The M+G+R Foundation
Public Forum - Part II
November 2008
November 2008
The purpose of this Public Forum - Part II is to publish communications sent to us, communications which require no response from us, yet, we feel that their content may be beneficial for the spiritual health of the Faithful.
We reserve the right to choose which communications will be published and to edit them as
necessary for clarity. The identity of the correspondent will be kept confidential unless
requested otherwise.
Please Note: When a communication appears on this Forum, does not automatically
imply that The M+G+R Foundation agrees with all of its contents and/or
From The M+G+R Foundation @ EU - US - Published on November 27th, 2008
[Thanksgiving Day in the US]
The best way to wish each and everyone of you a truly Blessed Day of Thanksgiving is by sharing what one of our dearest Family Member attached to the greeting sent to us today. You may access the Power Point Slide Presentation by Clicking Here.
May you have a truly Blessed Life!
Your Family at The M+G+R Foundation
From miguel de Portugal @ EU - US - Published on November 21st, 2008 [Presentation of Mary]
The following letter just went out:
From (Mrs.) KH @ US - Published on November 17th, 2008
I just read your very kind acknowledgment and want to tell you that I am so touched by your remarks and your thanks as well as to say that I thoroughly enjoyed, and received from, this project more than can be put in words.
Not only did I get to revisit many of the documents that are dear, but also found ones that I'm sure I had never seen before... and must admit that I had to stop reading for enjoyment at a certain point. I have a big backlog of articles to go back to now.... There were also many times that I laughed out loud, as well as many sighs because of the love that pours out from so many of the writings,... a few tears,.... lots of visits out of the site to Wikipedia to check out this or that subject from the readings and to the on-line dictionary to look up a half dozen or so words that were new to me.
My prayers are for your visitors to have a similar encounter with these writings, because they will be just surrounded by God's Grace and Goodness and overwhelmed.
So, I want to finish up by thanking you (plural) - the thee and the He- of your "we," for asking, and giving me the opportunity to do this (1), and you, m de P, for making it all work on-line and being most gracious for suggestions during computer uploading issues.
Again, thanks for all the kindness and for The M+G+R Foundation family does.
(Mrs.) KH
(1) All the newly updated Indexes may be accessed from the English Index Page.
From Paul @ Originally Tarsus - Published on November 13th, 2008
Regarding your Did you know that...? column of November 12th (1) I want to remind your readers what I wrote to Titus who was in Crete at the time:
Paul of Tarsus
From The M+G+R Foundation - Published on November 10th, 2008
The following e-letter was sent to the Editorial Office - L'Osservatore Romano by The M+G+R Foundation on November 8th in reference to the defense of Pius XII.
From The M+G+R Foundation - Published on November 5th, 2008
May the Peace of God be upon you!
We will offer our comments using news reports as a for-example platform.
News Quotes
This feeling has been echoed in post election Europe. For example, according to a CNN International news report, an individual in London being interviewed regarding the election results, said: "It feels as if the Messiah has come."
But although the above may sound positive - in spite of the fact that Medvedev did not congratulate Obama - is because according to the Russian Pravda...
At this point we refer the reader to the posting by miguel de Portugal in the Private Forum dated November 1st, which follows:
We are not implying that Mr. Obama is a manifestation of the AntiChrist nor are we implying that he will be the FalseChrist. As we have explained elsewhere the AntiChrist and FalseChrist Manifestations come through those world leaders - political and religious - who, while dressing and talking like sheep, act as ravenous wolves.
Remember that the Bush Administration remains in power until the second half of January and that a wounded animal presents a far greater threat than a healthy and relatively content one.
We should all remain in prayer so that as the End of These Times Drama unfolds, suffering is minimized while Divine Justice is dispensed and prophecy is fulfilled.
"Not My will but Thine be done" Words which tear the heart and heal it again - John XXIII
From (Mr.) LP @ US - Published on November 3rd, 2008
I was recently reading a book about Stalin, and found a confession of God's existence and justice from one of the heads of the Soviet secret police.
