a nuclear device in the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
As you can see, to the "untrained eye" it all makes sense - even the mystical date for issuance of Welch's alert: The Annunciation by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary about the First Coming of Christ. Clever, isn't it?
2. KW writes: A tame “terrorist”, destined no doubt to be an eventual patsy, arranged for the bomb's transport by sea, and the ship carrying it entered Galveston Bay on January 25, 2006.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: "Logically", the alleged ship
(6) entered Galveston on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul - January
25th. About the "eventual patsy", we shall discuss that in the Conclusions section.
3. KW writes: ...a freighter docked in or near the port of Texas City,
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Texas City - Where else? In the mind of most
Americans of say, over fifty years of age, and most Galveston-Texas City locals, Texas City is
associated with the horrendous explosion of the ship Grand Camp in April 16, 1947
(7) which was carrying, what else?, ammonium nitrate, the same
fertilizer allegedly used by whomever orchestrated the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal
Building and for which Timothy McVeigh was the chosen "Patsy".
4. KW writes: ...will be detonated at some time during the Easter holiday, April 14-16, to maximize the illusion that the world is involved in religious conflict.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Right on the 59th Anniversary of the Texas
City Disaster to maximize the illusion of the reader of Mr. Welch's article about the possibility
of the date. He missed the cue - Ash Wednesday would have been a most appropriate one for his
5. KW writes: ...actual details about their little mushroom surprise for America and the world.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Surprise? We have announced Step No. 1
(8) since 1991-1992. But for the hundreds of thousands who are familiar with
our publications, Mr. Welch's fable (or is it?) would certainly strike a recognition cord.
6. KW writes: The nuke can be quietly recovered and they will take it somewhere else.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: We have announced for the longest time in our
document titled THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW WORLD ORDER (9) that:
A nuclear conflagration will be started through one of the many dangerously unstable nations
throughout the world. The nation to be used as the "trigger" will be changed many times before the
non stoppable chain reaction commences.
7. KW writes: ...those who are calling the shots firmly believe that their control and corruption of the government and military is so complete that the American people are totally powerless.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: We have written about this reality so many
times that it is not worth even looking up the references.
8. KW writes: It simply doesn't matter how many people are aware of what is really happening. There is nothing they can do about it
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: This is just another manifestation of: All we
can do is reduce the suffering while Divine Justice is dispensed and Prophecy fulfilled - which is
is one of the key functions, if not the key one, of Miguel de Portugal.
9. KW writes: Houston is a city that has virtually no detectable character and I doubt that the world would miss it. On the other hand there are a lot of people in Houston, some of whom I rather like.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Oh, how clever... In the movie Independence
Day (10) the President of the U.S. decides to sacrifice Houston by nuking it
in order to save the entire nation.
10. KW writes: This piece referenced “intelligence sources” who now were hinting that the mystery nuke had been smuggled through the newly discovered Mexican drug tunnel. ... This ensures that people are much more likely to accept the official story of what happened, because key parts of it are already lodged in the back of their mind.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Which in turns makes Mr. Welch's story more
credible to the unsuspecting reader.
11. KW writes: If the mystery nuke turns into a media circus so the whole world gets to watch like they did on 9/11,
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Well, that is Standard Operating Procedure
nowadays. No plan is required for that. We witnessed the latest Houston hurricane - Rita - and the
disruption it caused, live, through the Houston's freeway cameras while sitting at our computer
center 5,000 miles away.
12. KW writes: While others have their favorite “illuminati” organizations,
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: There is only one Illuminati and we have
clearly identified it (11) which happens to be the one hinted at by Mr.
13. KW writes: I know there are still people that believe that a bunch of barely civilized nut cases in Afghanistan orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, and that those buildings fell down all by themselves.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: This is "old hat" - well documented work and
reports have proven that neither was the case.
14. KW writes: If there is one thing Washington desperately needs, it is another 9/11. Naturally, it has to be bigger, louder, and kill a lot more people than the first one. Otherwise, let's face it, we've been there and done that. The only kind of attack that meets all their needs would appear to be nuclear. At the very least it would let the administration say they'd finally found a “weapon of mass destruction”. (12)
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Now Mr. Welch is drawing on the fact about
which we have amply covered: 9/11 was "providentially" made to order to implement The Road Map for
National Security: Imperative for Change (13) which was embargoed until
eleven days after President Bush was sworn in.
15. KW writes: On the 26th of January, U.S. Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice addressed the annual W.E.F. meeting via a video hook-up, presumably from Washington. The program was still available for viewing so I recorded the audio and went to work (using Reverse Speech). I hit pay dirt almost immediately. Condi blabbed about the nuke.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Friends, Dr. Rice is just an uninformed and
unsuspecting small cog in the Illuminati machinery, just like her boss, President Bush, is. Were
there such an event, they would hear about it first like most people - via CNN!
We could have spent hours dissecting this document but it is not worth our, nor your time. With what we have highlighted above, those who have Eyes to See and Ears to Hear (14), will fully understand what is behind the document.
Regarding the Reverse Speech (15) technique Mr. Welch talks about and claims to have used - We could write a few non flattering lines about it, however, it this is not the place and time for it. Suffice to say that the Faithful can disregard the real "value" of such technique and gain much by doing so.
Amazingly enough several diametrically opposing conclusions could be drawn. One of them is particularly disturbing to m de P since it may be too personal. Nonetheless, we shall attempt to lay them out for those who have Eyes to See.
