The M+G+R Foundation
A Public Forum - Part II
The purpose of this Public Forum - Part II is to publish communications sent to us, communications which require no response from us, yet, we feel that their content may be beneficial for the spiritual health of the Faithful.
We reserve the right to choose which communications will be published and to edit them as
necessary for clarity. The identity of the correspondent will be kept confidential unless
requested otherwise.
Communications Published on November 2007
Note: If you believe that you are in our Mailing List and are not receiving any mailings, please let us know and we will advise you what may be the problem and how to correct it. If you are not in our Main Mailing List and wish to be added to it, do let us know.
From IC @ Philippines - Published on November 27th, 2007 [Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Paris)]
Obviously you had been urged by God to do so. I say obviously because you had addressed this question over a year ago in the Public Forum dated September 4th (2).
I consider this a happy circumstance as "the hour is late" (3) and God sees fit to remind us once again about the dangers of idolatry, dangers that you all pointed out are too easy to fall prey to.
Also, it highlights something which Miguel and you all frequently refer to: coherence. God (and by extension those who do His will) never contradicts Himself. (4)
If there are those of us who regularly visit the site need proof, I would consider this one. Also, if God allows, I would still love to hear about Miguel's examples someday.
(1) Private Forum November 25th, 2007
(2) Public Forum September 4th, 2006
(4) It's About That Time
(4) The Key Is - Coherence
From RH @ US - Published on November 25th, 2007 [Feast of Christ The King]
I was there recently totaling for more than two years on a business trip. My sense is that the problem is because of the prevailing religious fanaticism.
I notice also this poor economic conditions among heavily "christianized" countries with such severe degree of religious fanaticism.
In the US, because of this growing fanaticism, we are starting to see the degradation of our economic conditions.
(1) Referenced mailing:
Compounding our failure to industrialize at the same time and to the same extent as our neighbors was our premature and accelerated embrace of free trade and globalization, ironically also under President Ramos, with the legislative support of then Senator Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, both under the influence of Opus Dei economists Jesus Estanislao and Bernardo Villegas.
There is something obscene, even comical, about a country that cannot even produce its own door hinges, enthusiastically embracing free trade and globalization even ahead of such emerging industrial giants as South Korea and Taiwan.
Then, ultimately the blame falls on the Catholic FAITH instead of falling where it belongs - the Roman Catholic Church Administrators for a failed Evangelization effort in spite of the fact that God managed to maintain the Faith pure.
For a refresher on their flawed "theology" visit
From RC @ US - Published on November 22nd, 2007 [U.S. Thanksgiving Day]
(1) Let us Bless God!
(2) The awesome reality of Jesus Christ
(3) Jesus petitions Our Father
(4) And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. And the rich man also died: and he was buried in hell. [Luke 16:22]
(5) Who are the Saints?
(6) Mercy in Action
(7) Continued institutional and personal transgressions
(8) By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another. [John 13:35]
From PY @ US - Published on November 21st, 2007 [Mary's Presentation]
Dear Miguel,
A Poem for you:
Bring the long-looked-for day;
Oh, why these years of waiting here,
These ages of delay?
Come, for Thy saints still wait;
Daily ascends their cry:
'The Spirit and the Bride say, Come';
Dost Thou not hear their cry?
Come, for creation groans,
Impatient of Thy stay;
Worn out with these long years of ill,
These ages of delay.
Come, for Thine Israel pines,
An exile from Thy fold;
Oh, call to mind Thy faithful word,
And bless them as of old.
Come, for thy foes are strong;
With taunting lips they say,
'Where is the promised advent now,
And where the dreaded day?'
Come, for the good are few;
They lift the voice in vain;
Faith waxes fainter on the earth,
And love is on the wane.
Come, in Thy glorious might;
Come, with Thine iron rod;
Disperse Thy foes before Thy face,
Most mighty Son of God.
Come, and make all things new,
Build up this ruined earth;
Restore our faded paradise,
Creation's second birth.
Come, and begin Thy reign
Of everlasting peace;
Come, take the kingdom to Thyself,
Great King of Righteousness."
From RH @ US - Published on November 17th, 2007 [Mary, Mother of Divine Providence]
In reference to your recent mailing "Various News Report of Interest" (1).....
God's Peace to all!
It's pathetic that this unnecessary waste of lives happen due to reckless decision by a few.
I do pray for these men and women and their families afflicted by the horrors of war, including others who suffered too peripherally.
That's why my prayers, too, are for the speedy return of Christ, of course, according to His Will.
May He grant us a Green Apocalypse, soon.
(1) Referenced to mailing:
News Quote:
But a five-month CBS News investigation discovered data that shows a startling rate of suicide, what some call a hidden epidemic, Chief Investigative Reporter Armen Keteyian reports exclusively.