Until 1936, Yagoda was the head of the NKVD, the Soviet secret police. He started off Stalin's Great Purge in the mid-1930s, and was responsible for the deaths/false imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of people. Then, he was purged in 1937, and sent to a show trial, and executed in 1938.
During his interrogation, Yagoda told his questioner,
As you have said, "even satan has to serve God".
(Mr.) LP
From (Mrs.) LL @ EU - Published on November 1st, 2008 [All Saints Day - First Saturday of the Month]
Peace dear family!!!
This is an update to my email of last year, [see below - (1)] where i asked for your prayers for help for my young brother who was addicted to drugs...
Your advice was to remind me to just 'love him back to health' ...and i wanted to let you know how wonderful that advice was and how it truly worked and helped him.
My brother came for a visit last november, and had just come off a drug binge, and instead of faulting him for it, we all just loved him despite his mistakes, as you instructed us...
He came back and forth a few times, and unfortunately each time that he returned home he 'fell off the wagon' because the problems that drove him to drugs to begin with, were still there...but we didn't give up hope, and just kept praying for him, and loving him...
He kept returning to us, whatever weekends he could, trying to clean himself up.
A few months ago he 'lost' his job and decided to move here with us fulltime... he has been here almost three months now, and has not touched drugs once!!!!!!
Praise God for His Mercy!!!!! he didn't even need a 'rehab' like most people do, when coming off such heavy drugs, just God and His love, shown through us, to lead him out of his misery...
Thank you miguel and all of those in the MGR (God's) family for being there to help us, who are still so deaf and blind to see His Light and Love!!!!
Truly you, miguel, are a gift from God to us, to teach us, despite how 'far off' we still may be, how to live and love, God's way...
I don't need to 'see' your face to know God sent you, over and over these last 8 years you have helped my family to draw closer to Him. and as the saying goes 'the proof is in the pudding', and it is not just my family that has been helped, i have passed your documents and advice to many others over the years and many, many other people have been helped too.
Mere words could never express how grateful to God I am for the gift of you and your ministry. but since words and prayers are all i have, i again wanted to thank you and let you know how much you have helped me!!!
You all remain in my prayers.
Love, peace, and blessings!
From (Mr.) LP @ US - Published on October 30th, 2008
For your information and reference.
The signers of this letter "Spiritual Leaders Vote for Obama" (1) are righteous, and want us to know it, and I quote:
What a choice we Americans have in this election:
So which will it be, Lenin or Mussolini?
(1) The Letter
(2) False Dawn - Chapter 24
(3) False Dawn - Chapter 25
The best way to wish each and everyone of you a truly Blessed Day of Thanksgiving is by sharing what one of our dearest Family Member attached to the greeting sent to us today. You may access the Power Point Slide Presentation by Clicking Here.
May you have a truly Blessed Life!
Your Family at The M+G+R Foundation
From miguel de Portugal @ EU - US - Published on November 21st, 2008 [Presentation of Mary]
The following letter just went out:
miguel de Portugal
[Postal mailing address]
November 18, 2008
[Postal mailing address]
November 18, 2008
Copies to: Printed and Visual Media worldwide
Plus to the heads of the:
US, Canadian and Australian Bishops Conference
Plus to the heads of the:
US, Canadian and Australian Bishops Conference
Cardinal James Francis Stafford
Major Penitentiary
Apostolic Penitentiary for the Tribunal of the Holy See
Palazzo della Cancelleria
Piazza della Cancelleria, 1
00186 ROMA
Reference: Remarks about President Elect Obama at Keane Auditorium
Greetings in the Name of the Lord!
We have read with interest your remarks (0) regarding President Elect Obama. Specifically:
Describing him as: "aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic," and describing his campaign as "extremist anti-life platform"; and further declaring that: " should not be held to a supreme power of state, and a person's life cannot ultimately be controlled by government."