(a) Regardless of the ultimate purpose [see items (b), (c), (d) or
(e) below], the reviewed Site is a Psyop designed to confuse or condition the general
public, or, an attempt to ensnare m de P.
(b) Another Apocalypse-Per-Pay Scam - "Donate to keep us going and we will save you". Behind it: An "enterprising" individual.
(c) To drive the Faithful more and more into the "Cry Wolf Syndrome" of apathy. Behind it: A "paving the way" branch of the New International Order.
(d) To announce something that is actually going to take place with carefully chosen dates to impact as many minds as possible while setting up Pres. Bush and Dr. Rice as the unsuspecting "Patsies". Behind it: The "organizing committee" of the New International Order. (After all the September 11 event ended up being 911 which is the National Emergency phone number used in the US)
(e) Hoping to have m de P jump into that "panic" wagon [they could not have possibly selected more information and geographical locations with which m de P is intimately familiar], thus discrediting what he has announced for the future - including the manifestation of the False Christ and its FountainHead (16). Information so specific that it includes the "eventual patsy" issue. The mechanism of which we have discussed in a private communication (17): It was perfected in Gladio's days (18) and used in both Kennedy's assassinations, Martin Luther King assassination, the Oklahoma bombing of the Federal Building, World Trade Center attack and many others.... and into the future.
(b) Another Apocalypse-Per-Pay Scam - "Donate to keep us going and we will save you". Behind it: An "enterprising" individual.
(c) To drive the Faithful more and more into the "Cry Wolf Syndrome" of apathy. Behind it: A "paving the way" branch of the New International Order.
(d) To announce something that is actually going to take place with carefully chosen dates to impact as many minds as possible while setting up Pres. Bush and Dr. Rice as the unsuspecting "Patsies". Behind it: The "organizing committee" of the New International Order. (After all the September 11 event ended up being 911 which is the National Emergency phone number used in the US)
(e) Hoping to have m de P jump into that "panic" wagon [they could not have possibly selected more information and geographical locations with which m de P is intimately familiar], thus discrediting what he has announced for the future - including the manifestation of the False Christ and its FountainHead (16). Information so specific that it includes the "eventual patsy" issue. The mechanism of which we have discussed in a private communication (17): It was perfected in Gladio's days (18) and used in both Kennedy's assassinations, Martin Luther King assassination, the Oklahoma bombing of the Federal Building, World Trade Center attack and many others.... and into the future.
Therefore, as the reader may see - Mr. Welch's announcement is really not new nor necessary since (a) through (c) are "Standard Operating Procedures" frequently used; (d) It is going to happen, sooner or later, at one location or another. In a ship or an office building or in a trash container. Does it really matter what city? Innocent humans live in all cities alike; and (e) This is m de P's "Daily Bread" and it is the responsibility of God to ensure that he does not fall in such traps - otherwise, he would become paranoid and that would harm his ability to serve God well.
What is m de P going to do about this situation? We have just done it, thus, in spite of the fact that the area in question (just as Florida, California, etc.) is very dear to him and many humans there are very dear to him, he will sleep well again tonight. His family, as Jesus taught all of us, are those who do the Will of God, and they are all over the world and of many faiths, not in just one geographical location.
Miguel de Portugal's advice to the Faithful: Stay in tune with the Holy Spirit of God - it is free and it is always right! Besides.... it is just a prayer away and does not depend on the Internet.
I. When GOOGLE Search is used and the cue words chosen are Ken Welch, out of 7,730,000 documents that Google comes up with, Mr. Welch's "Nuking of Houston" document was listed on second place.... ahead of 7,729,998 documents which contain the two words "Ken" and Welch"! Friends - that is not easy unless much money is utilized to secure GOOGLE very top billing. Providence at work? Hardly!
II. The US Faction of the Threesome of Saviors (19) would never strike a city with the Industrial and Oil Refining importance of Houston has. It would be like shooting themselves in the foot (although they have proven themselves quite limited intellectually and certainly capable of doing so!). They would choose say, New Orleans - little to lose after Katrina; Salt Lake City - and "get rid of those pesky Mormons while at it"; San Francisco and "get rid of Sodom at Gomorrah while at it"; etc. There are many cities in the US which could "fill the bill" quite nicely without costing the New World Order much.
(3) We quote: If you feel that you received valuable information from this work, we ask
that give something in return. Ken's publisher (Wishes Granted) has agreed to accept donations via
PayPal... etc., etc. "Click Here To Donate" - You do not have to “join” PayPal to donate via
credit card. etc. , etc. - There are benefits to donating:... etc., etc.
(4) The particulars of Mr. Welch's Site follow: Domain Name: KEN-WELCH.COM; Registrar:
DOMAINDISCOVER; Whois Server: whois.domaindiscover.com; Referral URL:
http://www.domaindiscover.com; Last Updated Date: 29-Mar-2006; Creation Date: 08-Nov-2003
(6) We brought this possibility to the attention of Former President
J. Carter on June 3, 1993
(10) Independence Day - The Movie
(12) It's About That Time
(19) The Threesome of Saviors which is composed by:
(a) The US Neo-cons; (b) The Opus Dei like religious zealots; and (c) The European leaders of
Gorbachev mindset.
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Published on April 2, 2006 - European Union
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