News Quote:
Could a strange substance found by an Ark-La-Tex man be part of secret government testing program? That's the question at the heart of a phenomenon called "Chemtrails." In a KSLA News 12 investigation, Reporter Jeff Ferrell shows us the results of testing we had done about what's in our skies.
There's already no shortage of unclassified weather modification programs by the government. But those who fear chemtrails could be secret biological and chemical testing on the public point to the 1977 U.S. Senate hearings which confirmed 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Later, the 1994 Rockefeller Report concluded hundreds of thousands of military personnel were also subjected to secret biological experiments over the last 60-years.
But could secret testing be underway yet again? "I'd rather it be something inert and you know something that's not causing any damage but I'd like to know what it is," concluded Nichols.
KSLA News 12 discovered chemtrails are even mentioned by name in the initial draft of HR 2977 back in 2001, under the Space Preservation Act. But the military denies any such program exists.
It turns out, until just nine years ago the government had the right, under U.S. law, to conduct secret testing on the American public, under specific conditions. Only a public outcry repealed part of that law, with some "exceptions."
News Quote:
(Note: The sun remains by far the most massive object in the solar system. Comet 17P/Holmes' diaphanous atmosphere of dust and gas, which is what the astronomers measured, contains less mass than a typical asteroid. In spite of its great size, Comet Holmes is a lightweight that won't be deflecting the orbits of planets or causing any other such catastrophes.)
Visit for a sky map and images.
The M+G+R Foundation Comments: Let us continue to Pray!
From WO @ US - Published on November 15th, 2007
As you recently again wrote: ....whatsoever things you have spoken in darkness, shall be published in the light: and that which you have spoken in the ear in the chambers, shall be preached on the housetops. [Luke 13:3] and as you have frequently stated: Even satan must serve God!
I happily bring to you another example of almost earthshaking magnitude.
"This is irresponsible, is not about the safety of children as the sponsor claims, and is clearly, to me at least, about money,"
The election of Kicanas equally disappointed them. With numerous victims seeking compensation related to sex abuse in the Tucson diocese, Kicanas sought bankruptcy protection for the diocese in 2004. Though the bankruptcy agreement established a trust to pay victims, critics saw his action as a way to avoid accountability. A former Chicago priest, Kicanas served as rector of Mundelein Seminary in the 1980s and as an auxiliary bishop of Chicago from 1995 to 2001."
(2) In point of fact, George had PROMOTED McCormack
(3) On November 10th
From RC @ US - Published on November 13th, 2007
(1) The e-mail referred to follows:
"They" are coming to finish up what they started in World War II and are working from within to achieve it.
For more details and concrete reasons to pray, please review:
From WO @ US - Published on November 8th, 2007
(*) The referred to mailing....
Fair is fair and not all spiritually deviant "Christian" Religion Administrators are of Roman Catholic Persuasion as the following report clearly attests to.
From our November 2005 pending Files....
Graham lent his imprimatur to this recommendation. Thus the preacher was advocating a policy to the US Commander in Chief that on Nixon's own estimate would have killed a million people. The German high commissioner in occupied Holland, Seyss-Inquart, was sentenced to death at Nuremberg for breaching dikes in Holland in World War Two. (His execution did not deter the USAF from destroying the Toksan dam in North Korea, in 1953, thus deliberately wrecking the system that irrigated 75 per cent of North Korea's rice farms.)
This disclosure of Graham as an aspirant war criminal did not
excite any commotion when it became public in 1989, twenty years after it was written. I
recall finding a small story in the Syracuse Herald-Journal. No one thought to chide Graham or
even question him on the matter."
From IC @ Phillipines - Published on November 5th, 2007
In reference to article (*) that you shared....
I for one, cannot see how I can be gainfully employed after such a financial catastrophe. Having experienced destitution to some degree before (utilities disconnected due to non-payment, dropping out of college because our family couldn't afford it, having no idea where to get our next meal, had our house not been paid for we would be out on the street...), I can only hope that somehow my children be spared that fate.
But then again, we are living in the End Times.
Pray for me brethren, that God may guide me according to His will.
(*) Article in question:
High and Low Finance - New York Times
Market Shock: AAA Rating May Be Junk
The great stock market rally of 2002 through 2007 has been built on liquidity — and much of the liquidity has been based on financial engineering that allowed highly risky investments to be financed by investors who thought they were taking no risks.
They were wrong.
Now the question is whether the market can continue rising as investors learn that the financial innovations that helped to build the boom were constructed on sand.
When Bear Stearns admitted this week that two hedge funds were expected to lose, in round numbers, 100 percent of their value, it blamed “unprecedented declines in the valuations of a number of highly rated (AA and AAA) securities.”