Considering that our position regarding abortion could not be better described than it is in the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church sections 2270 through 2275 (1), we find your statements quite puzzling.
We followed Senator's Obama campaign quite closely and we failed to see signs of "aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic" nor an "extremist anti-life platform". However, we do agree with you completely that " should not be held to a supreme power of state, and a person's life cannot ultimately be controlled by government".
Is President Elect Obama considering issuing a forced abortion Executive Order? Otherwise we could not possibly understand your statements.
Abortion, just as birth control, are matters which concern/derive from the formation of the soul, which is what Jesus Christ expected His Church to do when His Evangelization plans were to be carried out.
Even if abortion was legal from initial conception up to one minute before delivery and the government gave a cash bonus to those who would directly or indirectly take advantage of it - a properly Evangelized individual would not even consider abortion as an option.
As God taught humanity through His interaction with Cain (2): Bringing death upon another human is never an option - never! Regardless of the ca. 1600 years worth of examples given by institutionalized religion.
Given that the Evangelization effort was a complete failure (3) - the state of the world is our witness - religious institutions should not expect to achieve the results that Evangelization should have had utilizing civil laws. Do not you remember what Jesus said when asked if taxes should be paid to Caesar? (4)
In spite of the claims that your colleague, Cardinal Rouco-Varela of Spain, made in a letter (5) regarding the failed Evangelization effort - wherein he placed the blame of said failure on the people and not on institutionalized religion - Don Juan Bosco proved (6) , without a shred of a doubt, that: If the Evangelization effort is carried out in accordance to the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ - even a vitriolic anticlerical regime, such as that of Minister Rattazzi in 19th century Italy, would cooperate in the effort.
We encourage you and your colleagues to take a long and hard look into a mirror so that you might be able to identify what the source of the real problem is and cease trying to pin the blame on the nearest high profile scapegoat.
May God Bless you with the light necessary to navigate through what some call the End of These Times.
(2) Genesis 4: 11-15
(3) + +
(4) Matthew 22: 17-21
Major Penitentiary
Apostolic Penitentiary for the Tribunal of the Holy See
Palazzo della Cancelleria
Piazza della Cancelleria, 1
00186 ROMA
Reference: Remarks about President Elect Obama at Keane Auditorium
Greetings in the Name of the Lord!
We have read with interest your remarks (0) regarding President Elect Obama. Specifically:
Describing him as: "aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic," and describing his campaign as "extremist anti-life platform"; and further declaring that: " should not be held to a supreme power of state, and a person's life cannot ultimately be controlled by government."
Considering that our position regarding abortion could not be better described than it is in the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church sections 2270 through 2275 (1), we find your statements quite puzzling.
We followed Senator's Obama campaign quite closely and we failed to see signs of "aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic" nor an "extremist anti-life platform". However, we do agree with you completely that " should not be held to a supreme power of state, and a person's life cannot ultimately be controlled by government".
Is President Elect Obama considering issuing a forced abortion Executive Order? Otherwise we could not possibly understand your statements.
Abortion, just as birth control, are matters which concern/derive from the formation of the soul, which is what Jesus Christ expected His Church to do when His Evangelization plans were to be carried out.
Even if abortion was legal from initial conception up to one minute before delivery and the government gave a cash bonus to those who would directly or indirectly take advantage of it - a properly Evangelized individual would not even consider abortion as an option.
As God taught humanity through His interaction with Cain (2): Bringing death upon another human is never an option - never! Regardless of the ca. 1600 years worth of examples given by institutionalized religion.
Given that the Evangelization effort was a complete failure (3) - the state of the world is our witness - religious institutions should not expect to achieve the results that Evangelization should have had utilizing civil laws. Do not you remember what Jesus said when asked if taxes should be paid to Caesar? (4)
In spite of the claims that your colleague, Cardinal Rouco-Varela of Spain, made in a letter (5) regarding the failed Evangelization effort - wherein he placed the blame of said failure on the people and not on institutionalized religion - Don Juan Bosco proved (6) , without a shred of a doubt, that: If the Evangelization effort is carried out in accordance to the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ - even a vitriolic anticlerical regime, such as that of Minister Rattazzi in 19th century Italy, would cooperate in the effort.
