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Ecclesiastical Masonry / Section 4

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Connection between

Opus Dei Members and Extreme Right Groups and Other Undesirable Groups Worldwide

NOTE Added on October 25, 2001:

The Spanish national newspaper LA RAZÓN, a Center-Right Right newspaper in Spain reported today on Page 10 that:

The involvement of the Extreme Right in the U.S. was the first lead followed by the FBI in an effort to solve the mystery of the recent Anthrax-by-mail attacks.... This hypothesis was resolutely discarded a few weeks later upon confirmation of the purity and level of sophistication of the spores sent to NBC's Anchorman Tom Brokaw and Senator Tom Daschle... The White House still claims that there is no direct link between the Anthrax-by-mail and Bin Laden. However, the FBI continues to investigate the strange connection between the neo-nazis and Islamic extremists in case that they had made available to members Al Qaeda paramilitary training camps as well as access to sophisticated weaponry in exchange for money for their (the neo-nazi) organization.

We must not forget either that the greatest (in terms of damage to the National Security) Spy in the U.S. was FBI ex-Special Agent Robert P. Hanssen (N1), a devout and active member of the Opus Dei; just as was his superior, the Former FBI Director Louis Freeh.

Without having to stretch any of the information available to prove a point , it seems that all pieces continue to fall in place. [Please refer to related Notes just recently added to one related document (N2) and then another related document (N3)]

Today we have been notified that the Canonization of Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei, has been set for June 26, 2002. We must view such event as the reverse of what took place with Joan of Arc. The Church first burned Joan of Arc for witchcraft only to later raise her to the altars as Saint Joan of Arc.

The connection between Opus Dei and certain undesirable extreme groups throughout the world continues to come to light. An article published in the Spanish daily EL MUNDO (1) adds a few more pieces to the jigsaw puzzle regarding possible clandestine operations by the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.

Neo-Nazi Net Within the Catholic Church

Spain's EL MUNDO publishes (1) a news report:

Austrian Police investigates an extreme right net within the Catholic Church

'Austrian Police investigates an extreme right net within the Catholic Church' ['La Policía Austríaca investiga una red ultraderechista en la Iglesia Católica'].

'Has the support of the known ultraconservative Bishop Kurt Krenn.' ['Cuenta con el apoyo del conocido obispo ultraconservador Kurt Krenn'.]

Its key sections are translated below:

Publication: Spain's EL MUNDO, November 19, 1995, p.44, (1)

Block A

According to the Austrian weekly "News" the Austrian State Police are investigating an extreme right net within the alpine Catholic Church.

Block B

The net is camouflaged behind the innocent façade of a religious order and two religious organizations anchored in the vicinity of St.Polten, a small community located west of Vienna.

Block C

The Minor's Court warned the parents so that they would not send their sons to the meetings of this group (2) since, according to a spokesman of the court, "our evidence indicates that they are closely related with the Catholic Sect Opus Angelorum and with organizations of extreme right".

Block D

The objective of these organizations is 'power'. Their message: discipline, order and violence. All of them are related in some form to Opus Angelorum, a fanatical organization whose members are "chosen by God to fight against demons and evil."

To complement the information contained in such article the following personal commentaries will be added:

(a) In Fátima, Portugal, there is a monastery of "The Order of The Holy Cross" which miguel de Portugal (m de P) visited in 1992. m de P spoke at length with Fr. Willibald Zenkert, one of the principals of Opus Angelorum, who related the difficulties that they were having in Austria. The difficulties were presented as if the Opus Angelorum was being persecuted for their piety.

Said order promotes, on a worldwide level, the Opus Angelorum (3) the 'Work of the Angel', referred to in the news report of El Mundo as the 'Obra del Angel'. During his visit m de P witnessed Fr. Willibald Zenkert make a presentation about Angels to a group of Spanish pilgrims. Notice was taken of his thinly disguised arrogance and lack of true piety. It all seemed very odd considering their apparent professed piety. m de P was prevented by Fr. Zenkert from distributing to the pilgrims free St. Michael the Archangel prayer cards after the presentation.

(b) Although said order does not broadcast the fact that they are an another façade (4) of The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei, all in that monastery indicated it.

(c) The Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Cardinal Ratzinger, some years ago pronounced itself against some of the practices within Opus Angelorum. However, Opus Angelorum essentially brushed off the negative commentaries and continued their sect-like activities.

On other matters...

Opus Dei Political Allies Promoting Abortion En Masse

On another article published in the Spanish prestigious daily ABC (5) we read:

"...responsibles of the municipality of Pamplona have organized the distribution of abortifacients... in Pamplona. .... there was no qualified personnel and the pills were being distributed without prescriptions nor medical supervision. ... The CDN party governs the Pamplona City Hall by virtue of an alliance with socialists, communists,... A large number of CDN Party members are connected with Opus Dei."

A Possible Involvement With Government Endorsed Drug Trafficking

ABC further reports (6) that a Peruvian Drug Kingpin confessed that during 1991 and 1992 he had the support of the National Intelligence Service; specifically from an advisor to President Fujimori.

It is indeed interesting that said Drug Kingpin code name was "Vatican" and that Perú is a country which has the highest percentage of Bishops openly associated with the Opus Dei.

El Pais, in an April 4, 1997 article (7), reports that "A councilman of the Partido Popular (read: Opus Dei Party) turned out to be a member of an international drug traffic ring. ... he was arrested because of his relationship with a drug bust that yielded 4,000 Kg of marijuana."

Is it all just an unhappy coincidence? May the reader be the judge.

Opus Dei Politicians With Anti Semitic History

On another news report by IPS (8) on July 11, 1966 we read:

"...Justice Minister (of Argentina)... stepped down in the midst of a scandal created by recent revelations of his anti-Semitic past."

"Barra resigned after two local newspapers recently revealed his participation in an anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi organization, his naming to a university post under the directorship of a known Nazi, and his stay in prison for attacking a synagogue."

"Barra has been a government official since the start of Menem's first term in 1989..."

"His current ties with the ultra conservative international Catholic organization Opus Dei, put him at the forefront of the official campaign against the legalization of abortion."

(N1) Opus Dei's ex-FBI Agent Robert Hanssen Betrays the US
(N2) Former President George H. Bush - The Godfather of the New International Order
(N3) The Bombing of the People's Republic of China Embassy in Belgrade - Is There Another Angle To It Besides Just a Mistake?
(1) El Mundo November 19, 1995. Cover
(2) A Boy Scouts group not recognized by the National Boy Scouts Organization founded by Baden Powell.
(3) Opus Angelorum Newsletter, front
(4) Opus Angelorum Newsletter, back
(5) ABC August 18, 1996
(6) ABC August 19, 1996
(7) El Pais April 4, 1997
(8) IPS July 11, 1996

Related Documents

Ecclesiastical Masonry (secret societies inside the Church) - Index of sections

Index of Documents Regarding the Opus Dei Sect

Ecclesiastical Masonry

Sects within the Roman Catholic Church


Index of All Sections

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En Español:  El vínculo entre miembros del Opus Dei y grupos de extrema derecha a nivel mundial

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