Those securities were nothing like the bonds issued by companies with triple-A or double-A ratings. Such bonds almost never plunge in value because the companies borrowing the money are financially solid.
But the money invested by the hedge funds went to finance mortgage loans to subprime customers, borrowers as close to being a triple-A credit as Moscow is to Maui as a beach resort.
By the magic of securitization, sow’s ears could become silk purses, or at least look like them. Most subprime mortgages would never default, went the theory, and rising home prices would minimize losses when there were defaults. So if a security was protected from the first 10 or 20 percent of losses in a mortgage portfolio, then it was as safe as a loan to General Electric. Such securities got AAA ratings.
Full article at:
From RH @ USA - Published on November 1st, 2007 [All Saints Day]
Regarding your recent mailing (1) about the Saudi King remarks regarding terrorism....
Letting terror attacks happen will justify the establishment of a dictatorial, despotic One World Government not of God.
(1) The referred to mailing....
Quote from News Report:
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah said Britain failed to act on intelligence from his country which may have stopped the London bombings, before arriving here Monday for a controversial state visit.
The king -- the first Saudi monarch to make a state visit to Britain in 20 years -- accused London and other nations of failing to take terrorism seriously enough.
Asked about the terrorist threat in an interview broadcast hours before his arrival, he told the BBC through an interpreter: "I believe most countries are not taking this issue too seriously including, unfortunately, Great Britain.
"We have sent information to Great Britain before the terrorist attacks in Britain but
unfortunately no action was taken. And it may have been able to maybe avert the tragedy."
The M+G+R Foundation Comments:
Isn't it interesting that the "Bopsie Twins" of the War on Terror is the US and the UK?
King Abdullah said: "I believe most countries are not taking this issue too seriously including, unfortunately, Great Britain."
Would be illogical to think that without an enemy we could not have a war?
Would it not be logical to think that if we had a real threat (*) we would take "this issue" a bit more seriously?
It must be that the incense burning at the foot of the Tabernacle, where we spend much time, is beginning to affect our logic.... or is it?
(*) Real threat is defined as a threat completely out of our reach and control, and not a threat as defined by CNN and Sky News.
Full News Report:;_ylt=At03vu18_3lqID.NetlIniKROrgF
From RC @ USA - Published on October 30th, 2007
At your request, I have reviewed the History Channel program aired recently about "The Lost Book of Nostradamus".
Briefly, the "lost" book is alleged to have been presented by N (Nostradamus) (1) to a cardinal at the Vatican where it stayed under wraps for years. Later it was purchased by the Italian National Library from someone else but the author was claimed to be N. It was recently "found" by an Italian author who was apparently perusing the collection.
The book is a collection of 80 watercolor plates which depict many of the quatrains. They are not bound together but in a portfolio which apparently was typical for the times.
Most important, the plates depict what "experts" contend is the apocalypse. The images are all loaded with symbolism so one can read into many what one wants. Basically the images are all bad news for the Church with representations of the Pope in various degrees of distress or danger and many representations of the AntiChrist.
Interestingly, this program addresses one of the criticisms featured on the preceding program (also recorded) which is, "Why can't you N experts predict something rather than telling us after the fact?" To wit, where were those experts on Sept. 10, 2001?
Thus, there is a mad dash, if not frenzy, to figure out what is going to happen next.
The climax is that it will all end when certain celestial events occur. These events only happen once every 13,000 years and are due again between 1992-2012.
Yes that 2012 number, again. (2)
The program admits that the book is not an original by N, but rather recopied. The program insists that it must be important since it was kept and recopied over the years.
I believe that the book importance and relevance was stated at least THREE TIMES, thus there must be a reason this book came to light now.
The basic problem with this kind of programming is that it gives people a fatal diagnosis without any hope of cure. Worse, it trivializes the events since there is a GAME for people to play in which one makes predictions using quatrains. I agree that seers can and do see, but they are not doing God's Will. It is fair to say that a prophet of God will announce that he is a prophet of God and act like one, with wisdom, patience, courage, charity and humility.
One can tell God's Messengers by what they say and do.
This program feeds into the Jonah syndrome. As you know, it wasn't easy to get Jonah to deliver the message to Ninevah, but once he did, he actually looked forward to having Ninevah destroyed. Shame on him!
If we learn anything from this program: it is
2. people are most driven by fear, greed comes in second; (3)
3. God provides warnings (4), but also hope that if we do the right thing, we can stay His Hand or mitigate the damage (5).
One can never Pray too much!
(1) About Nostradamus' source
(2) About the Mayan Calendar
(3) Pain - always catches man's attention
(4) Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Upcoming Warning and A Personal Warning
(5) Indeed it is in our hands
Public Forum - Part II : October 2007 Edition
Our Research Department
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