We encourage you and your colleagues to take a long and hard look into a mirror so that you might be able to identify what the source of the real problem is and cease trying to pin the blame on the nearest high profile scapegoat.
May God Bless you with the light necessary to navigate through what some call the End of These Times.
(2) Genesis 4: 11-15
(3) + +
(4) Matthew 22: 17-21
From (Mrs.) KH @ US - Published on November 17th, 2008
I just read your very kind acknowledgment and want to tell you that I am so touched by your remarks and your thanks as well as to say that I thoroughly enjoyed, and received from, this project more than can be put in words.
Not only did I get to revisit many of the documents that are dear, but also found ones that I'm sure I had never seen before... and must admit that I had to stop reading for enjoyment at a certain point. I have a big backlog of articles to go back to now.... There were also many times that I laughed out loud, as well as many sighs because of the love that pours out from so many of the writings,... a few tears,.... lots of visits out of the site to Wikipedia to check out this or that subject from the readings and to the on-line dictionary to look up a half dozen or so words that were new to me.
My prayers are for your visitors to have a similar encounter with these writings, because they will be just surrounded by God's Grace and Goodness and overwhelmed.
So, I want to finish up by thanking you (plural) - the thee and the He- of your "we," for asking, and giving me the opportunity to do this (1), and you, m de P, for making it all work on-line and being most gracious for suggestions during computer uploading issues.
Again, thanks for all the kindness and for The M+G+R Foundation family does.
(Mrs.) KH
(1) All the newly updated Indexes may be accessed from the English Index Page.
From Paul @ Originally Tarsus - Published on November 13th, 2008
Regarding your Did you know that...? column of November 12th (1) I want to remind your readers what I wrote to Titus who was in Crete at the time:
67 For a bishop must be without crime, as the steward of God: not proud, not subject to anger,
not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre: 8 But given to hospitality, gentle,
sober, just, holy, continent: 9 Embracing that faithful word which is according to doctrine,
that he may be able to exhort in sound doctrine,... [Titus 1]
2 That the aged men be sober, chaste, prudent, sound in faith, in love, in patience. 3 The aged
women, in like manner, in holy attire, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teaching well:
4 That they may teach the young women to be wise, to love their husbands, to love their children,
5 To be discreet, chaste, sober, having a care of the house, gentle, obedient to their husbands,
that the word of God be not blasphemed. 6 Young men, in like manner, exhort that they be sober. 7
In all things show thyself an example of good works, in doctrine, in integrity, in gravity...
[Titus 2]
1 Admonish them to be subject to princes and powers, (2) to obey
at a word, to be ready to every good work. 2 To speak evil of no man, not to be litigious, but
gentle: showing all mildness towards all men. 3 For we ourselves also were some time unwise,
incredulous, erring, slaves to divers desires and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful,
and hating one another. [Titus 3]
Paul of Tarsus
Did you know that.... ....the nation's Roman Catholic bishops vowed
Tuesday to forcefully confront the Obama administration over its support for abortion rights?
They do not learn, do they?
They can confront all they want, all whom they desire, and it will be to no avail - only when they realize that the problem lies in the failed Evangelization, the solution will dawn.
If those spiritually and intellectually challenged well fed and kept men would only review what Don John Bosco proved for over 40 years, (b) they will realize that non-political Evangelization can indeed change the world.
These men are living blasphemies (c) to the life giving Evangelium that our Lord Jesus Christ brought to humanity.
(a) News Report
(b) Meet St. John Bosco
(c) Blasphemy: The crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of God
(2) In modern language it means: Remind the people to be subject to rulers
and authoritiesThey do not learn, do they?
They can confront all they want, all whom they desire, and it will be to no avail - only when they realize that the problem lies in the failed Evangelization, the solution will dawn.
