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Points to Ponder About

July 2005

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The purpose of Points to Ponder About was to stimulate thinking that would draw the disoriented Faithful back to God and away from the hypocritical duplicity of some religious institutions which are destroying the little faith left on earth. (For a more detailed explanation, see Points to Ponder About - Purpose). What used to be posted in this section has been integrated in For Your Information and Reference.

Note: This 'Point to Ponder About' section was prepared in the years 2005-2009. Some linked documents external to this domain may have been removed from the Net, or moved to different locations, since then.

Published on July 25th, 2005

Do you ever wonder... why such a prayer "big to do" is made when someone passes on? Masses, rosaries, etc.

If we would have paid close attention to our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother, we would have made a point of offering all those prayers before the individual passes on. When we pray for each other we are helping each other to minimize the falls into sin as well as giving each other a hand in returning to the House of the Father.

But, as with most everything else, after nearly 2000 years, the "Shepherds" do not quite have it clear yet - thus the repeated visits of our Heavenly Mother Mary. After all - if She does not help us obey Her Son - who will? Do not count on "Cardinal" Law, even though he was rewarded by being made the titular head of the most important Basilica dedicated to Mary - St. Mary Major in Rome.

Published on July 23rd, 2005

We ponder... why amongst the least downloaded documents is the one which clearly explains the covenant that we have entered with the Father and how we keep violating it without a second thought. Many do not seem to realize that counting on the Mercy of God as "an insurance policy" for "sure fire" forgiveness and a "free pass" to Heaven is almost equivalent to sinning against the Holy Spirit of God.

Published on July 18th, 2005

We ponder... why the most downloaded documents in Portuguese are the following (in their English version):

(1) The Secret Concept of the Most Holy Trinity
(2) Prayers Against Satan and The Rebellious Angels
(3) Marian Apparitions and The Roman Catholic Church - Obviously The Response Was Not Appropriate
(4) How the One Universal Religion Will Be Utilized For The Manifestation Of The False Christ

Published on July 12th, 2005

Do you ever wonder... why the US Government takes such precautions for the safety of the Space Shuttle crew and then sends its young men and women to Iraq, for example, and not even provide basic protection for them like, for example, adequate armor? Not to mention a real reason for the war!

Because the "Name of the Game" is brainwash and as long as humans continue to be easy prey to such manipulations, they will continue.

Published on July 10th, 2005

Do you ever wonder... why a recovering alcoholic can have Holy Communion with both species [Body and Blood] and not "fall off the wagon"?

The answer lies in the fact that, after a long fast, partaking of the Blood of Christ during communion does not have the same effect in the organism as if one took a drink of wine.

Published on July 1st, 2005

We often wonder... why so many keep "chasing new Marian Apparitions" and when quizzed about their prayer life they do not even fulfill Mary's most basic requests repeated since the 19th Century? Because marching and demonstrating is "more fun" and is not what Jesus taught by word and example.

Do you want to quickly shut up one of those "finger pointing" and "damn all of you sinners" holy ones? Start inquiring about their prayer life with specific questions demanding specific answers and you will see squirming like you have never seen before!

Points to Ponder About

Archived Issues

Previous Month:  June 2005

Next Month:  August 2005

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