If those spiritually and intellectually challenged well fed and kept men would only review what Don John Bosco proved for over 40 years, (b) they will realize that non-political Evangelization can indeed change the world.
These men are living blasphemies (c) to the life giving Evangelium that our Lord Jesus Christ brought to humanity.
(a) News Report
(b) Meet St. John Bosco
(c) Blasphemy: The crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of God
From The M+G+R Foundation - Published on November 10th, 2008
The following e-letter was sent to the Editorial Office - L'Osservatore Romano by The M+G+R Foundation on November 8th in reference to the defense of Pius XII.
For your information and reference as published in our Did you know
that.... ? pages:
Did you know that....
....Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone has slammed as "outrageous" allegations that
Pope Pius XII didn't do enough to save Jews during World War II?
and that...
....we must agree with him in this area?
It was too late for Pope Pius XII to do much about the Jews or the other fifty million people who died as the result of the disobedience of Pius XI to the crystal clear and confirmed orders from Heaven (2). The blood of millions upon millions of our brethren is upon their head and upon the head of all Roman Catholic Church Administrators who have obstructed Divine Intervention required to compensate for the failed Evangelization of the Roman Catholic Church. (3)
(1) News Report
(2) A confirmed Chronology of the Fatima Events
(3) Why has the Evangelization failed? It certainly was not because of God! Take a look - Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV
and that...
....we must agree with him in this area?
It was too late for Pope Pius XII to do much about the Jews or the other fifty million people who died as the result of the disobedience of Pius XI to the crystal clear and confirmed orders from Heaven (2). The blood of millions upon millions of our brethren is upon their head and upon the head of all Roman Catholic Church Administrators who have obstructed Divine Intervention required to compensate for the failed Evangelization of the Roman Catholic Church. (3)
(1) News Report
(2) A confirmed Chronology of the Fatima Events
(3) Why has the Evangelization failed? It certainly was not because of God! Take a look - Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV
From The M+G+R Foundation - Published on November 5th, 2008
May the Peace of God be upon you!
We will offer our comments using news reports as a for-example platform.
News Quotes
A. There is a video clip running on YouTube at the moment which shows a black woman
moved nearly to tears at an Obama rally, telling a television interviewer that all her problems
will be at an end when he is elected president. She won't have to worry anymore about putting gas
in her car or paying her mortgage because "he will help me". It would be easy to find this absurd
- the blind faith of an unsophisticated voter who has clearly mistaken Barack Obama for Jesus -
but in truth it is both sad and alarming.
This feeling has been echoed in post election Europe. For example, according to a CNN International news report, an individual in London being interviewed regarding the election results, said: "It feels as if the Messiah has come."
B. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says he hopes Barack Obama's administration will take
steps to improve badly damaged U.S. ties with Russia. Medvedev reacted to the American election in
his first state-of-the-nation address Wednesday. He did not congratulate Obama in the
address. He harshly criticized the U.S. over security issues and the global financial crisis.
But although the above may sound positive - in spite of the fact that Medvedev did not congratulate Obama - is because according to the Russian Pravda...
C. Only Satan would have been worse than the Bush regime. Therefore it could be
argued that the new administration in the USA could never be worse than the one which divorced the
hearts and minds of Americans from their brothers in the international community, which appalled
the rest of the world with shock and awe tactics that included concentration camps, torture, mass
murder and utter disrespect for international law. Yet in choosing Obama, the people of America
have opted to come back into the international fold. Welcome back, friends!
At this point we refer the reader to the posting by miguel de Portugal in the Private Forum dated November 1st, which follows:
From miguel de Portugal @ EU - US - Published on November 1st, 2008
[All Saints Day - First
Saturday of the Month]
We wish to remind everyone who is willing to listen that before the extreme right version of the New World Order is implemented with the fury of hell, there is going to be the manifestation of the not-as-extreme left version of the New World Order. This is what we have clearly indicated in steps nos. 1-3 of the document on the establishment of the New World Order. We recommend that the Faithful familiarize him/herself with the information contained in said document. (1)
Without a doubt - the errors of those promoting the extreme right version is what will, in effect, open the doors to the establishment of the left version of the New World Order. The excesses of the left version will, in turn, open the gates to the Grand Finale - the brief implementation of the extreme (and brutal) right version of the New World Order at which time the False Christ (2) will make his entrance.
A review of our document discussing the course of the French Revolution, (3) and how it parallels what we will live through, may also be a good idea.
(1) The Establishment of the New World Order
(2) The manifestation of the False Christ - satan's ultimate snare
(3) The parallels with the French Revolution
We wish to remind everyone who is willing to listen that before the extreme right version of the New World Order is implemented with the fury of hell, there is going to be the manifestation of the not-as-extreme left version of the New World Order. This is what we have clearly indicated in steps nos. 1-3 of the document on the establishment of the New World Order. We recommend that the Faithful familiarize him/herself with the information contained in said document. (1)
Without a doubt - the errors of those promoting the extreme right version is what will, in effect, open the doors to the establishment of the left version of the New World Order. The excesses of the left version will, in turn, open the gates to the Grand Finale - the brief implementation of the extreme (and brutal) right version of the New World Order at which time the False Christ (2) will make his entrance.
A review of our document discussing the course of the French Revolution, (3) and how it parallels what we will live through, may also be a good idea.
(1) The Establishment of the New World Order
(2) The manifestation of the False Christ - satan's ultimate snare
(3) The parallels with the French Revolution
We are not implying that Mr. Obama is a manifestation of the AntiChrist nor are we implying that he will be the FalseChrist. As we have explained elsewhere the AntiChrist and FalseChrist Manifestations come through those world leaders - political and religious - who, while dressing and talking like sheep, act as ravenous wolves.
Remember that the Bush Administration remains in power until the second half of January and that a wounded animal presents a far greater threat than a healthy and relatively content one.
We should all remain in prayer so that as the End of These Times Drama unfolds, suffering is minimized while Divine Justice is dispensed and prophecy is fulfilled.
"Not My will but Thine be done" Words which tear the heart and heal it again - John XXIII
From (Mr.) LP @ US - Published on November 3rd, 2008
I was recently reading a book about Stalin, and found a confession of God's existence and justice from one of the heads of the Soviet secret police.
Until 1936, Yagoda was the head of the NKVD, the Soviet secret police. He started off Stalin's Great Purge in the mid-1930s, and was responsible for the deaths/false imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of people. Then, he was purged in 1937, and sent to a show trial, and executed in 1938.
During his interrogation, Yagoda told his questioner,
"You can put down in your report to Yezhov [Yagoda's successor as head of the Soviet secret
police] that I said there must be a God after all. From Stalin I deserved nothing but gratitude
for my faithful service; from God, I deserved the most severe punishment for having violated his
commandments thousands of times. Now look where I am and judge for yourself: is there a God or
not?" (Simon S. Montefiore, Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar, Vintage Books, 2003, pp.
As you have said, "even satan has to serve God".
(Mr.) LP
From (Mrs.) LL @ EU - Published on November 1st, 2008 [All Saints Day - First Saturday of the Month]
Peace dear family!!!
This is an update to my email of last year, [see below - (1)] where i asked for your prayers for help for my young brother who was addicted to drugs...
Your advice was to remind me to just 'love him back to health' ...and i wanted to let you know how wonderful that advice was and how it truly worked and helped him.
My brother came for a visit last november, and had just come off a drug binge, and instead of faulting him for it, we all just loved him despite his mistakes, as you instructed us...
He came back and forth a few times, and unfortunately each time that he returned home he 'fell off the wagon' because the problems that drove him to drugs to begin with, were still there...but we didn't give up hope, and just kept praying for him, and loving him...
He kept returning to us, whatever weekends he could, trying to clean himself up.
A few months ago he 'lost' his job and decided to move here with us fulltime... he has been here almost three months now, and has not touched drugs once!!!!!!
Praise God for His Mercy!!!!! he didn't even need a 'rehab' like most people do, when coming off such heavy drugs, just God and His love, shown through us, to lead him out of his misery...
Thank you miguel and all of those in the MGR (God's) family for being there to help us, who are still so deaf and blind to see His Light and Love!!!!
Truly you, miguel, are a gift from God to us, to teach us, despite how 'far off' we still may be, how to live and love, God's way...
I don't need to 'see' your face to know God sent you, over and over these last 8 years you have helped my family to draw closer to Him. and as the saying goes 'the proof is in the pudding', and it is not just my family that has been helped, i have passed your documents and advice to many others over the years and many, many other people have been helped too.
Mere words could never express how grateful to God I am for the gift of you and your ministry. but since words and prayers are all i have, i again wanted to thank you and let you know how much you have helped me!!!
You all remain in my prayers.
Love, peace, and blessings!
From: The M+G+R Foundation - Remote
To: LL
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: prayer needed
Peace, dear L!
What you do not know is that we offer a decade of the Rosary every day specifically for people in his situation.
We also offer the intentions of, as well as many special benefits for, those who have solicited our assistance every day.
Therefore, you are seeing part of that now. Once "in your hands", love him back to full health.
If you have forgotten how love works on a soul, reread our document which explains it.
Do not hesitate to ask specifics - although your intentions are certainly "covered" on a daily basis.
All will be well.
Many continued Blessings!
To: LL
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: prayer needed
Peace, dear L!
What you do not know is that we offer a decade of the Rosary every day specifically for people in his situation.
We also offer the intentions of, as well as many special benefits for, those who have solicited our assistance every day.
Therefore, you are seeing part of that now. Once "in your hands", love him back to full health.
If you have forgotten how love works on a soul, reread our document which explains it.
Do not hesitate to ask specifics - although your intentions are certainly "covered" on a daily basis.
All will be well.
Many continued Blessings!
From (Mr.) LP @ US - Published on October 30th, 2008
For your information and reference.
The signers of this letter "Spiritual Leaders Vote for Obama" (1) are righteous, and want us to know it, and I quote:
"As spiritual leaders signing this letter we are stepping forward to say: “We can make a
difference.” As our spiritual practice empties, opens and strengthens us, we are
naturally moved to engage in the world with compassion, equanimity, and the dedication to live our
Here is the list of these leaders. No surprise here: The New Age is aligned with, and
attuned to, the "Lightworker":
Deepak Chopra Jack Kornfield Roshi Joan Halifax Barbara Marx Hubbard Rabbi Michael Lerner Stephan Rechtschaffen Sister Jenna Lama Drolma Palden Dean Ornish MD Reggie Ray Krishna Das Sylvia Boorstein Jean Houston | Pema Chödrön Marianne Williamson Barbara De Angelis Alex & Allyson Grey Ed & Deb Shapiro Oscar & Cindy Miro-Quesada Swami Beyondananda Peter Fenner Robert Thurman Jai Uttal H.H. Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi Lama Surya Das Jon Kabat-Zinn | Jack Canfield Julia Butterfly Hill Gay & Katie Hendricks Pir Elias Amidon Richard Moss Eli Jaxson-Bear Corinne McLaughlin Gordon Davidson Reb Zalman Shachter-Shalomi Sharon Salzberg Gangaji Joan Borysenko Judith Ansara & Robert Gass |
What a choice we Americans have in this election:
1. Vote for Obama, and live out chapter 24 of False Dawn.
2. Vote for McCain, and skip to chapter 25. (3)
2. Vote for McCain, and skip to chapter 25. (3)
So which will it be, Lenin or Mussolini?
(1) The Letter
(2) False Dawn - Chapter 24
(3) False Dawn - Chapter 25
Past Public Forum - Part II
© Copyright 2008 - 2019 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However,
you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given
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